Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 21 Xiao Qin’S Grandfather, Fire Bird Lingyu

entrance of the cave.

"That Li Zhen passed into the third floor of Shenfeng Cave?"

"Wo Cao, how did he get in?"

"It's hopeless. A few years ago, there was a man who had just entered the inner breath. He accidentally entered the third floor. When he was rescued, he was covered in scars and had mental problems. After he was cured, he was still suffering from diarrhea. Saliva."

"Hiss...he won't hang on our peak."

"That's Shang Wu's apprentice...I suddenly remembered that the clothes at home haven't been dried yet, so I went home first."

The entrance to the cave was very lively, and many disciples were talking about it without even breaking the iron.

If something happened to a true disciple in Shenfeng Cave, he would be considered a big loser of the Qingyuan Sect.

Murong Xiao paced back and forth, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Brother Li is such a good person, so don't let anything happen to you..."

He was muttering to himself when he suddenly became energetic.

"What are you all doing here? Go and do your own thing!"

Hanhe walked in front, scolding the inner disciples who were eating melons.

Shang Wu and Li Mo walked out from behind him.

Classmate Xiao Li still has the same smile.

"Brother Li, are you okay? Do you still recognize me? What day is this?"

Murong Xiao took three steps at a time and jumped in front of Li Mo, wagging his fingers.

"Five...well, don't you only have five fingers?"

Li Mo thought this was some kind of brain teaser.

“What’s five plus five?”


After some intelligence testing.

"It's great that you didn't become a fool."

Murong Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of relief.

Li Mo: "...Thank you."

Before the two said a few words, Li Mo was slipped into the carriage by Shang Wu.

"Let's go, Lao Deng."

Shang Wu was in a great mood and gave the horse a whip on the butt.

The carriage gradually moved away.

"Brother Li, walk slowly."

Murong Xiao waved towards Li Mo.

Hanhe couldn't help but feel strange when he saw this.

How could my disciple know Li Mo and still have such a close friendship?

That's all, it doesn't matter.

Jiufeng's martial arts has nothing to do with personal feelings, and there will still be a distinction between high and low.

No matter how talented Li Mo was, he had just entered the Qi and Blood realm, and the gap between him and Murong Xiao was huge.

Going forward, it’s hard to say...


"In more than ten days, new disciples will have to participate in the sect's trials. During these days, you will follow my master every afternoon to improve your martial arts."



At night.

The huge quiet mountains are silent.

In the compound where the outer disciples lived, a certain house still had lights on.

Xiao Qin held the Xuan Jing, and his realm suddenly returned to the Nine Meridians of Qi and Blood Realm.

Most of the black crystal has turned gray-white.

This is naturally not just because of him.


"Ten Meridians, I have returned to the Ten Meridians of Qi and Blood Realm!"

Xiao Qin opened his eyes again, and a hint of joy could not help but show on his determined face.

But then, he looked at the Xuan Jing in his palm that had completely turned gray-white, no doubt like an ordinary stone, and couldn't help but look strange.

"The whole piece has been washed? I shouldn't be able to do it..."

"Of course you can't do it, but it's because of me."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded in his ears.

"Who are you?!"

"My name has been around for a long time..."

ten minutes later.

Xiao Qin sat there, surprised and confused.

It turned out that the reason why his realm fell was because of the jade pendant on his chest.

To be precise, it’s the old man in the jade pendant who calls himself ‘Martial Venerable’.

If what the other party said is true, then this old man was much more powerful than the leader of the Qingyuan Sect in his heyday!


The other party also said that he could be his teacher, but he would need to help the other party reshape his body after he became stronger.

"It seems that Qixing Gupei didn't choose the wrong person. You were able to persist for so long without giving up Martial Dao, and that's how you woke me up."

The old voice was filled with approval.

I am very satisfied with Xiao Qin's perseverance and qualifications.

"In this case, I should give you a apprenticeship ceremony to avoid any grudges in your heart."

The words fell.

The Seven-Star Ancient Pei suddenly lit up, as if a small hole had opened.

A brocade bag floated out of it.

"In this brocade bag, there is a piece of flame bird feather. Although it only contains some blood of the true phoenix, it is still very rare after I have tempered it many times."

"When worn on the body, all evil spirits can be avoided, and it can also warm and nourish the physical body. Its wonderful uses are endless."

Xiao Qin held the kit and felt warm all over.

But he still said honestly:

"If I rely on myself, I don't know how long it will take to revive the teacher."

"It's mainly Junior Brother Li who gave me a Xuan Crystal."


The old voice was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the crystal in Xiao Qin's hand had been completely absorbed.

"In a barren land like the Eastern Barren Territory, Xuanjing should be very rare and precious..."

"He is actually willing to give it to you?"

"Yes, Junior Brother Li is a man of high integrity. Teacher, I want to reciprocate and give him this phoenix feather bag."

Xiao Qin said with burning eyes.

Now that he has this old senior following him, he won't be in too much danger no matter what he thinks.

But after all, this is what the teacher gave him.

Just give it away if the teacher doesn't agree.

"It's good that you have this intention."

"When you achieve success in the future, you can also support him."

The old man named Martial Venerable did not stop him.

He wished that Xiao Qin was a person who knew how to repay his kindness, so that he would be more likely to help him reshape his body in the future.

And the other party casually gave Xuan Jing, which at least had some background in the Eastern Barren Territory.

"Promote Junior Brother Li?"

Xiao Qin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "He is a true disciple, and I am just an outer disciple."

He has personally experienced how talented Junior Brother Li is.

One day Liuhe Quan Great Accomplishment.

It cannot be described as a genius, it is simply a monster.

"For true disciples, the brightest future is to become an elder."

"Qingyuan Sect is just a small sect in the Eastern Wasteland."

The old voice paused after saying this.

Then, he said seriously: "In the near future, you will leave here and go to a wider world to shine."

"As my disciple, you must never belittle yourself."

"Remember the teacher's instructions."

Xiao Qin nodded slightly hesitantly.

"You are not confident in yourself, and you are also not confident in me."

"Forget it, I will also meet your Junior Brother Li tomorrow to see how amazing and talented he is."

Seeing Xiao Qin's thoughts, the Martial Venerable couldn't help but feel a little curious.

But soon, he brought the conversation back to the topic.

"The mental method you practice is not very suitable for you."

"Listen carefully, I will teach you the Heart Sutra of Transforming Ming."

"Thank you teacher!"

Xiao cheered up.

After a while, Martial Venerable fell into silence, and seemed to continue to sleep in the jade pendant.

He put the kit in his arms and worked hard to practice the newly learned mental skills.

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