Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 3 Entering The City And Living Together

In the early morning, the post house became lively.

There were quite a few boys and girls from other families traveling with us. Some were practicing outside and some were eating breakfast.

On the table in the middle, there are various breakfasts.

Li Mo casually picked up a meat bun and looked at his side from the corner of his eye.

There was only a bowl of plain porridge in front of the girl, which looked as bland as her face.

"How can it be enough just to eat this in the morning?"

Li Mo pushed the plate with eggs over.

Ying Bing said nothing, just raised his eyes to look.

The girl seemed a little weak, even her lips were bloodless, but her illness added a certain fragility to her beauty.

But whoever stares at these beautiful eyes will probably feel guilty unconsciously?


Li Mo was a little ashamed.

Even thinking about the things he had done before made him tremble.

It is appropriate to make amends to others.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the past. I don't expect that the past will be settled in a few words. If you are angry, then..."

"It doesn't matter."

Ying Bing peeled off the egg shell and spoke lightly.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment.

He didn't see any insincerity in the girl's face.

It's better to say it's indifference than tolerance.

Those things don't seem to be enough to be taken to heart at all.

Since you never care, there is no need to be tolerant.

"That's fine."

Li Mo smiled bitterly.

He still reads too many novels and takes it for granted.

It has to be said that Ying Bing's reaction is more in line with the evaluation of the Divine Eye of Destiny.

People who are unfazed by favors and humiliations often go further.

This is also true.

Ying Bing moved his cheeks slightly, never giving Li Mo any more attention.

She has seen countless magnificent and wonderful things.

Except for her family, her memories from her last years were not even a page of her life. They had already been swept away to some unknown corner.

In distant memory, Li Mo had mediocre talent and reluctantly entered the Qingyuan Sect.

After wasting a year in the outer sect, he was eliminated from the sect.

At that time, I had become the most dazzling existence among my peers.

Li Mo seemed to have undergone some changes.

But, not important.

His name may not be found on the ranking list of the Eastern Wasteland in the future.

They may not even be considered passers-by in each other's lives.

She was never distracted by irrelevant people.

Across the way, Li Mo paused slightly while eating.

[Investment successful, investment: one egg, one bowl of porridge. ]

[Rewards are being settled...]

[Congratulations to the host, reward: one thousand taels of silver notes. ]

[One thousand taels of silver notes]: "Issued by Hengtong Money Bank and can be used by all major banks."

Li Mo sighed inexplicably.

If only she could eat some more.

With three meals a day, you can make yourself a fortune.

Late night snack, must prepare late night snack tonight!


Two days later.

A majestic city appeared in the distance, like a giant beast lying under the sky.

Ziyang Prefecture is one of the twelve prefectures in the Eastern Wasteland, with nine counties and thirty-six counties under it. According to legend, before the founding of the Yu Dynasty, this place was the ancient capital of the previous dynasty. It also had outstanding people and extremely prosperous years.

Later, an unprecedented wave of disaster beasts lasted for hundreds of years in the Eastern Wasteland, turning its glory into the afterglow of the past.

Until the Martial Emperor came to the throne, he pacified the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and bestowed ministers with meritorious services. The first ancestor of Qingyuan Mountain followed Long's meritorious service and was awarded the title of Ziyang.

It took thousands of years of management to restore this place and regain its prosperity.

The Ziyang Mansion City at the foot of Qingyuan Mountain was rebuilt on the ruins of the ancient monuments of the previous dynasty. It is really extraordinary to see the leopard from the inside.

Fifty miles beyond the city is the famous Qingyuan Mountains.

"We're finally here."

"Is this Fucheng? It's so big, I feel like an ant standing under the city gate."

"It's really lively. It's such an important place in the palace. It's really very popular."

"Qingyuan Sect is going to open a new mountain to recruit disciples recently, so there can't be many people."


There were so many motorcades coming and going, the huge city gate was like opening a gate to release floods, and the noise of vehicles and horses was endless.

Looking at Qingyuan Mountain from a distance, many people are looking forward to it.

Dayu established the country with force and ruled the world with sects!

In the sky of Ziyang Mansion, there is only one cloud, and that is Qingyuan Sect!

The young people from various counties were already extremely excited and shouting.

The people passing by didn't look strange, and it was obvious that this was no longer unusual.

"It's indeed an extraordinary sight."

Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

I have seen all kinds of international metropolises in my previous life, and I can't help but feel shocked when I come here.

Compared with those high-rise buildings made of steel and concrete, this magnificent ancient city with carved beams and painted buildings is obviously more spectacular.

A city that can accommodate five million people and an ancient city that can accommodate five million people are not the same concept at all.

"Lu Yin."

The soldiers guarding the city were wearing strong armor, their silver armor shining brightly in the sunlight, and they stood like an iron tower.

The housekeeper hurriedly handed over the iron plate and paid the entry fee of a small fortune.

So the carriage was put into the city, and it was like stepping into another world.

Everything Li Mo saw was new, just like a country bumpkin entering the city.

His wallet has bulged a lot in the past two days.

The girl Bingtuozi's three meals a day cost him tens of thousands of taels of silver and even a thousand taels of gold.

But once he entered Fucheng, where every inch of land was precious, Li Mo felt that he was no longer so wealthy.

"Master, when we come to Ziyang Fucheng, it's not as good as in the county."

The housekeeper rushed the car and reminded in a low voice.

"I can't stay in the city for two days." Li Mo smiled.

When traveling far away, Dad has to be accompanied by the housekeeper who has watched him grow up, which shows how troublesome he used to be.

