Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 55 Jiang Chulong, The Little Princess Of Yu Dynasty, Golden Destiny!

Murong Hai's pupils shrank slightly and he was a little confused.

He never thought that the true disciples of Qingyuan Sect could not compare with the strength of an injured Jiangyang thief.

If Xiao'er hadn't been plotted and hadn't suffered the loss of Jianghu experience, he would still have won.

The martial arts system of the disciples of the large sect is much better than those from the Jianghu Sans and small sects.

Li Mo is armed with mysterious weapons and must be stronger than Xiaoer.

But... isn't this too easy?

There were few signs of battle at the scene.

Even Xue Peng's blood knife, which made him famous, was destroyed into pieces.

"Mr. Murong, you came at the right time."

Li Mo threw Tie Yanzi away and said:

"I'd like to ask you to please hand over Cui Peng's body to the government."

Once the government proves that he is dead, he will be notified to the Foreign Affairs Palace, which will save him trouble.

The thought of carrying a dead body around makes me sick.

"Brother Li, you are so fierce."

Murong Xiao secretly compared them with admiration on his face.

The inner breath is divided into three levels: Qi Condensation, Jade Liquid, and Xuandan. Each First Layer is a different world.

He had competed with senior brothers in the Qi Condensation Realm, and even though he was physically strong, he was still at a disadvantage.

Even if Cui Peng was injured, he was not confident in defeating the opponent.

"What is this? Is it a hidden weapon?"

Murong Xiao picked up the iron swallow.

Before he could take a closer look, Murong Hai slapped him away:

"Silly grandson, don't take anything in your hands."

"This hidden weapon doesn't look like it's been quenched with poison..."

"This is not a hidden weapon, but Tang Qianyan."

Murong Hai shook his head.

He frowned and told the origin of the object.

What he said was almost the same as what Shang Wu said.

"I don't want to participate in any Infinite Trial."

Hearing this, Murong Xiao shrank his neck and stopped looking at the iron swallow.

"What a troubled time."

Murong Hai sighed, looked at Li Mo again, and his expression became warm:

"Those who can win the title of Xiaoyu Loufa are all extremely vicious and difficult people."

"Li Xiaoyou can kill him so easily, he is considered a genius."

Speaking of this, he felt a little emotional:

"I wonder how talented and beautiful Miss Ying Bing is, who is as famous as Li Xiaoyou."

"I have benefited a lot from her to be where I am today."

When Li Mo said this, he really missed Bing Tuozi.

Two days.

Without Bingtuozi’s feedback, Xiao Li always felt that something was missing.

Not long after, people from the government came and started cleaning the scene.

Everyone looked at him with a mixture of awe and shock.

What are they doing at sixteen?

They have already killed the Inner Breathing Realm madman.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully investing in ‘Meng Can’ and saving his life. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao’s reflections on one year. ]

Thinking of this, he looked not far away.

The little beggar named Meng Can stood there awkwardly, staring at the rice bag that fell on the ground, but he did not dare to pick it up.

Li Mo smiled, bent down to pick up the rice bag, and patted the dust on it.

"Take it."

"Li Dashan, I didn't know he was a fugitive..."

Meng Can was trembling and didn't dare to reach out to take it.

However, the rice bag was placed in his arms by the young man.

"I originally wanted to find Cui Peng. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to find him so quickly. You didn't do anything wrong."

"And don't call me Li Dashan, it sounds weird."

Meng Can was stunned.

Seeing the young man's sunny smile, he felt like a spring breeze. He suddenly felt his eyes sore, and quickly wiped them with his little hands, and his dirty face became even more embarrassed.

"Brother Li, you are a good person just like Sister Stuttering."

"Who is the stuttering sister you are talking about? Can you take me to meet her?"

Li Mo asked in a gentle voice.

Meng Can's little face suddenly became tangled, and after struggling for a moment, he whispered:

"Sister Stammer said she wouldn't let us talk about her to outsiders, and wouldn't let us bring anyone over casually."


Li Mo was thoughtful.

This cautious demeanor seems to be avoiding something?

Even if this 'stammering sister' is not the person Bingtuozi is looking for, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

It might be a suitable investment object.

"But now she is sick, very sick."

"Brother Li, can you save her?"

Meng Can was like a drowning man grasping at straws.

Investment genius Li Mo said with a smile:

"What a coincidence, I have very good medical skills and I can guarantee that the medicine will cure the disease."

