Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 36: Transcendence Of Yin Objects, The Heritage Site Of Nine-Color Yuanhuang

I do not know how long it has been.

The strong feeling of weightlessness finally disappeared, but there was still no real feeling under their feet, and they did not land on the ground.

Li Mo finally regained consciousness.

He suddenly discovered that behind him was a cloud glowing with seven colors of brilliance. It was precisely because of this strange cloud that they were not harmed at all.

And these rays of light flow out from the gaps in the stone door not far away.

"Thank you, you can let go."

A cold voice sounded in his ears.


Li Mo didn't come back to his senses for a while.

That beautiful and flawless face was so close to him that you could even feel his warm breath.

Because the hug was so tight, I could still feel Bingtuozi's heartbeat through his clothes.

As everyone knows.

When people fall into the water or fall from a height, they will subconsciously hold on to anything they can.

Classmate Xiao Li was a little embarrassed for a while.

He seemed to be worried unfounded and did unnecessary things.

Li Mo coughed lightly, let go of her and stood up, pretending to look around:

"Where is this? I've never heard of a place like this under Qingyuan."

"You asked me to come to Wangyue Cliff because you wanted to bring me here?"


Ying Bing nodded without explaining too much.

"How do you know this place?"

Li Mo asked casually.

When people are embarrassed, they talk more nonsense.

Ying Bing lowered his eyes and said calmly: "I came here in a dream."

If you regard what happened in your previous life as a dream, that would be correct.

After she was reborn, many things changed.

But fortunately, the call for her here has never disappeared.

Even if others had a hundred lives and jumped down from Wangyue Cliff, they would not be able to reach this inheritance in Qingyuan.

Even if he came, he would not be able to enter the inheritance smoothly and could only be trapped in the glow.

"Let's go."

Ying Bing subconsciously put his hands on his waist, but found nothing.

"Use mine."

The words fell.

There was an ordinary green steel sword in her hand, with some gaps the size of rice grains on it.

It seems that his coming to Wangyue Cliff is not as easy as what he said?

Ying Bing suppressed his thoughts, nodded slightly, and moved forward with his sword.

Li Mo followed her, alert to the surroundings.

Since it is inherited.

Then maybe... there is still some kind of test?

The thought just came to an end.


A biting wind blew by, sending chills deep into the soul.

"Come down...accompany me..."

"Why are you still alive!"

"Opportunity...unparalleled opportunity...take me in with you..."

Overlapping murmurs floated in the wind.


"Don't stay too far away from me."

Ying Bing's clear voice came.

"what are these?"

Li Mo looked around by the light of Xia Bridge.

I found that the dark clouds were surging, and from time to time, ferocious and painful faces flashed past.

Before, Ying Bing would have been too lazy to say anything.

But today I actually solved his doubts:

"When a Martial Artist goes to the God-Observing Realm, he can observe the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of exotic animals, and even the wonders of heaven and earth to temper his spirit. When he observes the Great Accomplishment of God, he can even leave the body and use God to control things. "

"Therefore, if a Martial Artist who is above the state of contemplation dies and has obsessions in his heart, even a ray of his spirit will not be extinguished, and it will turn into a ghost."

"Shadow things cannot be seen in the sun, that's why there are so many here."

Classmate Xiao Li understood.

I also know that many people must have had the idea of ​​exploring Qingyuan and put it into practice.

There are many strong ones among them.

Obviously, they all failed.

A trace of obsession remains here forever, guarding the inheritance of the Nine-Color Yuanhuang that he can no longer enter.

"Female things..."

The cold wind carried the Yin object and hit it from all directions, and Ying Bing beside him suddenly took action.


This was the first time Li Mo saw Ying Bing take action seriously.

The sword light surged and hundreds of sword flowers bloomed.

Each sword energy flower accurately hits a negative object and knocks it back.

Looking for the Flower Sword Technique in the Perfect Realm!


This attack, which was enough to make the inner breath realm retreat, actually did not cause any damage after hitting the negative object.

It just knocks the opponent back into the clouds, and it won't take long for them to come back again.

"Walk faster, the devil is not afraid of weapons..."

Ying Bing hasn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly, a gentle and peaceful feeling came from behind.

On Li Mo's chest, a feather shape lit up in the kit.

Fire bird feathers.

Pure yang is the righteousness, which is the nemesis of evil, evil and turbid things.

Li Mo lightly punched out.

There was actually a thin layer of Fire Bird Yang Qi attached to his fist.

"Hey hey hey..."

The negative thing on the opposite side obviously does not have complete consciousness.

They don't realize the seriousness of the matter.


It's like ice and snow meeting boiling oil.

The shadowy figure, as thick as ink, began to melt and disintegrate almost instantly.

It wants to retreat.

But it was directly penetrated by Li Mo's punch.


The yin matter dissipated.

"There is a hint of the Phoenix Clan in that kit."

"It should be left behind by some kind of bird that contains the blood of a true phoenix?"

Ying Bing's tense body relaxed a little.

In this way, there is no need to distract yourself from taking care of him.


Why did Li Mo keep standing there and not moving?

Classmate Xiao Li was in a daze.

Because just now, the system actually sent a prompt.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully investing and helping 'Xia Rong' eliminate his obsession and gain peace of mind. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao’s reflections on one year. ]

Li Mo: "!"

Killing evil objects can be considered investment feedback?

No wonder people say that rescuing the souls of the dead is considered meritorious...


Li Mo looked at the rolling shadows in the clouds and mist, with some eagerness in his eyes.

Mosquito legs are also meat.

You have to get the rewards you deserve.

Li Mo was about to continue when he noticed Bingtuozi looking over with a slight frown on his eyebrows.


"Many of these Yin objects are seniors of the Qingyuan Sect."

"Since it's a small effort, let them rest in peace."

Classmate Xiao Li said seriously.

Ying Bing pursed her lips slightly, and there was a quiet twinkle in her eyes.

In the end, he didn't make a sound to urge him, and just waited quietly.

If there is something negative coming towards her, she will easily drive it towards Li Mo.

So cool.

Li Mo was delighted.

Matching for men and women, work is not tiring.

However, within two sticks of incense, the vaginal objects were basically cleaned away, and even the air seemed less cold.

In exchange, there is a series of investment feedback.

Roughly calculated, Martial Dao's enlightenment lasted for eighty-six years. Adding in the original time, it almost came to two hundred years.

There are also some sundries.

There are remnants of soldiers, elixirs with different effects, gold and silver property, and even a few land deeds. I wonder if they are still valid now.

"Thank you."

Li Mo smiled from the bottom of his heart and held his hand towards Ying Bing.


Ying Bing sheathed her sword, and felt something strange in her heart.

Sometimes she couldn't understand why Li Mo would do such a useless thing and a waste of time.

But the feeling after doing it.

Doesn't seem annoying?

Shaking her head, she took a few steps forward and finally stood in front of the moss-covered stone door of the inheritance.

Press the stone door with bare hands.


A strange vibration came.

Dust fell, and the stone door slowly opened.

The peach-colored cocoa brilliance reveals itself and fills the surrounding space.

The light suddenly brightened, and Li Mo subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, looking into the door through his fingers.

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