A terrifying sense of oppression struck.

The moth demon's body seemed to tremble under this pressure.

The body began to tense involuntarily.

In the next second, the storm suddenly swept in, accompanied by monstrous flames, and instantly diffused in front of the flying ~ moth demon.

Before he had time to make too many moves, the moth demon swung his twin knives, and the already liberated - the Holy Crying Mantis.

Caused the Moth Demon to grow six amputated arms, each with a double-edged scythe.

Although this gesture may seem powerful, it is actually nothing more than this in the eyes of Kadomaru.

After all, what abilities the Holy Crying Mantis has, Woe Dou Pill is very clear.

It's nothing more than a super regenerative power, and that's it.

So the best way to deal with an enemy with this ability is to...... One hit kills!

The flames engulfed the moth's body.

Along with it, countless cherry blossoms are scattered, piercing through the flames.

Towards the moth demon's body, it raged fiercely.

In an instant, the Moth Demon instinctively wanted to tear apart the flame barrier of the Demon Fighting Pill.

But in the next second, the cherry blossoms that flew out of the flames rushed towards the moth demon with flames like a cloud of ghost fire.

Densely packed with countless cherry blossoms like fireflies, the moth demon's eyes expanded rapidly.

Swinging six double-edged scythes, slashing wildly in all directions.

Jingle Bell!

The continuous sound of collision blocks all the surrounding attacks.

In his opinion, it was naturally blocked.

But in the next second, countless Senbon Sakura gathered behind the Moth Demon.

The flame-covered Senbon Sakura formed a storm of flames, turning into a fiery spear that pierced through the moth demon's back from behind.

The moth demon, whose body was pierced by a blow, had an incredible look in his eyes.

Then turn back!

The slashing sword in Kadomaru's hand, Chibon Sakura, was already in front of his neck.

"But that's it!"

"It seems that you who were once defeated by the Fighting Tooth King are still defeated by your subordinates!"

However, just now the voice fell!

A terrifying roar rang out.

The leader of the ocelot roared at the Fighting Pill, as if it was deafening, and it could directly shatter people's eardrums.

In an instant, a white figure flashed and landed on the flowing blade of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

Fighting Pill squinted at the leader of the ocelot who suddenly appeared.

Unlike other face-breaking blade forms, the ocelot leader's blade form directly causes the blade to disappear, and it seems to transform itself into a beast wearing armor.

It looks like speed and power at the same time.

At this moment, the leader of the ocelot is completely different from his original appearance, he does not have any bloated appearance at all, but looks very robust.

The speed of the sudden burst startled even the Fighting Pills.

"Decent speed!"


A claw slammed into Kadomaru's slashing knife, and the moment the flames burst out, Kadomaru's body was shaken back.

At the same time, the moth demon was also able to get out of trouble.

"This guy's strength is so strong!"

The leader of the ocelot looked at Fighting Pill, who had only taken a few steps back.

You must know that just now, he struck with all his strength, and he only knocked Kamunimaru back a few steps.

This is still when the opponent stood in place without any movement, and blocked his full blow.

If this is to move, then I'm afraid that the power itself will definitely not be the opponent of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

It's not just about power, it's about speed.

After all, his sudden attack on Kalama was also able to dodge easily.

It is also able to block its own attacks with its blade.

Looking down at the remaining flames on his fingertips, the face of the ocelot leader became a little gloomy.

The flames were able to easily burn through the armor of his Blade form.

Will he be able to block this if he slashes?

I feel a little scared when I think about it, after all, once I am hit by that terrifying flame.

Then maybe you will be killed in seconds.

However, Kamto Pill suddenly smiled, and his smile was full of terrifying murderous aura.

Seeing this expression, the leopard cat leader's body couldn't help but tremble.

Suddenly, a strange spatial crack appeared in front of him, and then the head of the Grim Reaper poked out of it.

"Let me keep him under control, and then you two will take the opportunity to deal with him!"

The power of the Mantra-Eye Sangha.

Let a lot of eyes appear on the body of the god of death, and once you are watched by these eyes, then the position that is looked at will be dominated.

If it is the brain that is dominated, then the whole person will be dominated by the ghost of death.

And Kamto Pill naturally can't give the Death Ghost this chance. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, this is a rule-type ability, and even Kamadamaru can't escape control.

It's just that it's too easy to deal with this ability, and you only need to look at it from the absolute side.

Kamto Pill just raised his hand slightly, and before the gaze of the Death Ghost could move, he directly blocked the other party's vision with a barrier formed by flames.

In this case, there is no possibility of domination.

And the flames of the Grim Reaper suddenly covered the figure of the Evil Fighting Pill, and the whole thing was a little puzzled, was it a coincidence?

How do you feel like you know what you're capable of?

While the Remnant Fire Taidao East Rising Sun Blade was silently thinking in his heart, he raised his head in the next second.

And a spatial crack was emerging, and then the storm that erupted in the next second swept away.

The blade of the Scourge Pill slashed directly in the direction of the spatial rift.

A knife!

There was no roar, no fluctuations.

And at this moment, the ocelot leader's eyes shrank slightly, and he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Reaper Beware!"

It was such a reminder that suddenly made the head of the Grim Reaper turn slightly.

And the blade of Kamunimaru slid past his ear, directly slicing off one of the ears of the Grim Reaper.

The temperature of the Remnant Fire Knife was quite terrifying, although there was no flame burning on the blade, but the terrifying temperature had almost instantly made half of the head of the Grim Reaper Ghost flesh and blood blur.

The screams sounded, and in the next second, the Grim Reaper endured the pain while quickly retreating from the spatial crack.

Before he could use his ability on the Scourge Pill, he had already been hit hard.

"I feel like he knows what we're capable of!"

Suddenly, the moth demon spoke, and the leader of the ocelot, who was about to attack, was stunned for a moment.

The Reaper also looked at him, and at the same time, he was recovering from his injuries by overspeeding.

It's just one ear, and it's not impossible to recover.

"How could he possibly know?"

The Reaper Ghost felt that this was unlikely, after all, their abilities were all just cultivated, how could Scourge Pill know their abilities.

If you really know, it means that someone is informing, then this person can be an instant fierce pill, but if you think about it carefully, it is impossible for an instant fierce pill to tell the truth.

After all, Akira died at the hands of the Fighting Tooth King.

The hatred for the Fighting Tooth King is quite strong.

If even Akimaru would have snitched, then they would have nothing to say if they died here today.

"You're right, I know all about your abilities!"

Suddenly, the voice of Kamto Pill sounded!!! force!.

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