Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 38 Bingtuozi, Li Mo: I Really Don't Envy You At All


Qingyuan Sect has undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence in Ziyang Mansion, and the rays of light have almost taken away the brilliance of the bright moon in the sky.

Ziyang Fucheng.

In an antique room.

The old man was dressed in rich clothes, and his feet were placed in the arms of two little maids to keep warm, when he suddenly saw the window screen change color.

He stood up slowly and asked:

"Why is the glow so bright outside?"

"Back to the master of the palace, it's the direction of Qingyuan Sect."


The old man pondered for a moment, his expression changing somewhat.

"I am writing a letter and please ask Elder Yinhua of Zhenshou Peak to come to my house to explain it."


The housekeeper agreed, but hesitated to speak.

"Hmm? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Princess missing."

After the housekeeper finished speaking, he was already sweating profusely and did not dare to look at the expression of his master, the Master of Ziyang Palace.

After a while, a faint voice came:

"I'll dig three feet into the ground to find her."



Biluo Lake.

A large ship that looks like a mountain lies across the river. It is actually not much smaller than the surrounding islands.

The black flag rustled in the wind, and the iron painting with silver hooks read:

[Red Whale]

The Red Whale Gang, one of the three sects in Ziyang Mansion, is apparently the weakest among the three sects.

However, it has many members from three religions and nine schools, a mixture of fish and dragons, and it is said to have hundreds of thousands of members. Behind the scenes, there are countless Jianghu forces, all of which are disconnected from it.

A burly man with beards was standing on the bow of the ship, looking into the distance with his hands behind his back.

"Did the Qingyuan Sect produce a rare treasure, or did some kind of inheritance begin?"

"The boss, in my opinion, is the latter."

Behind him, the white-faced and beardless young man spoke.

Do not know why.

As the leader of the Red Whale gang and a strong man in the Exterior Realm, the bearded man did not refute the suspicious young man's words.

"Qingyuan Sect has a long history, and it can still be passed down to this world."

"Then this kind of inheritance must be extraordinary."

"The only people who are qualified to accept the inheritance are the proud ones of heaven. I'm afraid they have the status of being ranked among the hidden dragons?"

The bearded man said in a deep voice.

He has always wanted the Red Whale Gang to advance to a higher level in his hands and replace the leader of the Qingyuan Sect.

This is very possible.

Shangguan Wencang is old after all.

"As long as I'm here, it doesn't matter if one or two monsters appear in this small Ziyang Mansion. Can they be better than me?"

The young man in red robe licked the corner of his mouth.

"Senior is right." The worry in the Red Whale Gang leader's eyes disappeared.


Northern Hades Realm.

On an extremely towering mountain peak, there is a tower that is hundreds of stories high, as if you can reach out and touch the sky.

Yantian Sect.

The world-famous Hidden Dragon List and the Three Lists of Heaven, Earth, and People all came out of this.

On the observatory at the top of the tower.

The old man with long hair has been looking up at the sky for an unknown amount of time.

Suddenly, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and an old voice murmured to herself:

"The nine heavens are originally in different positions and the lunar stars are in full swing, but why is it in chaos again?"

She took out a jade plate from her arms, with countless jade pieces the size of fingernails sliding slowly on it.

As she urged, the jade block moved faster and faster.

Suddenly, it suddenly got stuck, and the entire jade plate fell into darkness.

Along with it, the expression of the old woman dimmed.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Master, what's wrong with you?"


"Are you talking about the chaos recorded by the Patriarch?"

The old woman let out a long sigh, and her pale old face looked a little older.

The bright girl pursed her lips, feeling confused.

The Yantian Sect can know the destiny of heaven, watch the rise and fall of the ages, and even contribute to it.

These include the founding of Dayu and the ascension of the Martial Emperor to the throne.

The chaotic appearance represents one thing.

Yantian Sect will no longer be able to see Tianji.

"Master, the prince wants to see you."

Another disciple came forward to preach.

"Tell him that I won't help her find Princess Chulong, and I can't find her either."


Qingyuan Sect.

After such a major event happened, the sect trial was naturally terminated early.

Mainly, in the entire Qingyuan Mountains, wherever the sun shines, all the strange beasts, strong or weak, are scurrying to escape, or even lying on the ground shivering.

There is no point in continuing the sect's trials.