His elixirs are the worst ones with six lines.

For external injuries, there is Baihua Gel Ointment, for internal injuries, there is Wuyun Purple Spirit Pill, for detoxification, there is Quhui Pill... Even if it is unspeakable, there is Tiger Bone Yang Yang Wine.

Can cure any disease = good medical skills.

Nothing wrong.


Mud Corner Alley.

The yard has been in disrepair for a long time, and the walls have collapsed in several places. There is a sense of dilapidation that is about to return to nature.

"Why isn't Brother Can coming back yet?"

"Is something going to happen to him?"

"I heard from Grandpa Hua Lian that there were kind people giving porridge and rice on the street today. I'm so hungry, woo woo..."

"Aba Aba."

A few little cubs with dirty faces and tattered bodies looked out.

Just like the yard without any good objects, these little Doudings are not normal children. Some are lame, some are missing an arm, and some have lost their tongues and cannot speak.

"Isn't Xiaocan back yet?"

A little beggar with healthy limbs and a little older came in and put down the rags and wild vegetables he had just picked up.

The little cubs shook their heads one after another, their eyes at a loss.

"How is Sister Stuttering's condition?"

he asked again.

"She still has a fever. I just changed her wet cloth."

"It hurt for a while, and I'm going to sleep now."

"Should we ask a doctor to come and take a look at my stuttering sister? She seems to be working very hard..."

"Let's see how much money the doctor has at least. We have no money..."

"Aba Aba."

Listen to their chatter.

The older beggar raised his hand and carefully took out a small piece of yellowed salt from his arms.

"You go ahead and cook."

With that said, he entered the room.

The little beans suddenly became alive as if they had found a treasure, as if they were celebrating the New Year. Some went to get firewood, others got half-missed earthen pots, and started making fires in various ways.


It is said to be a room, but in fact there is no door. When you look up, you can see the overcast sky.

Lying on the weeds was a female beggar of fifteen or sixteen years old. Her tattered clothes could barely be seen to be originally light blue, her face was covered with mud, and her eyes were covered with cloth strips.

Her ears twitched slightly when she heard footsteps.

"Sister Stuttering, it's me. Are you feeling better?"

"'s okay...don't...worry about me."

"Just rest for a while..."

Her hoarse voice was intermittent. She was sick again now, and it seemed that she had exhausted all her strength to say a simple sentence.

"Then I won't disturb you anymore. I'll call you later during dinner."

The little beggar sighed, turned around and went out.

But before he could go out, he heard a voice coming from behind:

"Can't...can't go...steal..."


Jiang Chulong's breathing became calmer and he curled up.

Her whole body was feeling hot, but she felt coldness coming from all directions.

Her chest once held the source of her confidence, allowing her to hear the sound of thousands of swords ringing in unison.

Now it has turned into an invisible abyss, swallowing her up bit by bit with infinite emptiness.

"Am I...going to die?"

Jiang Chulong thought numbly.

She was a little sad, but her hunger and weakness prevented her from even having the strength to love and hate.

When a person dies, can he see someone he will never see again?


Suddenly there was a noise at the door.

"Brother Can, you are back!"

"Wow, it's rice!"

"Who is this big brother? Why did you bring outsiders back?"

"He is a good man who distributes food to us. He can save my stuttering sister..."

Meng Can was explaining anxiously.

Li Mo looked past the group of little beggars and saw the blindfolded little beggar lying in the dilapidated house.

The moment the divine eye of destiny glanced at the other party.

His breath caught for a moment.

[Name: Jiang Chulong]


[Root Bone: Heavenly Venerable Emperor Sword Bone (missing), Wild Grass Sword Bone is being born. ]

[Realm: None. ]

[Destiny: Gold]

[Evaluation: The youngest daughter of the Emperor Dayu was born with a sword. At the age of fourteen, her brother, the prince of the dynasty, took away the sword bone. However, the sword bone was born because of her, but she was not born because of the sword bone. If she could brush away her dusty heart, she would be able to make up for it. My body may be one step closer to the origin of swordsmanship. ]

[Recent encounter: He was assigned to marry by Emperor Jingtai of Dayu. He escaped with the help of his mother's old friend on the way. He is being hunted. His sword bone was taken away. His vitality was lost and his foundation was damaged, which will have an irreversible impact on the future. ]

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