Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 42 Choosing Soldiers In Shenfeng Cave And Fighting Chixiao Sword Again

Outside the carriage window is the beautiful scenery of the Cheongyeon Mountains retreating.

"I can be considered a swordsman."

“From Great Accomplishment to Transformation.”

"Eighty years..."

Classmate Xiao Li was halfway overjoyed to see Lie Xinxi, and started to worry about whether the expense was too high.

All in all, he spent more than a hundred years learning about swordsmanship.

If Bingtuozi hadn't taught me step by step, I would have spent even more.

It feels like I spent two months’ salary to buy a high-end computer in my previous life, only to leave it sitting there gathering dust and having no time to play.

Well, not really.

The Realm Transformation Sword Technique is definitely much more powerful than what he hits with his fists.

"Martial Dao realized that it should be enough for the time being."

"There are still one hundred and ten years left, and I am not afraid of being blinded by the new martial arts."

Li Mo thought about it for a while and then stopped thinking too much.

"When you enter the Divine Weapon Cave, you can take a look at the Chixiao."

Ying Bing took a sip of tea.


Li Mo followed the good and followed the flow.

In fact, he was indeed planning to try the Scarlet Sky Sword.

It's not that he holds a grudge, he was beaten with a sword, and the drama happened in thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

Chixiao's nature is fire, and when paired with the fire-centered lotus method, the power is doubled, which is indeed very suitable for him.

This increase may not be obvious in the Qi and Blood realm, but after the Inner Breath realm, it will definitely be visible to the naked eye.

at this time.

The sound of hammering iron can already be heard outside the window.

When I got off the carriage, I saw a crowd of people in front of Shenfeng Cave.

As soon as Ying Bing came down, even the voices of discussion in the field were much quieter, and all kinds of awe-inspiring looks were cast towards him.

Bingtuozi's sense of oppression.

She is now not only the true successor of the sect leader, but also the future of the sect.

Not only among her peers, she is also uniquely dazzling in the history of Qingyuan Sect.

"Brother Li!"

"Junior Brother Li!"

In the crowd, two people said hello at the same time, and then looked at each other in astonishment.

Murong Xiao and Xiao Qin looked at each other and nodded slightly.

They also achieved good results in the sect trials, so they could be considered acquainted.

"Brother Li, you actually took first place, you are worthy of it."

Murong Xiao opened his mouth to praise.

"When I found out, I was shocked."

Xiao Qin's aura was much stronger than before.

After passing the trial, he has now returned to the inner sect.

What surprised him was that Junior Brother Li's current aura was even stronger than his.

He can be regarded as a re-cultivation of San Gong, and he has a teacher to help him.

Junior Brother Li's entry into the country is truly astonishing.

"Junior Brother Li, what kind of weapons are you going to pick up today?"

"My swordsmanship has made some achievements recently."

"Well, it won't be a problem for Junior Brother Li to pick up a famous weapon."

"This is because Brother Xiao doesn't know Brother Li well enough..."

Chat for a moment.

What the two people talked about was mostly about recent events.

Murong Xiao's body refining has just finished, fulfilling Elder Hanhe's expectations, and he can begin to learn the casting techniques inherited from Shenbing Peak.

And Xiao Qin not only returned to the inner sect, but was even valued by an elder, and may be accepted as a true successor in the future.

Everyone has a bright future.

Seeing that the people he invested in are now prospering, Xiao Li can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Dang Dang Dang——

Suddenly, a gong sounded at the door of Shenfeng Cave.

The inner door deacon guarding the entrance of the cave came out:

"The hour has come!"

Every year, Shenfeng Cave will calm down briefly, and then erupt more violently.

Disciples who are not yet at a high level will usually choose to enter the cave to select soldiers at this time.

The disciples all subconsciously moved out of the way.

Ying Bing walked into Shenfeng Cave with lowered eyes.

However, she stopped moving when she reached the middle of the first floor and gently raised her plain palm.

Just when everyone was confused.


The sound of the sword sounded, and more than a dozen white horses flew in from the sky, hovering in front of Ying Bing, letting her choose.

All are famous long swords.


How great is it?

Li Mo looked at it, feeling as if he had entered a cat cafe with a cat-sucking physique.

There was not much surprise.

He was calm, but the others were not, and for a while there were shouts of exclamation.

"Famous utensils, all famous utensils!"

"I'll go and get the approval of the famous weapon, but I'll fly out from the third floor and let you pick and choose?"

"Didn't they say that the famous artifacts have spiritual powers, but they are all very cold? Most people don't even look at them. Why are they all so crowded today?"


"Wait, look, what is that?"

When discussions arose.

