Chapter 0079 – Video Update! Best Miss Baked!!!

In the live broadcast room, Du Xiaomei found the video and yelled at the live broadcast room: “Brothers, are you ready?” ”

Suddenly, the audience responded: “Okay, okay, hurry up!” ”

“Stop messing with the atmosphere, let’s get started!”

“Don’t yell at the little girl, hand over our video!”

Saying that, the little girl clicked the play button of the video.

The video begins.

This time, it was not the two lines that appeared first, but a small bottle appeared on the screen first.

When Du Xiaomei saw this little bottle, she immediately had an ominous premonition in her heart, and soon, her premonition was confirmed.

In the video, with the appearance of the small bottle, Su Bai’s dubbing also spoke: [xxx brand bonesetter, good curative effect, fast effect, let you ride a horse without fear of falling]

【With bonesetter, mom no more, don’t worry about me riding a horse!】 】

【xxx brand bonesetter, you deserve it! 】 】


Du Xiaomei said speechlessly: “Now the advertisement of this video is completely irregular, right!” Do you want to play so flower! ”

In the live broadcast room, the audience immediately complained: “My God! Last time I put the last, at the beginning of this playback, Su Xiaobai’s advertisement, now it is more and more elusive! ”

“Big brother, you didn’t even broadcast the theme of the video, you put an advertisement first, you are a cow now, right?”

“Can it still be done, is this up master playing so much now?!”

On the video, after the advertisement is over, the theme of this video begins to appear, and the usual two lines appear:

【Best Miss in the Entertainment Industry!!! With her aura, she was all on fire by her! 】

[The aura of the strongest miss in the entertainment industry! ] If you can’t fire yourself, the maid will have to follow the fire! 】

Seeing these two lines, the audience came out of the mood of the advertisement and focused on watching the video.

Soon, a familiar melody appeared:


After a paragraph ah, the lyrics slowly came out:

[When the mountain peak has no edges, when the river no longer flows~]

[When time stops day and night, everything in heaven and earth becomes nothing]

[I still can’t break up with you, can’t break up with you]

[Your gentleness is my greatest wait in this life~]

As soon as the lyrics came out, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately recognized them: “Lying groove!” It’s also a juggy gee! Little swallows? ”

“Huh? What is this song called? I just remember that it was the theme song of Zhu Gege. ”

“This song is called ‘Dang’, sung by Power Train.”

“Ziwei, Lin Xinru’s maid is on fire now, but she can’t do it herself later.”

“Yes, yes, this issue should be Lin Xinru, I’ll see how many maids she brought fire.”

Du Xiaomei looked at the audience’s words, and also agreed very much, and then continued to play the video.

The video continues.

In the picture, Lin Xinru and Jin Suo also appeared on the screen as expected by the audience.

In the video, Jin Suo holds a rag and keeps rubbing on the table.

Suddenly, Lin Xinru quickly appeared in the picture, and yelled at Tu Suo: “What’s wrong with you, if you are angry in your heart, you can tell me.” ”

Jin Suo quickly stopped to wipe the table, and said with red eyes and grievances: “No, no, where do I dare to be angry, I am just a maid.” ”

Lin Xinru was immediately reluctant, and said angrily: “If you say that you are a maid again, I will be angry, very angry!” ”

As soon as this familiar clip came out, many people laughed when they looked at it: “Hahaha, it’s obviously a bitter fragment, why do I want to laugh so much.” ”

“Poof~ you are not allowed to laugh, this is a bitter drama, if you laugh again, I will be very angry!”

“After this drama, the golden lock will be red, if it is not done by himself in the end, it will still be the top now.”

“Yes, who would have thought that ah, they have made so much money, what taxes to steal, and they are also giants, is this the handiwork of the giants?”

Du Xiaomei also said in the live broadcast room: “Well, tax evasion is indeed not done right, otherwise she is still red now, this is Lin Xinru’s first maid brothers, let’s see, who is the second.” ”

Saying that, Du Xiaomei began to continue playing the video.

The video continues.

A very early TV series appeared in the picture.

In the picture, scenes from the Republican period appear on the screen.

Lin Xinru and Liu Di sat at the table together, plucking oranges and chatting about the sky.

Lin Xinru was the first to speak: “I’m unlucky today.” ”

Liu smiled and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Lin Xinru said angrily: “Today my grandfather said ah, in the future, whoever he fancy will let me marry him, you heard about this.” ”

Liu smiled and said, “He must have said angry words. ”

“It’s not!”

Lin Xinru then said angrily: “This is not the most angry, the most angry is that Liu Boen, my father said this, he is actually not angry at all!” ”

Liu Di still smiled calmly: “Maybe from his standpoint, this is beneficial to him.” ”

“What is this called!”

Lin Xinru pointed to herself angrily and said: “I’m going to get married, he actually didn’t react at all, I have no status in his heart.” ”

Liu Di looked at Lin Xinru at this time and asked, “You care so much about your status in Liu Boen’s heart, you won’t like him, right?” ”


Lin Xinru ran away and said, “I’m just treating him as a buddy.” ”

Liu shook his head and said, “If the second grandmother, uncle said so, would you be as angry as you are now?” ”

When Liu asked this, Lin Xinru was suddenly speechless.

