Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 74: Gaining Points For Connections, The Audience Booed, There Is A Shady Story!

This competition has attracted everyone's attention.

Just because this is the first time that the true successor of the leader appears on the stage.

Ying Bing stood alone with his sword in hand, cold and distant, like a Tianshan snow lotus with some kind of divinity, and naturally became the place where all eyes gathered.

Many people in the audience could not take their eyes away and paid full attention to

There are different opinions on how high her talent is, but there is no dispute about her incomparable beauty.

It has even formed a certain fan base within the sect...

"Come on Bingbing!"

I don't know which disciple shouted.

One person infects two people, three people become tigers, and everyone's words make a fortune.


From the disciples of the Qingyuan Sect, the roar of mountains and tsunami came.

On the high platform.

"Come on Bingbing!"

Shang Wu waved his fists, stood up imagelessly, and waved his hands.

Elder Han He's mouth twitched slightly, "What are you doing?"

As an elder, he is in charge of a peak without any dignity at all. How is this unworthy?

"Come on Bingbing!"

Elder Su from Luoxia Peak had a particularly loud voice.

Hanhe: "......"

Ying Bing is facing off against your apprentice!

The high platform was quite lively for a while.

Needless to say, the other sects, large and small, looked at it with concentration and breathlessness. After all, many of them went up the mountain because of the shocking rays of light.

That ray of light opportunity will most likely fall on Ying Bing.

The scene was slightly chaotic for a while.


A drop of cold sweat fell from Xie Lanai's forehead, not because outsiders were supporting Ying Bing, but because of Ying Bing himself.

But she gritted her teeth and still said:

"Junior sister, I want to add a bonus."

"If I win, please give me the Sky Frost Sword."

"If I lose..."


Before Xie Lanai finished speaking, he heard a jade-like voice agreeing.

She didn't even finish listening to what she had to say as a bet.

This made Xie Lanai feel unhappy.

"In that case, junior sister, please take action."

"It's you first."

Ying Bing raised his eyes to look at her for the first time.

Xie Lanai understood that this was not humility.

What she meant was that if she took action first, she would have no chance to take action.

How arrogant.

Li Mo's scalp was numb and he took a deep breath.

Yes, so right.

That's the taste.

"Junior sister, be careful!"

Xie Lanai said no more words, and started to push the Spirit Snake Sword Technique to the extreme, scraping the unpredictable edge, hoping to use the abundant inner energy of the Jade Liquid Realm to overwhelm people with the power of the realm.

Just because she's angry doesn't mean she will look down on the other person.

If Xuan Bing can be recognized as the master, the other party's swordsmanship must be higher than hers.

But she still has a huge advantage.

A higher realm.

More rich combat experience...

She thought a lot at this moment.

She even thought about how she would seal off the retreat after Ying Bing retreated. If Ying Bing fought back, she would overwhelm the opponent step by step at her own pace.

But in fact...she was thinking too much.

The weaving sword light hovers over the body, and the sharp inner breath cuts through the air. Even if a person in the same realm is struck by the sharp edge, he will be seriously injured.

But a plain hand transmigrated the sword circle as if it were nothing.

Amidst the unpredictable sword moves, it is as easy as picking a leaf in your own back garden.

The spirit snake sword technique stopped.

Because the soft sword has been clamped by two slender white fingers.


A flick of the finger.

The blade of the sword unexpectedly rolled back and scratched its owner's lapel.

Just one point away and the chest can be cut open.

Xie Lanai froze in place, his pupils constricted and his breathing stopped.

She subconsciously looked at the girl who was just a sword away, but she saw that her ice mirror-like eyes were still as calm and calm as before.

The other party showed mercy.

Otherwise, this point will not be bad.

The whole place fell into silence.


On the high platform, they also fell into silence.

Everyone thought that Ying Bing would win.

But I didn't expect it to be so easy in this way.

Facing an opponent who was at a higher level, he didn't even draw his sword, he just used his inner breath to wrap his fingertips.

"Is that sword of hers called Tianshuang?"

The arrogance on Fen Yulin's white-robed young man's face has disappeared.

