Wangyue Cliff.

Along the way, Li Mo actually didn't spend much time looking for strange beasts to kill.

No matter how generous the sect's reward is, it will definitely not be as good as Bingtuozi's inheritance.

Listen, Nine Color Yuanhuang.

Such a high-end opportunity, if it weren't for holding Bingtuozi's jade legs, I might not have a chance with him in this life.

"It smells so good."

While thinking about it, Li Mo had already climbed onto Wangyue Cliff.

Looking down from here, it is a cliff with thousands of feet. The clouds and mist below are so thick that you can't see the bottom at all.

Not even a bird could be seen.


Here is the origin of the entire Qingyuan Sect.

If you look further into the distance, you will find that the entire Qingyuan appears very abruptly.

There is no beginning or end, and it doesn’t look like the natural formation of the landform at all.

"Where is the inheritance?"

Li Mo glanced around and found no so-called inheritance place.


This Wangyue Cliff is not an inaccessible place. I heard that young lovers often come here for trysts at Zhenshou Peak, and there are many anecdotes about this place inside the gate.

If it was so easy to find, I'm afraid it would have been made public long ago.

How was Bingtuozi discovered?

Could it be that he was in the Shenfeng Cave and had the same connection with the hammer?

The opportunity here is also calling her?

"By the way, you won't want to jump from Wangyue Cliff to Qingyuan."

"How deep does this go..."

Li Mo walked to the peak and looked at it.

Suddenly, his eyes were in a trance.

In the dark, there seemed to be a shocking sword slashing down.

The sword's intention is like a divine punishment falling from the nine heavens, it can cut through any obstacle in the world until the target is completely killed.

this moment.

Li Mo felt that his body, which had been polished by extreme soldiers, was extremely fragile, no different from the naked eye.


"Qingyuan...was cut out by someone with a sword?"

This appalling thought arose in Li Mo's mind.

The sword struck out so many years ago still retains its sword power to this day.

The light of one sword chilled the nineteen states.

In front of this sword intention, it seems that it is no longer an adjective.

How strong is this?

"In the future, Bingtuozi may also be such a strong person, or even stronger than this, right?"

Li Mo remembered the evaluation of Ying Bing in the eyes of the God of Destiny.

In the future, he will become the most powerful person in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Compared with her now, at least in the Qi and Blood realm, I shouldn't be far behind...

Thinking of this, classmate Xiao Li sighed:

"Why am I not the material for sword training?"

"I'll try a better sword next time..."


A slightly chilly wind blew from Wangyue Cliff.

Ying Bing tied up her slightly messy long hair and looked at it from the corner of her eye.

"Lingxiao Sword Dao is indeed majestic and majestic, and its energy penetrates mountains and rivers."

"The master who is in charge of this way now should still be keeping vigil at the Sword Tomb?"

The person who wielded this sword was enough to face up to even in her prime.


That master passed on the Ling Xiao swordsmanship to a deposed princess of the Dayu Dynasty.

It's a coincidence.

She had known each other since she was young, the female swordswoman who inherited Lingxiao swordsmanship and later became the number one person under the Nine Heavens.

Because she was regarded as a dead line in her previous life, she was unable to enter the Qingyuan Sect immediately.

There was a time when we supported each other and were in the same boat.

That was Ying Bing's first time learning swordsmanship.

"Chulong should have been relegated to the Eastern Wasteland now."

"But she definitely doesn't know who I am."

Ying Bing smiled unconsciously.

At this time, she climbed onto Moon Watching Cliff.


Seeing Li Mo on the edge of the cliff, covered in animal blood.

Ying Bing was slightly startled.

As expected, Li Mo should still be in Xishilin now. After all, he may encounter the peak Ninth Grade beast later.

Even if he is in the 12th lineage of Qi and Blood Realm, he will definitely not be able to be easily solved with the Great Accomplishment's sword skills.

Considering that this section of the road was not easy for the Qi and Blood Realm, she deliberately gave Li Mo an extra hour.

But...he actually came earlier than me?

"You're finally here."

Li Mo smiled heartily, no surprise at all.

