Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 64 Discussing The Art Of Swordsmanship, Ying Bing: Did I Underestimate Him Before?

Bingtuozi cooked seriously for the first time.

In line with the principle of not wasting, several dishes were finally plated and served.

on the table.

A few piles of stuff on the plate give people the illusion of a demonic aura.

"So...what did you do?"

As we all know, Xiao Li’s cooking skills are outstanding.

But these dishes made by Bingtuozi are indeed a bit too high for him.

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

Ying Bing wiped his face with a handkerchief and said coldly.

"...What about this?"

Li Mo was silent for a while and then asked again.

"Chili fried pork."

After Ying Bing finished speaking, he received a surprised look from Li Mo.

Can she actually recognize it?

"Then this..."

"Nine turns of the large intestine."

She even rushed to answer.

Li Mo took a breath of cold air, did you do it on purpose or accidentally?

He could only look away and couldn't bear to look directly at him:

"Okay... Well, you can cook by yourself... Haha, awesome, these days... have you been eating like this?"

"I just did it once today."

Ying Bing said softly.

Li Mo: "?"

You won't cook in the morning or in the evening, but you chose this day to come back?

This time the stone hammer hit her, she did it on purpose.


Bingtuozi will take the initiative to cook, which is like the sun rising from the west.

“You can’t just look at the appearance of things.”

"Maybe it's just that the sales look is a bit different, but it's actually unexpected."

Ying Bing's serious lips parted slightly.

Let’s not sublimate at this time!

Li Mo finally understood why Bingtuozi made this table of dishes.

She looks pure, but she still has arrogance in her bones. Although she never said anything, it can be seen from her usual gestures.

Bingtuozi is not a character who is willing to be second to others. He wants to be perfect in everything.

Including cooking.

But it can be said that when God opens a door for you, he will definitely weld a window shut with cement.

She is incomparably beautiful, and when she makes a move, she is so shocking that she makes people cry...

"If you don't eat it, it will get cold."

Ying Bing spoke softly, blocking the excuse that Xiao Li had just made.

The lethality of this sentence is no less than 'Dalang, drink medicine'.


"Then today I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Li Mo nodded heavily and stretched out his chopsticks with a heroic mood.

The hands holding the vegetables trembled slightly.

But maybe Ying Bing thought he was slow, so he grabbed a piece of nine-turn large intestine for him before he could grab the tomatoes and scrambled eggs.

As soon as he ate it, a wonderful taste erupted in his mouth, as wonderful as his previous life.

It's sour, bitter and twisted, making people feel numb.

That smell is the shadow of life that can wake you up from nightmares in the middle of the night.

"You...why are you crying?"


"You remember the smell of grandma?"

"No, I saw her."

Seeing a tear falling from the corner of Li Mo's eyes, Ying Bing frowned.

She knows how to cook herself, actually for two reasons.

First, she didn't believe that she could do something bad.

Secondly, if you ask Li Mo for help, you owe someone a favor and you have to express it.

So these days, she studied it carefully.

Take the fried pork with chili as an example. The recipe says that the fried pork with chili should be spicy enough, and it is best to let the aroma explode in your mouth.

So she went to Alchemy Peak and asked Elder Xue for a few bottles of black evil wood oil. This material is usually used when the temperature for making alchemy is not high enough and explosive firepower is needed to burn impurities.

Elder Xue said it was fine after eating it, so she took it back and used it with confidence.

Then she couldn't understand the recipe that said to add a tablespoon.

After all, it doesn't say how big the spoon is.

So she added ten seconds to it.

Isn’t it delicious?

Ying Bing sandwiched a piece of chili fried pork.


Half an hour later.

A new meal was served.

Seeing Bingtuozi's already rosy lips becoming even more rosy, Li Mo sighed:

"Actually, I'm not helping you much. You don't have to go through all the trouble of cooking."


"Eat quickly."

Li Mo rinsed his mouth and took two more bites of the green vegetables he fried before feeling alive.

Ying Bing's eyes moved slightly and he asked again:

" is she now?"

"I left some healing supplements for Chulong, and the residential house she lives in has been purchased. You don't have to worry about daily life. I told the Murong family to send her things regularly."


A strange color flashed across Ying Bing's jade face.

She knew Jiang Chulong's character. She was a girl with a closed heart and couldn't even speak clearly.

Jiang Chulong was actually willing to tell Li Mo his name, and it seemed that he got along well with him.

Watching Li Mo gulp down his meal, Ying Bing's eyes calmed down again.

If it were him.

It's not that surprising.


"Easy to do."

Li Mo coughed lightly and said solemnly: "We are all so familiar with each other. There is no need to take such a small matter so seriously and grandly."

After learning about Bingtuozi’s journey of cooking, classmate Xiao Li said...

It's good to be serious, but sometimes it's not necessary.

Considering Bingtuozi's character.

Li Mo said again:

"If you really want to thank me, just do me a favor."

"How to help?"

"For example... let's discuss the art of swordsmanship with me?"

There was no one else around Li Mo to ask.

After thinking about it, there is only Bingtuozi.

Have no idea.

He really didn't know how to explain Jiang Chulong's doubts.

I don’t know what’s going on in that girl’s little head.

"Discuss the art of swordsmanship with me?"

Ying Bing raised his eyes, his eyebrows slightly raised.

Teaching and discussion are two different things.

In nine heavens and ten places, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to discuss the art of swordsmanship with her.

She once commanded a kendo, and this meant that her understanding of the kendo had touched the origin of the kendo and stood at the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

At least based on Li Mo's previous swordsmanship talent, he was not qualified to discuss it with her.

To delve deeper into it would be more harmful than helpful to him.

"Let me hear your question first."

"I made a list."

Li Mo grinned and took out a piece of paper from his arms.

He was afraid that he would forget, so he wrote down all the questions.

Ying Bing glanced at it.

His pale eyes suddenly settled and slowly narrowed.

these questions.....

It actually vaguely points to the fundamentals of swordsmanship?

Of course she can answer.

But Li Mo could actually ask such a question?

Asking questions also requires skill. The doubts that arise in the minds of geniuses and mediocre people are completely different.


It's like someone having his head smashed by an apple and asking why he is so unlucky today.

The genius asked why the apple fell down instead of flying up into the sky...

Ying Bing stared at Li Mo, his icy mirror-like eyes reflected the young man, as if he wanted to see something wrong on Li Mo's face.

His previous talent could only be regarded as strange, far from being considered a genius.

It's strange because Li Mo is sometimes dull and sometimes enlightened. It can only be said that his "easy enlightenment" is different from ordinary people. It's not that his swordsmanship talent itself is different from ordinary people.

Did I underestimate him before?

Ying Bing is a little unsure of the specific reasons:

"Only this?"

Li Mo subconsciously pressed his cheek and nodded:

"Well, that's all for now."

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