At Wangyue Cliff, the thin old man walked to the edge of the cliff.

Shangguan Wencang was still wearing the dusty linen clothes. He looked more like an old farmer next door than a leader of the clan.



The elders recovered from the shock.

"How long have Ying Bing and Li Mo been in Qingyuan?"

Shangguan Wen Cangmu asked softly.

"About two hours."

Xue Jing's brows showed no worry at this time:

"Sect Master, the two of them should have entered a secret place in the Qingyuan Sect, and... they should have already pocketed the inheritance."

"I...I think so too."

Han He's expression is very exciting.

It cannot be said that old man Hanhe is not good at cultivating qi. The expressions of other elders are not very calm either.

Since the founding of the Qingyuan Sect, no one has had the opportunity to see his true appearance.

The rays of light shine brightly on the heaven and earth.

This is probably an inheritance that even they can hardly imagine!

The only doubt is who gets the chance...

Ying Bing?


"Hahaha, my dear apprentice really makes me look good."

Shang Wu put his hands on his hips, his almond-shaped eyes reflecting the crystal glow:

"The apprentice has inherited the inheritance, and he will definitely be the sect leader in the future."

"He has become the sect master, and I will be the Supreme Elder."

"I can spend the sect's money however I want."


Shang Wu wiped the corners of his mouth, very happy.

Elders: "..."

Miss, I still don’t know who the inheritance will fall on.

Moreover, our leader is still alive, so you are thinking about how to cause trouble in the future?

If Shang Wu were to become the Supreme Elder...

Everyone gasped in unison.

Qian Bufan said righteously: "If the sect wants to use the resources within the sect, it also needs the vote of the elders of each peak."

"I think that little girl Ying Bing is more likely to inherit the inheritance." Elder Hanhe said.

The elder of Luoxia Peak also nodded: "That cry just now must be from a female."

Shang Wu: "?"

Can you tell the difference between male and female by listening to the sound?

Xue Jing couldn't laugh or cry: "It's possible that this inheritance was shared by two people."

The glow finally overflowed the entire Qingyuan.

Boys and girls set foot on Wangyue Cliff again.

Li Mo smiled heartily and satisfied.

Ying Bing's eyebrows twinkled faintly, adding a touch of Spirit Partitioning to her beautiful face.


Li Mo's smile was so bright.

For a moment, everyone couldn't tell who had the opportunity.

"Where's the inheritance?"

Shang Wu quickly came to Li Mo and looked him up and down, and even twitched her nose to smell him.

"Not with me."

Li Mo spread his hands.

"Then you have a good laugh."


Not here with Li Mo?

Everyone turned their attention to Ying Bing.

"This disciple has indeed received a inheritance, which is very ancient."

Ying Bing nodded.

She knows the origin of the Nine Color Yuanhuang.

But in everyone's eyes, it should be the first time for her to accept the inheritance, and she shouldn't be obsessed with its origins.

Of course, this did not affect the shock of the elders.

Because of two words: ancient.

It is not advisable to worship the past and disparage the present. For example, martial arts may be introduced by newcomers.

But the inheritance is definitely more precious the older it is.

If there was no origin, it would have been lost in time, how could it be spread to this day?

"Our Qingyuan Sect is probably going to have a monster who can be on the Hidden Dragon List."

"Qingyuan has a long history, but countless people have searched and found nothing. We never thought that we would see this heritage come to light again in our lifetime."

"With great talent and great luck, Ying Bing's future achievements are unimaginable!"


Everyone could not conceal their emotion and excitement.

The elders looked at her like a treasure.

Ying Bing himself pursed his lips and looked at the young man not far away.

But I saw him smiling even happier.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully investing in Ying Bing and giving her a major inheritance in her life. ]

[Do you want to receive the reward? ]

Bingtuozi is surrounded by stars, and classmate Xiao Li is not envious at all.

Because just now, he received investment feedback from the system.

If it weren't for the inconvenience now, he wouldn't be able to help himself and get it right away.

"Go back and get it...go back and get it..."

Li Mo rubbed his hands, eager to return to Qiushui Pavilion as soon as possible.

At this time, Shangguan Wencang finally spoke slowly:

"Okay, Ying Bing, you can take advantage of your opportunity. No need to say anything if anyone asks."

"From now on, Wangyue Cliff will be banned."

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