At this time, Liu Wei stood up and came to Lin Xinru’s side, and said: “Ai Yue, do you remember what we said when we paid our respects, we want to be single together and not marry, but now, you are moved by Liu Boen, our life is difficult.” ”

At this point, the clip is over, and the little girl also pressed the pause button in time and said: “This is Lin Xinru’s second maid, Liu Di is very hot now, and her drama is everywhere, so Lin Xinru is still powerful.” ”

In the live broadcast room, the audience also responded: “The second is the second, Liu Di is very hot now!” ”

“What is this TV series called, why haven’t I watched it?”

“It’s called “Princess Dali”, a relatively early drama, and Liu Di was not popular at that time.”

“It is estimated that Lin Xinru couldn’t have imagined at that moment, his maids, an aT” sound.”

Du Xiaomei looked at the frequency of discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room, and saw the heat drop, so she continued to play the video and entered the next stage.

The video continues.

On the screen, a new picture appears.

Yang Mi wore the clothes of a maid and helped Lin Xinru to walk on the streets inside the palace.

On Yang Mi’s right eyebrow, there is also a red birthmark, and there are some pockmarks on her face, and you can see at a glance the identity of the maid who is humble and ugly for safety.

The two were walking, and suddenly Lin Xinru threw off Yang Mi, who was supporting herself, and asked, “Did you say today’s matter?” ”

“Is this important?”

Yang Mi asked without waves.

“It’s important to me.”

Lin Xinru asked impatiently.

Yang Mi looked at Lin Xinru and said without any emotion: “In order to survive, I have no choice. ”

Listening to this sentence, in the picture, Lin Xinru suddenly turned half a circle, looked up to the sky and laughed, and when he was about to fall, he held up the stone pier on the side, looked back at Yang Mi and said with a sad smile: “I originally asked you to learn to trust others, but you made me no longer trust anyone, how ironic do you say?” How ridiculous? ”

As soon as the clip was broadcast, the silly little girl spoke: “Wow! Da Mimi and Lin Xin are like a stage racing acting skills, Lin Xinru laughs up to the sky and plays really well! Lin Xinru, this maid is also on fire! ”

In the live broadcast room, the audience also immediately spoke: “Yes, yes, three, is there any more?” ”

“Lin Xinru can ah, this drama herself has become popular.”

“Well, this beauty trick was very hot at the time.”

“Who’s next? Did you know? ”

“I don’t remember, who usually remembers this kind of thing!”

Du Xiaomei looked at the comments of the audience in the live broadcast room, and immediately smiled: “Who said that no one remembered, the UP master feels that you are connotating him.” ”

As soon as Du Xiaomei’s words came out, the audience spoke one after another: “Haha, yes, didn’t the master write it down and make a video.” ”

“The UP Lord remembers everywhere, and the people must have sorted it out temporarily.”

“There must be a direction for tidying up, let you sort out the best miss, do you know whose things to sort out?” You can’t bring out all the TV series and go over again. ”

“Alas, how can I listen to you say this, I feel that the UP Lord is quite hard, no wonder it changes every week.”

Seeing this, the little sister suddenly soured, no one said that he was hard in his continuous live broadcast all day, Su Xiaobai, who was updated once a week, actually some people said that he was hard, what happened to this world?

“Okay, okay, let’s look at the next one.”

Du Xiaomei looked at the speech and quickly spoke.

If you don’t continue to play the video, who knows what fairy words they will say.

The video continued.

A new picture appeared on the screen.

In the picture, Lin Xinru is comforting the pregnant woman in the carriage: “You quickly give birth to the child, we can go home to see my brother.” ”

The pregnant woman who heard this sentence said bitterly: “Go home, see your cousin? ”

Immediately, I worked harder to have children.

Lin Xinru was also very anxious: “Why hasn’t Rouge come back yet?” I went to see and said, Lin Xinru came to the outside of the carriage and shouted around: Rouge! Rouge! ”

But just after shouting twice, suddenly a dozen soldiers on horseback came galloping from a distance.

Lin Xinru suddenly became anxious, and quickly looked around, but still did not see his maid return.

After hesitating, he decisively drove the carriage and jumped first.

But the carriage just ran out for a while, and in the woods next to it, Lin Xinru’s maid rouge, played by Wu Jinyan, ran out of it with a water bladder in her hand.

When she saw the carriage that had already driven out, she shouted anxiously: “Girl! Girl! You wait for me! ”

But the carriage had already driven out for some distance, and Lin Xinru, who was fleeing in a hurry, did not hear the shouts of his maid at all, and was still running forward, without the slightest sign of stopping.

Wu Jinyan on the side of the road was also panicked when he saw this scene, and seeing that the officers and soldiers were chasing, Wu Jinyan quickly turned around and wanted to run into the woods.

