Master went to the library in a hurry and didn't even eat breakfast.

It was said that I was going to review the relevant knowledge about the inner breath realm.


Smoke rises from the Qiushui Pavilion.

"There's been no movement all morning."

"Is something really going to happen to Bingtuozi?"

"It's because of the competition yesterday..."

The image of him throwing Bingtuozi to the ground yesterday came to Li Mo's mind.

After all, she was a woman, and it happened in public.

Is it because you are embarrassed that you don't want to see him?

"It's unlikely... right?"

Li Mo felt that Ying Bing didn't have that kind of personality.

After thinking about it, he decided to go upstairs and take a look.

Carrying the prepared dishes, he went upstairs, and there was a loud knock on the wooden door.

No movement.

Li Mo blinked and used some strength before pushing the door open.

As soon as he entered, classmate Xiao Li was stunned.

The room is comparable to a refrigerator.

I saw a big ice cube placed on the bed full of cracks, which was originally a sleeping place.

Inside the ice cube was a young girl with her knees wrapped around her, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

It's Ying Bing.

Really, Bing Tuozi.

Li Mo: "!"

No, how did you seal yourself with ice?

There isn’t that much water in the room!

It's very unscientific.

Dong dong dong——



Li Mo knocked on the ice and shouted twice but there was no answer. He didn't care whether it was reasonable or not, so he started to break the ice.


But when his fist was halfway extended, he stopped moving.

This ice with a faint blue tint is obviously not formed by the condensation of ordinary water vapor, and it is extremely strong.

Who knows if the ice cubes break, will the ice cubes crunch together?

"By the way, inner breath!"

Li Mo suddenly remembered that he was already a martial artist in the inner breath condensation realm.

He stretched out his hand towards the ice cube and breathed in a few strands of inner breath.


Under his control, the inner breath was like a precise carving knife, chipping away at the ice bit by bit.

It's not fast.


Half an hour later.

Bingtuozi was finally 'rescued'.

She closed her eyes tightly and frowned, as if she had a nightmare. Fortunately, her breathing was steady.

Li Mo grabbed her wrist again, checked her pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand.

There was a sudden cold touch on my wrist.

Her grip was tight.

Just like a person who is about to drown in the sea, he grabs a life-saving straw.


Li Mo wanted to ask her how she was, but he swallowed the words as he saw Ying Bing open her eyes.

What a pair of complicated eyes they are.



Even a little... helpless

He had never seen Bingtuozi look at anything like this.

In the past, Ying Bing was always indifferent and cold, and it seemed that everything was extremely difficult for her to take into consideration.

She always seemed confident and knew exactly what she was doing.

"Having a nightmare?"

Li Mo didn't know what she had gone through, so he could only ask.

Ying Bing took a deep breath and released his hands slightly.

The chill deep in my soul dissipated a little.

If it weren't for him, how could I have been so relaxed last night?

But it was him again who pulled himself out of the dream.

"Did you do it on purpose yesterday?"

After a long time, Ying Bing's faint tone came.

In the competition, Li Mo obviously did not show any strength beyond her.

That can only mean that he is hiding his clumsiness.

Ying Bing once had the experience of walking in brocade clothes at night and hiding his strength.

Li Mo: "!"

Sure enough, are you still worrying about what happened yesterday?

And he became ‘autistic’ because of this?

Something's wrong!

Is this still Bingtuozi? Why is it acting weird today?

"Feel sorry."

Li Mo smiled sheepishly.

Ying Bing lowered his eyes.

He admitted it.

He did hold back during the competition between the two.

Ying Bing's breathing became faster.



Classmate Xiao Li was silenced by this question.

He was just careless, there is no reason why.

If you have to find a reason...

"Because of the hammer."

Li Mo took out the Xingzi pestle from his sleeve.

"Panjie Meteor Hammer?"

Ying Bing blurted out.

Divine weapon?'s just the same appearance, just superficial, without charm.

This is just a mysterious weapon, an imitation.

Li Mo: "!"

How does Bingtuozi know?

Didn't we all agree on that day at Shenbing Peak that no fourth person should know about this matter?

Could it be...Master?

When thinking of Shang Wu, classmate Xiao Li immediately understood it.

Master must have drunk too much one day and accidentally revealed something.

Li Mo sighed and said:

"The Panjie Meteor Hammer is indeed with me. Don't tell others."

"I am also helpless, I hope you don't mind..."

Anyway, Bingtuozi is not an outsider, so just know it.

"A helpless move..."

Ying Bing was thoughtful, his eyes flickered, and the fog in his heart seemed to lift.

She seemed to understand.

That day, the movement in Shenfeng Cave was because the Panjie Meteor Hammer recognized its master.

That military leader is Li Mo.

Naturally, divine weapons cannot be easily shown to others.

"You...can activate the magic weapon?"

Ying Bing asked seriously.


"Unless it's a matter of life and death, forget it."

Li Mo helplessly spread his hands.

If he reaches the Great Perfection of Qi and Blood Realm, then at most he will be blessed with the power of a breath of world seeds. If it lasts for a little longer, he will lose his strength and get injured.

"No wonder..."

Ying Bing understood.

The system ranks based on combat power.

The combat power here does not include foreign objects.

For example, if someone owns a powerful hidden weapon but uses it once and then it is gone, then the hidden weapon cannot be included as part of his combat power.

Li Mo is the master of the magic weapon and can barely activate it.

Naturally, the magic weapon counts as part of his combat power.

The power of divine weapons...

Ying Bing recalled the scene in his previous life when Shang Wu activated the Panjie Meteor Hammer. When the hammer fell, the mountains fell, like a meteor falling from the sky.

That kind of power is no longer human.

Can she take it?

The answer must be no.

No matter how invincible she is in the same realm and fights across levels, she cannot withstand the power of the divine weapons in the Inner Breath Realm.

But... the Qi and Blood Realm activates the divine weapons?

Doesn’t this sound like a fantasy?

She didn't understand how he did it.

However, this is tantamount to jamming a loophole in the system.

As long as she can't take over the magic weapon for a day, she will be overwhelmed by Li Mo every day.

"I said it's open, so it's okay. Let's eat and eat."


In Ying Bing's life, he has encountered many greater difficulties than this.

She is not afraid of difficulties, but is afraid of the unknown.

It would be nice to find out the reason.

The magic weapon will not grow, but her realm will change with each passing day.

In the near future, the Panjie Meteor Hammer will no longer be an obstacle to her.

Maybe, it’s next time?

If you can get system rewards...

[Warm reminder: Today is the first day of punishment for the loser. ]

[Please host strictly implement the punishment. ]

For the first time, Ying Bing felt that the food was not delicious.

The strange feeling in her heart that was unfamiliar to her surged up again and lingered.

Sleeping in the same bed for a month...

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