This is because he is afraid that he will be perverse and cause trouble.

"The young master said yes." The housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief and said yes again and again.

This troublesome master has changed a lot recently.

He can also save some worries.

The carriage crossed the vermilion-painted bridge and passed the densely packed ships below.

Not only is the city bigger, but the complexion of the residents here is also very different. There are obviously more people wearing silk and satin, and all kinds of luxurious and extraordinary carriages can be seen.

For example, the one coming from the opposite side was pulled by four horses covered in red and with scales.

The carriage was several times larger than the one Li Mo rode in. It was inlaid with gold and jade, simple and elegant.


Suddenly, someone shouted from behind.

It was Wang Hu. He got off his horse with a happy face and ran to the front of the car.

A young man got out of the car. He was tall and wearing a white brocade robe.

The arms are long and slender, the lower body is steady and powerful, and the walking is somewhat like a dragon or a tiger.

There is also a waistband hanging on the waist, with two words written on the iron painted silver hook: 'Inner Gate. ’

The inner sect of Qingyuan Sect!

Everyone looked at Wang Hu and suddenly became more cautious.

Regardless of the number of people traveling together, only a few can enter the outer door, let alone the inner door.

The difference between the inner and outer sects is as big as cloud and mud. When inner sect disciples go to a certain county, even the county magistrate has to respectfully greet them.

"Xiaohu, I guess you're almost here." The young man smiled and glanced at the crowd, his eyes lingering on Li Mo for a moment.

"When you first arrive, you may not know where to go."

"There is an innkeeper who knows me well. Why don't we go there?"

The young man Shi Shiran smiled and got into the carriage.

"My cousin's name is Wang Hao. He is in his early thirties and is already an inner disciple."

"Follow him and you will never suffer a loss."

Wang Hu raised his head, with a look of unruliness on his face, as if he was the one entering the inner door.

Naturally, everyone burst into compliments.

If you are not familiar with the place, you can save a lot of trouble by following the inner gate of Fulong Valley.

"What is he looking at?"

Li Mo was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

The other person was not looking at him, but at the cold girl beside him.


Even when he arrived in Fucheng, Ying Bing's surprise remained undiminished.

The clothes are simple, but they overshadow the women from the big city who are covered in silk and silk.

After these few days of feeding, the relationship between the two of them should have made some progress, right?

After all, they are no longer strangers.

While thoughts were surging, a restaurant by the canal appeared in front of me.

It is seven stories high, and the atmosphere of luxury rushes towards you. The scenery of this ancient city has also reached its extreme here.

The waiter's sharp eyes saw Wang Hao and immediately called the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper served the tea respectfully and started negotiating with Wang Hao. The others were a little embarrassed.

I just watched it all.

The most ordinary room here costs twenty taels of silver, and the upper room is even more expensive. Moreover, because the Qingyuan Sect is about to open its gate and there are many guests, the price has gone up.

"Go to the house for one hundred taels?"

Li Mo glanced at it and walked straight to the counter.

There is nothing to save on this little money.

"Excuse me, two upper rooms."

He is in one room and Ying Bing is in another room.

The housekeeper and the people accompanying him had just put away their luggage and had already followed the escort agency back.

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't have many rooms left, so we can only get one room for those who are coming with us." The gentleman at the counter said apologetically.

"That's fine."

Li Mo thought for a while and nodded.

"The green plum room on the second floor, please put it away."

As soon as the money was paid and the gentleman at the counter took out the sandalwood house sign, Wang Hu said with a sneer:

"If someone arranges it, just live there for fun. A hundred taels of silver in Ziyang Mansion won't make you rich, and having money here may not be easy to use."

Li Mo: "?"

I remembered.

This guy is the son of the Liuhe gang leader in the county.

My father is a county captain and is in charge of the security of the county.

One of the parents is a mouse and the other is a cat, so naturally the two younger generations dislike each other.

at the same time.

not far away.

Wang Hao also walked back to the nervous boys and girls, pretending to be apologetic and saying:

"There are only thirteen upper rooms left. Since you are all from my cousin's hometown, you can just stay here."

"It doesn't matter, we'll just squeeze in."

"Thank you, Brother Wang. You are such a good person."

The group was overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

Li Mo laughed dumbly.

How can anyone express apology to someone with their hands behind their backs and their chin raised?

There are only three things that a man thinks about most in his life.

One: Find a way to show off.

Two: This girl is so beautiful.

Three: This girl is so beautiful, I have to find a way to look cool in front of her.

As expected, Wang Hao then looked at Ying Bing and said:

"Girl, there aren't enough rooms. Fortunately, I have a private room here. It's usually not occupied, so it's pretty clean."

"If you don't mind it, why don't you girl live there?"

The tone is quite confident.

This isn't the first time I've used this trick. It works for a girl from a small place like this.

Didn’t you look at the few country girls next to you who looked envious and jealous?

Very few people can resist the kindness of a person who has a higher status and can help their future.

"No room?"

Ying Bing glanced at the shopkeeper from the corner of his eye.

"Exactly...well, exactly."

The shopkeeper felt a chill on his back and nodded repeatedly while wiping his sweat.

Wang Hao smiled and was about to say something, but the next moment his smile froze on his face.

The girl took the sandalwood house sign in front of Li Mo and went straight to the green plum room on the second floor.

There was a snap.

The wooden door closes.


Looking at Wang Hao, whose face turned blue and white, Li Mo subconsciously felt funny, but couldn't laugh.

For fun?

Look in the mirror!

Shaking his head, he also went up to the second floor.

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