But it was obviously too late, the officers and soldiers were already approaching, how could a little woman without the strength of a chicken run past the well-trained officers and soldiers, so she was caught up by the officers and soldiers before running two steps, and a dozen officers and soldiers suddenly circled and surrounded Wu Jinyan in the middle.

Wu Jinyan panicked at once, made a decision immediately, knelt down very heartily, and begged the head of the officers and soldiers

Rao said: “Official, I beg you, let me go, I really don’t know anything, I beg you to let me go.” ”

The head of the officers and soldiers looked at Wu Jinyan and immediately smiled: “Beauty, let you go, you can, but let us be happy and happy first!” ”

Immediately, more than a dozen officers and soldiers immediately grabbed Wu Jinyan, and the head of the officers and soldiers suddenly rushed to Wu Jinyan, who looked panicked, pulled Wu Jinyan’s clothes, and said with a lewd smile: “Come on!” ”

Immediately, the picture freezes.

At this moment, the live broadcast room boiled: “Lying groove!!! Is this something I can watch for free?! ”

“Groove! The most critical time is stopping! ”

“The belly pocket is not exposed, the bad review is!!!”

Du Xiaomei looked at the speech in the live broadcast room and immediately said: “You group of LSPs! I’m still counting the first maids who were led by Lin Xinru, so what are the things discussed here! ”

The audience immediately ridiculed: “Haha, the little girl is jealous!” ”

“Okay, stay little sister, send me the address, and we’ll go help you experience this scene.”

“Silly little girl: So, love is going to disappear, right?”

Du Xiaomei looked at the ridicule of the audience, people were numb, are all human words spoken by this group of people?!

“Okay, keep watching.”

Du Xiaomei said with disgust.

The video continues.

The video is here, and it is almost over, and Su Bai’s dubbing appears again:

[From Jin Suo, to Liu Di, and then to Yang Mi and Wu Jinyan behind, Lin Xinru has come all the way, not only caught fire herself, but also brought four maids on fire by the way, which can be described as a miss that everyone in the entertainment industry wants to have. ] 】

[To the last maid, not only brought the maid to fire, but also the middle-aged Lin Xinru, and then the beauty herself also became popular, the strongest miss in the entertainment industry, well-deserved! ] 】

Immediately, after the dubbing was over, it was the final trailer of the video: [The blood-spitting little prince in the entertainment industry! ] Vomiting blood can be on the hot search! 】

[The most blood-spitting person in the entertainment industry, as soon as I vomit blood, the ratings skyrocketed! ] 】

[Little Prince of Vomiting Blood, the next issue, stay tuned! ] 】

[Friends you like, remember to like it~]

As soon as the trailer came out, the audience in the live broadcast room spoke: “Alas, until now, the only thing that has not changed is this last hanging-appetite premonition.” ”

“There is still a hunch, well, if there is no preview one day, this video may be over.”

“Oh, wait, it’s going to be another week, it’s hard!”

Du Xiaomei looked at the audience’s speech, and also sighed: “Yes, the only thing that remains unchanged now is this appetizing preview↓Up cow will never forget the next broadcast volume.” ”

After the little girl finished speaking, the audience also sighed in unison: “Alas, who is this little prince who vomits blood?” ”

“Who would have guessed this, how many actors haven’t vomited a few mouthfuls of blood? But vomiting blood can skyrocket the ratings, so who will pay attention to this! ”

“So, this UP Lord’s focus is always so strange!”

“Oh, okay, slipped, wait for the next issue.”

As soon as the video ended, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to decline sharply.

Du Xiaomei has long been familiar with this scene, and seeing that the number of people is not bad, she continued to play the game.


A few days later.

Film and Television City, the crew of “Those Bird Things They Started”.

The three heroines, Chen Yihan, Lin Xinru, and Jian Xiaoshu just finished their filming and are getting together to chat.

“I’m so tired~”

Chen Yihan collapsed in his chair and complained about Dao Yan.

“It’s normal to be tired when you’re filming.”

Lin Xinru comforted: “After filming this play, just rest and rest to make up for it.” ”


Jian Xiaoshu also said: “After filming this play, I have to rest and rest.” ”

“By the way, the recent very popular Douyin Internet celebrity, Su Xiaobai, do you know?”

After comforting the two, Lin Xinru suddenly asked.

“I know.”

Chen Yihan said: “That video is interesting, but I’ve been too busy filming lately, and I don’t have time to watch it.” ”


Jian Xiaoshu also echoed: “I’ve been so tired recently, how can I have time to watch Douyin.” ”

Lin Xinru thought for a while, and immediately smiled: “Calculate the time, Su Xiaobai’s video should have been updated in the past few days, and now there is nothing to do, let’s take a look, just pass the time and relax your spirit.” ”

As soon as they heard Lin Xinru’s words, the two immediately agreed, watching the video and laughing, and it was not bad to relax.

After speaking, Lin Xinru excitedly took out her mobile phone and began to watch the video…

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