A knife!

The extremely fast slash is just a moment.

It was as if the heavens and the earth had lost their color and turned into black and white.

Immediately after that, the sword that Plague Pill slashed out directly pierced through the sky and landed straight on the opponent's body.

At this moment, the dragon bone spirit didn't have time to dodge, and he didn't even have time to make other moves.

On the huge body, a white light appeared, and then spread to both sides.

The dragon bone spirit stared in the direction of Scourge Pill with wide eyes.


Flame of terror!

Accompanied by amazing heat.

Swept around in an instant.

At this moment, the dragon bone essence could only feel the terrifying heat spreading through its body.

And in the blink of an eye, his body was completely devoured.

With anger as his power, his anger is not at its peak now, and Kadodomaru's attack directly kills him instantly.

The wind whistled and dissipated instantly as soon as it was raised.

And at this moment, the Scourge Pill has slowly put the knife into the sheath.

Raising his hand, a fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls that shone with purple light flew in front of Fighting Pill.

Fighting Pill raised his hand and grabbed the jade fragment of the Four Souls. 21

At the same time, the collapsed jade in the body also began to burst into light, resonating with the jade fragments of the four souls.

He began to frantically absorb this fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls, feeling that the process of fusion did not even require any guidance from the Scourge Fighting Pill.

Fusion starts automatically.

[Detection of Broken Jade, Evolving in the Third Form]

The third form of the broken jade, is it so fast!

And he didn't provide any help at all, so he was able to directly fuse.

It's also a little too scary.

Why this Four Souls Jade Fragment didn't need his power to fuse, this is too strange!

[Congratulations to the host, regaining the power of the Broken Face: Angry Beast (89%)]

There is one more ability to break the surface.

And now it's not just a face-breaking power, even with the Disaster Fighting Pill and even the feeling that the power in the body has become stronger.

Increasing the power of the void, that's interesting.

[The absorption of the jade fragments of the four souls is completed, and the jade of the collapse absorbs two more jade fragments of the four souls to complete the evolution]

Hearing the voice of the Great Sage, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

Two more Jade Fragments of the Four Souls!

Very good!

In addition to the dragon bone spirit, there are also three guys, the Death Ghost, the Moth Demon, and the Ocelot Leader, all of whom have the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls in their bodies.

Kill the three of them and capture their Four Soul Jade Fragments, as long as you defeat two of them, you will be able to complete the absorption of the Four Soul Jade Fragments.

And you don't need to control the broken jade yourself, you can quickly complete the absorption.

It seems that it won't take too long to advance to the third form of the Broken Jade Form.


The Grim Reaper on the periphery came closer.

One by one, they held their breath and didn't dare to look directly at the Disaster Fighting Pill.

After all, they had seen an earth-shattering and terrifying blow just now.

The moment the Fighting Pill spiritual pressure was released, it made all the gods of death seem to see the limit of their strength for the first time.

The extreme level that they can reach as the power of the god of death is definitely the level of the blow of the Disaster Pill just now.

However, it is only a theoretical limit, and they are afraid that they will not be able to reach the level of one-tenth or even one percent of the Disaster Fighting Pill in their lifetime.

That's the gap.

A gap that can never be crossed.

And at this moment, the Grim Reaper, who felt the disappearance of the dragon bone essence's breath, was suddenly stunned.

Is the keel spirit dead?

As a dragon bone spirit that exists at the same level as them, it was so easy to be killed?

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Woe Fighting Pill.

The master of the Corpse Soul Realm, his strength is even one level above them.

But if that's the case, it means that no matter how one-on-one they are, facing the Scourge Pill must be the rhythm of being killed.

Then if that's the case, they have to...... We have to join forces.

Otherwise, it is definitely not the opponent of Kadodomaru.

Thinking of this, the Grim Reaper turned around for the first time, and instantly passed through the spatial transfer, and came directly to the other side, and the moth demon in this direction was here.

Glancing at the sudden appearance of the Reaper ghost, the moth demon frowned and didn't say anything.

On the other side, a rapid sound of breaking wind sounded.

The leader of the ocelots who had arrived also gathered.

And the Grim Reaper, who had fought with them before, was thrown away by them.

But it won't be long before the Grim Reaper arrives. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But at this moment, compared to rushing to them, the captain-level Grim Reaper was gathering in the direction of Disaster Fighting Pill, and they didn't chase these three guys at the first time.

Katanmaru chuckled, "Do you think it's okay to get together!"

As he spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But at the same time, Kamto Pill was looking in the other direction.

"I remember...... That Grim Reaper is called ...... Ichizaki bar!"

Kadomaru frowned, and at this moment, Ichizaki, who was the god of death, was meeting with Naraku.

I didn't expect that as a god of death, I still had a connection with Naraku.

It seems that he underestimated the final BOOS Naraku of this world.

I didn't expect that I had already buried my own people in the corpse soul realm.

This is something that Kadotomaru didn't even notice.

However, Naraku's strength is not worth mentioning now, and there is no fluctuation of the jade fragments of the four souls on his body.

You don't need to worry too much about it, let's deal with those three guys first!

"You're back!"

The captain-level Grim Reaper, who was the first to arrive, said as Crazy Tooth looked at Disaster Fighting Pill.

Kadomaru just nodded at him, then turned to look at the other side. []

Look in the direction of the Grim Reaper and the others on the other side.

"Everyone, kill the void that broke into the corpse soul realm with all your might, and seal the entrance to the boundary breaking gate!"

"Don't let any more voids enter the Corpse Soul Realm!"

"The Soul Street will also be cleaned up immediately, and all the voids will be killed as quickly as possible!"

And the next Dark Fang 960 who rushed to hear the second half of Woto Pill's words, he asked directly: "Lord Scourge Pill, those three guys ......?"

"I'm coming!"

Scourge Pill took a step forward, and the invisible fluctuations spread instantly, directly causing both of them, who were captain-level Dark Fang and Crazy Fang, to be inexplicably uneasy.

"It's been a long time since they've been active, and they think that if the three of them join together, they will be able to deal with me! "

With a smile on his face as he spoke, he glanced back at the others.


As soon as the words fell, Kadotomaru himself disappeared first.

And at this moment, the Grim Reaper, the Moth Demon, and the leader of the ocelot all suddenly cheered up their spirits.

And at this moment, the Fighting Pill appeared in front of the eyes of the three of them, looking at the three demons who exuded strong spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies.

The three demons all possessed spiritual pressure fluctuations that were no less than those of the previous dragon bone essence.

"You guys, I didn't expect to be able to appear in such a posture!"

The previous dragon bone essence had already surprised Disaster Fighting Pill.

And the three monsters that appeared in front of me, needless to say, the Grim Reaper ghost, although the appearance has changed a lot, but it can still be seen in general.

The rest of the Moth Demon and the Ocelot Leader, Fighting Pill can vaguely guess something by their physical features.

"You should be a monster of the Moth Clan and become a void after death!" said Kamunimaru and turned his head to look at the other, "and you should be a youkai of the Ocelot Clan!"

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