The middle-aged man in Rushan didn't answer him, but just sighed:

"Every time the Qingyuan Sect is weak, how come it always shows up with extraordinary talents..."

As for the reaction of the elders, there is no need to go into details here.

Classmate Xiao Li has a live broadcast.

"This woman is so terrifying!"


"What are you doing?"

Looking at Li Mo, who sometimes had a deep voice, sometimes took a breath of cold air, and had an outburst of acting personality, Ying Bing frowned slightly.

Li Mo: "I am trying to be a qualified person who can shock passers-by."

Ying Bing: "?"


Drink some more tea.

Just when Li Mo was about to get up to put out some water, Elder Qian Bufan's voice came:

"Next game."

"Ruyifeng Linjiang, versus..."

"Qunyu Peak Li Mo!"

The good news is that it has finally arrived for him.

Bad news, he's a little anxious now.

It was a coincidence that I met an acquaintance in the first battle.


As soon as Elder Qian Bufan finished reading these two names, the eyes of everyone in the audience looked over, often with scrutiny.

There have been many discussions about Li Mo within the sect.

Some people say that he is eager for justice and a warm-hearted gentleman.

Some people say that he is not strong enough and cannot be compared with Ying Bing, calling him the pride of the Qingyuan Sect.

Some people said that he was a pretty boy who became the face of elder Shang Wu...

Of course, this kind of statement is purely a rumor made by Heizi's jealousy. Senior disciples of Qingyuan Sect know that Elder Shang Wu himself is very poor, so how can he have money to support himself?

In short, there are different opinions.

But what is certain is that everyone wants to see how much Li Zhenchuan weighs.

In full view of the public, it was hard for Li Mo to say that he wanted to get a master's degree first.

So I could only go on stage and say softly:

"Brother Lin, let's fight quickly."



Lin Jiang, who had just stepped onto the stage, walked to the edge of the ring.

The second after Elder Qian gave the order to ‘start’.

He jumped off the ring.

"I surrender."

Lin Jiang shouted without hesitation, fearing that if he shouted a little slower, Li Mo would move his hands.

Disciples: "Ah?"

Elders: "??"

The other sects watching the ceremony: "???"

There must be something shady about this!

You two are both in the Qi and Blood realm. You just gave up without even fighting. Are you treating us, the audience, as fools?!

Lin Jiang, are you worthy of us?

rnm, refund your money!

Oh, it seems we didn’t pay.

That's okay.

But there must be a problem, a big problem!

The rules don't say you can't admit defeat, and you will definitely lose if you fall outside the ring, but this is the first time such a weird thing has happened.

All the famous sects of Ziyang Mansion were present. Qian Bufan also felt that this was a bit embarrassing, so he ran back to discuss it with other elders.

"What's the verdict?"

"Should we let them fight again?"

"Looking at Lin Jiang like that, there is no point in fighting him again."

The elders could not reach a conclusion after discussing it.

Qian Bufan suddenly thought of something and said suspiciously: "My nephew Shang Wu, could you have secretly threatened Lin Jiang and asked him to admit defeat?"

The elders looked at her, this was indeed something she could do.

"Be careful what you say!"

"Do I need to threaten a young disciple? How troublesome."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to directly threaten Elder Qian and blow the whistle?"

Shang Wu was very angry.

You can question her character, but questioning her IQ makes people very angry.

Elders: "..."

What are you trying to justify?


Elder Qian could only announce helplessly:

"Li Mo Sheng!"


There were boos from the audience.

Li Mo was silent for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Brother Lin, it's fast, but... why is it like this?"

"I'm not stupid."

Lin Jiang shook his head like a rattle.

He remembered it clearly.

During the sect trial, Brother Li knocked Wang Hu, who was suffocating, into a cripple with one punch.

The shell of the spinyback turtle was dried to was simply a humanoid beast.

If you fight Brother Li, is that not a gift?

Now that he admits defeat, he can still preserve his strength for the next battle.

If you don't admit defeat, then there is no need to consider the ranking of Jiufeng Wu.

In case Brother Li doesn't stop, just consider having a banquet and eating a few dishes...

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