Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 25 Those Who Invest In Returning Home, The Reflection Of Accumulating Little And Making More

On the way from Qiushui Pavilion to Shenbing Mountain.

It took about a stick of incense to leave.

The mountain gate can already be seen ahead.

At this time, there was a long queue in front of the mountain gate.

There was an outer deacon sitting there, welcoming people and seeing them off, with a bunch of identity badges stacked in front of him.

"The Biography of Li Zhen."

When the old woman saw Li Mo, she took the initiative to salute.

Although the true disciples have no real power within the sect, in terms of status, they must be higher than the deacons of the outer sect.

This old woman Li Mo also looks familiar.

On that day, she even touched her bones and determined her C-level talent.

The outer disciples who came to pay him a visit all around him were all envious and longing for him when they saw the white moiré robe on his body.

But no one hesitated, and one by one handed their waistbands to the old woman, packed their bags and walked out of the mountain gate.

"What are they?"

Li Mo couldn't help but be curious.

At the moment, it should not be time to clear out the outer disciples yet.

Why are there so many people queuing up to hand in their waist certificates, as if they are about to quit the Qingyuan Sect?

"Because the sect's trial is coming soon, and since it's called a trial, it means it's dangerous."

The old woman stretched out her left hand, only three of the five fingers were left.

"I see."

Li Mo thought for a moment and knew what the old woman meant.

Not everyone has the confidence to compete for the inner sect.

If you stay, you must participate in the sect trial.

If you become disabled, fail to enter the inner gate, and are eventually expelled from the sect, your life will be a problem in the future.

It is not impossible to die in a trial.

"After many people enter, they never think about entering the inner gate."

The old woman shook her head and put away the waistband she had just received.

Learn some skills in the outside world, then return to your hometown to open a martial arts school, or become a policeman. This is an excellent future in the eyes of many people.

Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Martial Dao is a river that flows upstream. Most people don’t even consider the fish that swim upstream, but only the sand that is carried by the river water.

If it weren't for him, his future would probably not be much better.

He will probably return to the county and become the captain of the city guard under the arrangement of his father.

He was about to leave.

But something went wrong, and he used his divine eyes of destiny that were always open to look at the people in front of him one by one.


Information about many people appears before my eyes

[Name: Wu Bing]


[Root Bone: None. ]

[Realm: The three meridians of Qi and Blood realm. ]

[Destiny: White]

[Evaluation: A Bing’s Martial Dao results are not ideal. ]

[Recent encounter: I recently received a letter saying that the third husband of the widow of the village king has died, and she is preparing to return to her hometown to pursue love. ]


Look around.

Most of these outer disciples who took the initiative to leave Qingyuan Sect had white or gray destiny.

There is basically no investment value.

For example, this one is called Wu Bing.

If you help him pursue Widow Wang, what reward will you get in the end?

If it's bad, it's just a few slings of copper coins. If it's good, it might give you special items, such as Widow Wang's bellyband...

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

[Name: Liu Hui]


[Root Bone: None. ]

[Realm: The three meridians of Qi and Blood realm. ]

[Destiny: Black]

[Evaluation: The old grudge is unlucky. ]

[Recent encounter: On the way back home, I encountered a fairy jumping. The hero failed to save the beauty, but was stabbed in the back by a woman and thrown into the river to feed the fish. ]


After Li Mo read it, he sighed softly.

It's a life after all.

He couldn't afford to stand by and watch everything happen.

Even if it's an unrelated person, as long as he doesn't have a deep hatred, he doesn't want to see the other person die inexplicably.

"Liu Hui!"

"Uh...huh? Li Zhenzhuan?"

Liu Hui was stunned for a moment and pointed at himself, as if he couldn't believe that Li Zhenchuan, who had risen to the top in one step, called out his name.

He wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out what the relationship between him and the other party was.

"Excuse me, Li Zhenchuan, what do you want me to do?"

"When you returned to your hometown, did you pass by Qinghe County?"

Li Mo came forward and asked.

"Uh... don't pass by..."

Liu Hui said confused.

Qinghe County? Not only was it wrong, it was almost a wrong way to reach grandma’s house.

He could have taken the waterway and went home downstream, but if he went to Qinghe County, he could only take the land route.

However, something even more confusing happened to him.

Li Mo actually took out a small gold bar as thick as his thumb from his sleeve.

"What now?"

"Uh... By the way, by the way!"

Liu Hui was not stupid and reacted quickly.

Li Zhenchuan wanted him to go to Qinghe County for something.

That small gold bar seems to be worth four or five taels, which is enough to buy a house when you return to your hometown.

"Well, just drop by."

"Please help me bring a message to Li Dalong, the county captain of Qinghe County..."

"Please tell me the true story."


After a while, Liu Hui took the small gold bar and left happily.

On his head, the black destiny suddenly turned white again.

The recent encounter also became: "I took a detour to return to my hometown, and met the head of Yang Wei's escort agency on the way, and became an escort."

And Li Mo's ears also heard a clear voice.

[Congratulations to the host, the investment was successful and a life was saved. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao’s two years of experience. ]

Although Liu Hui is not a destined person, he is just an ordinary living being.

But it still brought Li Mo two years of Martial Dao insights.

"This is quite an unexpected surprise."

The corners of Li Mo's mouth curled up slightly. He didn't really think about it that much.

Martial Dao realized that no matter how much of this good thing is, it is never too much, and no matter how little, it is necessary.

A little adds up to a lot.


Li Mo followed suit.

five minutes later.

[Congratulations to the host, the investment was successful and a life was saved. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao has been enlightened for two years. ]


ten minutes later.

[Congratulations to the host, the investment was successful and a life was saved. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao has been enlightened for two years. ]


Half an hour later.

[Congratulations to the host, the investment was successful and a life was saved. ]

[Investment feedback: Martial Dao has been enlightened for two years. ]


Don't say it.

This world is not peaceful. There are natural disasters and man-made disasters. There are quite a few unexpected people who meet on the way back home.

Someone encounters a fierce tiger and thinks that the Liuhe Boxing he just practiced can withstand the energy?

Then the slide shovel failed and became a meal on the plate.

Someone encountered a shady shop and was made into a human meat bun.

In short, it made Li Mo understand why his father spent a lot of money to hire an escort to protect him when he came to Ziyang Fucheng.

These unlucky guys also gave Li Mo a great harvest.

Martial Dao gained insights after eight years!

Give him another twenty or thirty years of Martial Dao insights, and he might be able to push a certain martial arts to perfection.

"Before the sect's trial, people will continue to leave the sect."

"You can come and take a look every day and brush your investment regularly."

Li Mo was in a good mood.

There are still thirteen days of sect trials.

Even though fewer and fewer people left the sect later on, there was still a chance to gain the insights of Martial Dao in the 1970s and 1980s.

The few martial arts that are enough to keep him close to him have reached a new level.

Li Mo looked around the crowd again.


There is no longer a boy with a black destiny.

He took steps towards the Shenbing Peak with satisfaction.

But it doesn't matter, come back tomorrow.

He just asked that the disciples who left the sect and returned home would come to the mountain gate in the morning.

Anyway, he plans to go to Shenbing Peak every day recently and will pass by here every day.

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