“I wipe! How is this gone! Why is this person so short! ”

The little girl was stunned and dumbfounded, he quickly clicked on the progress bar and looked at it, the progress bar was indeed in the end, and there was no sequel later.

“Dog out of context! This title is released, the sequel is gone, how can people sleep! ”

The stupid little girl was so angry that she cursed, this is really a riotous operation, so that she can’t get up and down now, her appetite is hanged, but it is not satisfied at all!

The live broadcast room also suddenly exploded:

“Dog out of context! I want to knife this up master! ”

“I’m taking off my pants, so you’re going to show me this?!”

“I’ll go! Brothers, hurry up and send a blade to this UP Lord! ”

“I’m losing it! What’s the matter, I want to see the evil nemesis, this is not a hanging appetite! ”

“Pounce! Dumb little sister hurriedly let the up master out of the next article, I’m already on the head, I can’t sleep without looking at it! ”

“Good fellow, I didn’t say anything so bizarre and nonsense just now, I really can’t bear it now!”

In the live broadcast room of the little girl, the audience all stopped working, frantically brushing the screen, saying that they wanted to watch the back now.

Why didn’t the little sister herself think like this?

She quickly clicked on the Douyin homepage of this UP owner to see if there were other videos, but found that this UP owner was still a newcomer, and only posted such a video, which was still less than an hour.

This video has hundreds of thousands of likes so far, and the number of views and comments, including other data, is very high.

No way, the little girl clicked on the comment area of the video and looked at it, and found that the comment area was all colorful, all of which were expressing that she was asking the Lord to hurry up and get the God Catcher out!

Further down, there is a large number of comments shouting outrageous grooves.

“Oh my God! This is still a new person up lord, he only posted such a video, this time is really no watch wow! ”

“Family, who of you knows this UP master, tell him to update quickly, millions of viewers in my live broadcast room are waiting to watch it!”

Du Xiaomei said helplessly in the live broadcast room, she now wishes that this up master hurriedly sent out the content of the god catcher.

First, she herself also wants to see, in the end, who in the entertainment industry has helped the police arrest a lot of criminals, why haven’t she heard of it before?

Second, when she watched this video, the audience in the live broadcast room rose a lot, whether it was a barrage or a gift brushed, it was several times her usual live broadcast!

This is simply a wealth code!

Du Xiaomei has been mixing in the live broadcast industry for so many years, doing new ideas every day, changing clothes and changing games, isn’t all in order to retain fans in the live broadcast room!

Can make fans happy, people are willing to brush gifts.

Today she found that when she watched this video, the live broadcast room was simply hot!

The number of viewers has increased several times, and the popularity is so high that even assistants and platforms are stunned!

The little girl herself is almost excited!

But just watching it, just hanging people’s appetite, this video is gone!

“Huh, what is it?”

Du Xiaomei suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a small print at the end of the video, and I didn’t notice it before, it seemed that it was left by the UP master.

“Hello everyone, the newcomer up lord greets everyone, I am also the first time to post a video, my heart and its apprehension, I don’t know if anyone has watched it, so I cut a test water first, if anyone watches, everyone supports and likes and follows, I immediately give the bosses a liver out !!!”

That’s right, Su Bai only cut out such a one.

After all, he is not stupid, so many metaphysical events, how long will it take to cut them all out.

Such a huge project, if no one likes to see it, then it will not be a painstaking pen.

Many viewers are still looking forward to Su Bai’s follow-up video, they have also opened Douyin, searched for this video, and after watching it again, after shouting a wave of bizarre nonsense again, they all liked and followed, and then left a message to urge changes.

What’s more, direct private messages to coerce and lure, this group of viewers in order to watch the follow-up video, also do everything ah!

“Family, let’s find another video to watch, and then find another one to talk about magical events in the entertainment industry.”

Du Xiaomei wants to find a similar video to retain this wave of viewers.

She immediately searched for Douyin, and soon found a person who said the White Dragon King incident in the entertainment industry.

“Let’s take a look at this, family, this should be interesting too.”

Du Xiaomei found a video with the highest likes, and clicked on it with anticipation:

[In other words, when Infernal Affairs was started, it was still called Infernal Affairs, and after the guidance of the White Dragon King, Infernal Affairs changed its name to Infernal Affairs, and then Infernal Affairs opened a new height of box office and word of mouth of Hong Kong films! ] 】

[The White Dragon King also has many events, all of which are very magical. 】

[Actually, I didn’t believe in these superstitious events before, until a friend recommended a numerologist to me…].

After less than half a minute of the video, the UP owner began to recommend this ‘magical’ numerologist.

The comment area is full of scolding, what kind of thing is this, it’s just nonsense, you can’t get anywhere, you just come up to advertise, and the likes are all bought!

“My mine, brothers mine, let’s find another one!”

The little girl quickly apologized, quickly looked for it again, and then carefully found a video:

[Actually, I didn’t believe in these superstitions at first, until my friend recommended me a tarot master…].

As soon as these words sounded, the live broadcast room immediately exploded:

“What the hell is this, isn’t this pure deception!”

“Feng Shui National Essence has all blackened this group of liars!”

“Don’t look at it, don’t look at it, it’s not good-looking, like all the special is fake!”

“I don’t watch it either, when this up master is updated, I’ll come back to it.”

“I’m gone too, and the UP Lord updated to call me.”

“Sneaked away, go to Douyin and watch the video of the rain god again.”

This wave of advertisements that deceive fools directly disgusted the audience in the live broadcast room, many people said they didn’t want to watch it, and when this UP owner was updated, the quality of other videos was completely incomparable, all of them were advertisements that deceived fools.

The stupid little girls are stupid, what the hell is this clip, advertise please also use dim sum is good, aren’t you a fool!

She looked for a few more videos, but they were not satisfactory, and the audience loss in the live broadcast room was very serious, even less than usual playing games.

“Hey, family, forget it, let’s still play games, when is the video of ‘God Catching’ processed, the family said in the live broadcast room, let’s continue to watch.”

No way, the little girl still returned to her old line to play games, really because watching other videos did not watch the effect of the video just now, the loss of audience is too serious, it is better to play games.

And the other side.

Inside the classroom of Communication University of Huakoo.

Su Bai still didn’t know anything about this, so he took classes seriously.

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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