Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 15 Ji Bing Kills The Body, Didn’T He Just Learn Boxing Yesterday?

The next day.

The sky is bright.

In the martial arts hall, Xiao Qin limped in. His face was pale, his breath was weak, and he obviously looked injured.

"Xiao Qin still dares to come today..."

"I was beaten so badly yesterday, and my injuries haven't healed yet."

"Sigh, if Xiao Qin could have beaten Wang Hu to pieces with one hand before, I don't know what happened to him."

"If it's still like this within half a year, shouldn't he be asked to retire from the Qingyuan Sect?"

Several disciples whispered, and their tone was a little sad.

When they saw the two brothers Wang Hu and Wang Hao walking in, they immediately shut up.

"You loser, you dare to come here today."

"It's very good. I like people who don't shed tears even when they see the coffin."

Wang Hu smiled with interest and geared up.


Xiao Qin dragged his injured body and practiced boxing one by one, ignoring his words.

Junior Brother Li, you’re not here today?

It seems that he listened to his advice.

Alas, it's a pity that I have a reason to come.

Half a year, half a year from now, he will be expelled from the sect.

As his energy and blood declined again and again, he could only place his hope on boxing.

"Senior Brother Xiao, are you injured?"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Qin couldn't help but turn around.

After seeing the person coming, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Li Mo?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Does he really dare to come?

Yesterday, Heavenly King Hudu said that if Li Mo dares to come again, he will come to him to "discuss".

Wang Hu started practicing martial arts and boxing very early.

If Li Mo can become a true disciple, his talent must be excellent, but after all, he has no foundation in martial arts and has just started to come into contact with Martial Dao.

Could it be that he, as a true disciple, would lose face if he was frightened by an outside disciple?

But it would be even more embarrassing if he was beaten to pieces!

"Okay, okay, it seems that you think I don't dare to ask the real disciple for advice."

Wang Hu squinted his eyes and changed his target to Li Mo, and his aura became dangerous.

Towards Xiao Qin, he had more of a joking attitude.

I hate Li Mo with all my heart.

He raised his head and looked at his cousin.

"Don't do anything illegal." Wang Hao said calmly.

"That's natural." Wang Hu grinned.

You mean, you can do whatever you want within the rules?

He Hongfeng frowned, couldn't Wang Hu calm down?

These two brothers started late, haven't they seen how powerful Elder Shang Wu is?

However, since they didn't break the rules, it was hard for him to say anything.

"Stop holding your fist and practice boxing!"

The outer sect disciples all started practicing boxing techniques individually, and Wang Hao taught Liuhe Quan to the new outer sect disciples.

Judging from his movements, there is a sense of ease and ease in his movements. It is obvious that he has several years of attainments in Liuhe Boxing. '

But everyone in the martial arts hall was not thinking about practicing at this time.

Something might happen later!

"You shouldn't have come."

Xiao Qin's face was serious, and his thick brows were squeezed together.

"You were beaten yesterday, aren't you here today?"

Li Mo smiled nonchalantly.

Xiao Qin sighed: "I have my own reasons for coming..."

"I have it too."


Xiao Qin was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Indeed, even though they have only been in contact for a short period of time, it can be seen that Junior Brother Li is an easy-going person and does not have the kind of competitive temperament that insists on fighting for one's breath.

"Senior Brother Xiao, take this as a way of repaying the kindness of teaching your skills yesterday."

Li Mo took out a jade box and handed it over.

"Liuhe Quan is not a magical skill, but it is... huh?!"

Xiao Qin said, before he completely opened the box, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He recognized what was inside.

Xuan Jing!

"Don't make it public, as long as you and I know."

Li Mo put his fingers on his lips, signaling him not to keep a low profile.

"Junior Brother Li, I can't have this..."

"And this kind of treasure can be used to practice any kind of martial arts with miraculous effects. You should use it yourself!"

Xiao Qin quickly closed the box and lowered his voice.

"I have a special constitution and can't use it."

There was more sincerity in Li Mo's smile.

He just saw clearly that desire flashed across Xiao Qin's eyes, but Xiao Qin restrained himself.

Not only did he refuse, he was also afraid that he didn't know the value of Xuan Jing, so he reminded her.

Lao Xiao is capable.

"That won't work, it's too expensive."

Xiao Qin still refused to take it.

"If you deserve it, consider it a loan from me and pay it back when you have the chance."

"As the first friend I have ever made, if you refuse him again, you will lose face."

Li Mo directly slapped the box on his hand.


Xiao Qin hugged the box and froze in place.

He used to have friends in Qingyuan Sect, but that was when his talent was still there.

After he lost his aura of genius and was demoted from the inner door to the outer door, those so-called friends would be fine if they didn't add trouble to others, let alone help them when they needed it.