It seems that Bingtuozi is quite relaxed on the road, even his hair is not messy.

His clothes are all torn...

Well, it was also broken by himself.

"Well, you heal your wounds first and I'll wait for you."

Ying Bing nodded lightly, enlightenment rising in his heart.

Li Mo should have not entangled with any strange beasts on the road.

Instead, he ignored them, avoided fighting when encountering strange beasts, and ran directly to Wangyue Cliff.


Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I'm not injured. This is all the blood of alien animals. If you don't believe it, look at it."

"I encountered two not-so-powerful beasts blocking my way, and I was in a hurry, so I didn't care so much."

He took a few steps closer.

Ying Bing frowned slightly and actually reached out and touched his chest.

It's really the blood of strange beasts.

Could it be that he didn't encounter any trouble along the way, but when he climbed to Moon Moon Cliff, he encountered two strange beasts from the early Ninth Grade stage?

This luck is a bit too good.

But...this is also equivalent to giving up the trial.

Of course Ying Bing didn't care about the rewards from the sect's trial, but Li Mo clearly didn't know why he asked him to come, but he still chose to come at all costs...

Ying Bing looked up and saw that handsome face with a sunny smile.

She didn't see a trace of complaint or impatience between the other party's brows, only the joy of completing the agreement in time.

As if he believed in himself so much that there must be a reason for calling him here.


Ying Bing couldn't understand this young man.


Li Mo was a little uncomfortable.

Bingtuozi's finger was still poking his chest.


"Two true heirs, did I come at the wrong time?"


A hoarse voice drifted over with the cold wind.

Li Mo and Ying Bing turned back almost at the same time.

The road they came from was also the only way up to Wangyue Cliff. A figure in black clothes and a stern face was already standing there at some point.

"I just wanted to find Li Zhenzhuan to settle the score."

"I never thought there would be an unexpected harvest, even Ying Zhenzhen is here."

Speaking of Ying Bing.

The voice of the man in black robe was trembling, filled with uncontrollable excitement.

call out--

A loud arrow shot through the air.

The other party almost had the word ‘bad guy’ stuck on his face.

Naturally, Li Mo didn't talk nonsense and just shook people up.

However, the man in black robe was unmoved and instead joked:

"Li Zhenchuan might as well think about it. If I hadn't made all preparations, would I be here like this?"

"Ying Bing, Ying Bing, I really don't want you to be a mandarin duck with the same fate as him, as long as you..."


Two bells.

Li Mo shook the Tongxin Bell expressionlessly.

"Li Mo!"

Instantly, the man in black robe's voice changed.

If he could wear the mask, he could see the face under the mask. His expression suddenly changed and he was sweating.

Of course he knew who the bell would call!

"You deserve to die!"

Faintly, only a beast roar was heard, echoing in the clear abyss.

However, the other party has not taken action yet.

A flash of sword light has arrived.

The sword's intention is cold to the bone, and it is so domineering that it makes one's hair stand on end.

Ying Bing actually threw the sword in his hand.

The man in black robe was confident enough to bear this sword.

But he had to admit that Ying Bing's strength far exceeded his imagination and could not be described as a genius.

If he was forced to carry it down, even if he was in the state of observing gods, he would be injured.

The air was quiet for a moment.

The man in black robe finally chose to stop and dodge sideways.

However, at this moment.

Ying Bing did not look at the man in black robe, but looked at Li Mo.


Li Mo seemed to realize what she was going to do.

Ying Bing suddenly felt that he could not understand this young man even more.

This is an unfathomable abyss.

Why doesn't he have even a trace of fear?

Or is it because of trust in yourself?


Ying Bing has never been a timid person.

Since Li Mo agrees.

Although she couldn't understand what the other person was thinking.

But he didn't hesitate to hold that hand and take a step forward.

The cold wind suddenly became biting.

Everything around him quickly became blurry.

All senses have become dull...


On Wangyue Cliff, a man in black robe rushed over, and the black robe on his body had been torn.

From top to bottom, he stared blankly at the figures of boys and girls who clasped their hands and disappeared into the mist.

There was only disbelief in his eyes.

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