Two more shots, one blue and one white, came, and other famous weapons and long swords along the way came to the side one after another.

One is hot and empty, the other is as cold as ice.

For Li Mo, everyone is familiar with swordsmanship.

Chixiao, Tianshuang.

Everyone felt like their breathing had stopped.

Normally they would never dream of doing something like this.

Even the disciples of Shenbing Peak couldn't help but suffer from toothache. Many of them had been practicing for many years, but they had only heard about and never seen the two Profound Weapon swords made by the founder of Shenbing Peak.

How did you recognize it?

Among the existing Profound Weapons in Shenbing Peak, only two are swords!

"Tian Shuang."

Ying Bing reached out and held the long sword like a white dragon.

It's still that familiar feeling.

The Tianshuang Sword trembled slightly, looking extremely happy.

Then, Ying Bing stopped looking at the other swords and walked out with his sword in hand.

When passing by Li Mo, he nodded slightly, giving him a little encouragement.

Li Mo: "...This is over too quickly."

When he looked again, the Red Sky Sword was gone.

Yes, it seems that we have to take the ordinary path and accept the test of the Red Sky Sword.

"Brother Li, I believe you can definitely get the Profound Weapon."

Murong Xiao patted his shoulder.


Xiao Qin also nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go."

Li Mo smiled and took steps forward.


At the bottom of Shenfeng Cave, there was still a hammer calling him, and that feeling of calling is still there today.

If you can only hold one weapon, which one should you use, a hammer or a sword?

For this question, Li Mo only hesitated for three and one-third seconds before choosing the hammer.

Just kidding, that's the father of all Profound Weapons.


If he wants to take it and can take it, Elder Hanhe may not agree.

That hammer is the lifeblood of Shenbing Peak...

"Let's go take a look first and then talk."

When Li Mo was thinking.

The three of them have already descended to the third floor of Shenfeng Cave together.

"Master said that to judge the quality of a weapon, you need to look at its material, forging technique, and fire control..."

Murong Xiao identified them one by one based on Shelley's blacksmith knowledge.

Xiao Qin's eyes also passed over the famous utensils.

At this time, the voice of Thousand Shapes Martial Venerable sounded in his heart again:

"That girl named Ying Bing is indeed as good as I said. She has great luck."

"Did the teacher mean that she was recognized by Profound Weapon?"

Xiao Qin asked casually.

"Being able to serve as her weapon is a blessing for the Profound Weapon."

Martial Venerable was amused by his disciple's vision, and he sighed:

"What the teacher said is the inheritance she received."

"Inheritance? Are you talking about Xiaguang a few days ago?"

Xiao Qin was also quite curious when he mentioned this matter.

In the past few days, the sun was shining brightly, and there were many different opinions in the door.

There is a saying that Ying Bing, the true successor of the leader, has received some extremely powerful inheritance.

Now it seems that it should be correct.

What the teacher said has never been wrong so far.

"Well, I once saw it in an ancient book of the bird race."

The old voice did not deny it.

"Isn't that inheritance very powerful?"

"It's more than awesome."

Thousand Shapes Martial Venerable's tone brought a bit of reminiscence:

"The nine-color Yuanhuang has nine souls, and each soul has infinite mysteries. If you get one of them, you can control the nine heavens and ten earths."

"If we collect them all, plus the little girl's ten unique bodies, we will have a chance to conquer the legendary realm..."

"Legendary Realm?"

Xiao Qin was confused and shook his head again:

"I still think Junior Brother Li is not bad, and his future achievements will definitely not be weaker than Junior Sister Ying Bing."

"You about making a bet with me?"

Martial Venerable laughed dumbly.

His disciple is good at everything, but he has a dead brain.

Practicing martial arts requires perseverance, but it is not good to be too stubborn. It is easy to sit back and watch the sky, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, teacher, how do you want to bet?"

"In the sect competition, if your Junior Brother Li can take ten moves from that little girl, I will be considered a loser. I will give you a big gift then. If I win... we will talk about it then."

Chikata Martial Venerable spoke with interest, without any intention of losing.

Xiao Qin naturally agreed.

Then under the guidance of the teacher, I started to choose weapons.


Classmate Xiao Li still knows nothing about this.

If he knew, he would definitely have to ask: "Old Xiao, where do you have confidence in me?"

He has now reached the fourth level.

He looked at Chixiao Sword seriously and saluted.


The Chixiao Sword vibrated slightly just like last time.

Of course, the vibration frequency is much lower than that of flying to Ying Bing's side.

It seems that Li Mo is not that fragrant.


"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi!"

Li Mo murmured to himself, a small flame called the desire to win ignited in his eyes.

We must take it down hard today!

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