As for Junior Brother Li, he only learned boxing from him for one day.

This mysterious crystal may change his destiny!

Because at that moment, the jade pendant on his chest had a strong reaction.

"Take it, Senior Brother Xiao, your situation requires it." Li Mo advised again.

Struggling for a moment.

"Today's kindness will never be forgotten in this life."

Xiao Qin did not express his gratitude in a lengthy speech, nor did he ask why Li Mo believed that he would be able to repay him in the future.

He just had firm eyes and fisted hard.

it is more than words.

"Then when I ask for your help in the future, you're welcome."

Li Mo patted his shoulder.

Judging from the look in this man's eyes, he would probably risk his life for himself in the future without frowning.

Purple destiny.

Master Xianyuan also has a purple destiny and is now the youngest elder of Qingyuan Sect.

An investment can not only gain the friendship of a future strong man, but also get feedback from the system.

Triple win.

He won twice, and it was like eating Sichuan peppercorns, which made him numb.

"They say many friends lead to many paths."

"If I invest as much as I do, when they grow up, won't I be the most honorable person in the whole Yu?"

Li Mo couldn't help but think divergently, and the classic plot came to mind.

A true disciple of the Qingyuan Sect returned home and found his father living in a doghouse.

With an order, one hundred thousand strong men came through the air...

From now on, please call me Li, the owner of the fruit of face, Mo.

The picture is so beautiful.

By the way, there are rewards.

Xiao Qin wanted to continue to teach Li Mo to practice Liuhe Quan, but Xiao Li shook his head and declined, and just sat aside.

While drinking tea, I checked the investment feedback.

[Congratulations to the host, successful investment: a Xuan Jing. ]

[Investment feedback: "Extreme Soldier Killing Body"]

["Ji Bing Slaughter the Body" (Jue Xue)]: "Use the sharp energy of soldiers to kill, and kill your own body to prove the invincible body of the ultimate way. When the success is achieved, all the soldiers will surrender, and the physical body will be incomparable. The power of any weapon can be doubled!"

The complete martial arts knowledge poured into his mind, and Li Mo knew it by heart instantly.

He closed his eyes and read the memory carefully.

This turned out to be Men Heng's martial arts training.

And it can also increase your ability to control weapons!

"This technique requires you to use the killing power of weapons to temper yourself."

Li Mo thought about it.

"Extreme Soldiers Kill the Body", just by hearing the name, you can tell that it is full of murderous intent.

But this is by no means a crooked way, but an extremely pure and extremely exquisite horizontal training method.

It's very dangerous and difficult to practice.

But the benefits after mastering it far outweigh the hardship and danger!

Li Mo decided to... practice!

How can a person wander in the rivers and lakes without getting stabbed?

No matter how good the armor is, it can't be as powerful as one's own body.

For your own safety, you must refine it.

"A place where the spirit of military killing is strong. Is there such a place in the sect?"


The Martial Arts Hall stopped teaching boxing techniques.

Free practice time.

This means that we can discuss freely.

"Li Zhenzhuan, don't you have a woman to protect you today?"

Wang Hu smiled ferociously and clenched his fists loudly.

His eyes were red, and he wanted to eat the boy opposite him alive.

He Hongfeng felt something was wrong.

However, just as he was about to stand up and stop him, Wang Hao held his hand down.

"Junior Brother Wang, if something happens, you and I cannot bear the responsibility." He Hongfeng said solemnly.

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Don't worry, my cousin is very measured in his actions, not to mention he is only in the Qi and Blood realm. If there is any problem, you can stop him at any time."

"It's within the rules, so don't worry about it."


He Hongfeng hesitated for a moment, thinking about it.

His inner breath has reached the realm of the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign. As long as he pays attention, the qi and blood realm is under his nose, and it is impossible to cause a big storm.

"Wang Hu!"

Xiao Qin took a step forward, stood up directly, and walked towards him.

He seemed to want to 'discuss' with Wang Hu first.

Lao Xiao has something to do in town.

But there was someone faster than him.

Xiao Qin could only hear the wind whistling past his ears.

Wang Hu only saw a black shadow rapidly enlarging in his eyes.

It's a fist!


Almost all the outer disciples present had not yet reacted.

Just when he came to his senses, he heard a muffled sound.

Wang Hu staggered backwards, and finally sat down on the ground.

The shock on his face didn't even have time to dissipate.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. The pain in his ribs made him unable to breathe.

The bones seemed to be cracked.

"You are too weak. I'm afraid I won't learn anything from you."

Li Mo spoke lightly, with a faint smile still on his face.

Xiao Qin beside him could not close his mouth from ear to ear.


This, isn't this right? Junior Brother Li just learned boxing yesterday!

Moreover, didn’t he just start practicing martial arts? Where did he get such strength?

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