At this moment, the flames were bubbling all over his body, especially the scorching sun formed by the gathering of flames behind him.

Not to mention the spiritual pressure strength of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

The temperature of the flames alone makes people feel unusually terrifying.

The surrounding voids, many of whom had no time to dodge, were instantly ignited by the invisible flames, within a few tens of meters around the Scourge Pill.

Flames burst into flames in an instant.

The dragon bone spirit looked at the appearance of the Disaster Fighting Pill and also released the spiritual pressure.

At the same time, it is fully resistant to the invasion of high temperatures.

After all, such a high temperature is not something that can be ignored directly for the keel spirit.

"It's hot!"

"The air seems to be heating up!"

"It's such a terrible temperature, this is the big ~ human slashing knife!"

"I've only heard other people say how terrifying Kadotamaru-sama's blades are before, but today I'm finally able to feel it for myself!"

A grim reaper looked wistful.

Looking at the Kamto Pill in the distance.

The flames burned, and the blade in the hand of the Fighting Pill was like a flame.

Scourge Pill took a step forward.

Suddenly, the waves set off by the flames erupted.

The ripples that spread immediately around caused the ground within a radius of tens of meters to burst open in an instant.

The cracks spread rapidly, appearing like spider webs.

And then Trouble Pill's gaze locked on the dragon bone spirit.

"Don't you want to use your Returning Blade?"

Hearing this, the dragon bone spirit was stunned for a moment.

What is that?

Wait, is this guy referring to their broken blade liberation?

Returning to the blade, this name seems to be better than the name they gave it, Blade Liberation.

That's a good name!

"Looks like you know a lot about our power!"

The dragon bone spirit frowned and looked at Scourge Pill.

Hearing this, Fighting Pill smiled and raised his hand with a knife, as fast as lightning and as heavy as a knife from a mountain, and it fell down in an instant.

At this moment, flames poured down from the sky like a tidal wave, and then the flames swept like a raging wave.

Swept directly in the direction of the dragon bone essence, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed to want to completely engulf the dragon bone essence.

But the keel spirit's step and performance of the sound turn are actually imitating the instantaneous steps of the god of death, and strictly speaking, there is still a difference between the sound and the sound used in the broken face of the god of death.

But let's call it that!

The dragon bone spirit who used the ring to dodge the attack wanted to attack in the next second.

But it was suddenly shattered by the appearance of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

The powerful slash, accompanied by the invasion of the flame attack, is not at all something that the dragon bone spirit in this state can resist.

The body flew upside down in the air like a rocket, and there was a long line of fire behind it.

Kadodomaru's ability to manipulate flames is completely different.

Now it's the Scourge Pill in this state of merging with Honyu, and the power to control the flow blade is even more handy.

Basically, you can control it as much as you want, and you can easily control the flames to the position that Curse Pill wants.

The dragon bone spirit wrapped in flames instantly broke free from the flames.

Hit by the flames again, the dragon bone spirit's body showed several more scorching marks.

However, at the moment of breaking free from the flames, the dragon bone spirit had already directly begun to liberate the blade.

That is, the return to the blade.

But in the next second, it was just his blade that released some kind of light, and it was accompanied by the resonance of the jade fragments of the four souls in his body.

The next second, a new prompt popped up in front of Fighting Pill's eyes.

[Detection, unknown energy and jade energy resonate]

【Senluo Simulation On】

[Simulation: Angry Beast]

[Simulation Progress: 88%]

For a moment, Kamto Pill was stunned.

Angry beasts?

Isn't that the ability of the Grim Reaper World to break through the face and teeth?


Who simulated the ability to have a tooth tightness.

Suddenly, Scourge Pill raised his head and looked at the dragon bone spirit in front of him.

In the next second, the dragon bone spirit seemed to sense something, and the whole person was extremely excited.

"That's it, that's it, is your name called this!"

"Very well, now that I know, so that I can ...... I'll be able to burst out of your stronger power!"

As he spoke, the dragon bone spirit laughed at the Scourge Pill.

It was as if something terrible had happened. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Detection, Target: Keel Essence]

[Due to special reasons, exclusive ability: Angry Beast]

[Test result, because the opponent has the jade fragment of the four souls, the opponent can monopolize this ability]

[Remove the opponent's Four Souls Jade Fragment, or kill the target to regain the ability]

Hearing this, Doumaru was stunned for a moment.

Reclaim the ability!

In other words, as long as you kill the dragon bone spirit in front of you, then the angry beast will become your own ability!

That's what it means!

Very good!

Very good!

Kadomaru's eyes burst with a gleam.

And at this moment, the dragon bone spirit suddenly burst out.


As he spoke, the dragon bone spirit suddenly began to swell up, and the whole person suddenly became extremely huge. []

So much so that he was on the verge of becoming a different person.

Different from the original Tooth Dense Blade, the form of the Dragon Bone Essence at the moment is based on the fact that the body of the monster has been completely restored and has become huge.

The dragon's head became more exaggerated, and its body swelled like a giant serpent capable of stretching several mountain ranges.

At the same time, a bony shell grows on his body, and his eyes burst into red light.

The void is unique to the void, and it is transferred to the position of the dragon's head.

The dragon bone essence with a huge body can burst out with terrifying destructive power with just a slight movement.

The surrounding Grim Reaper quickly fled, but even so, there were a few guys who were not so lucky, and they were crushed by the instantly expanding dragon bone spirit body.

As a result, he was seriously injured.

And after the body of the dragon bone spirit expanded, the explosion of strength was secondary.

The most important problem is that the angry beast uses anger as its power, and the more anger there is, the stronger his power becomes.

At this moment, the entire Lingling Court was in a frenzied tremor.

The moment that terrifying giant monster appeared, it could be clearly seen in that corner of the Corpse Soul Realm.

Fighting Pill raised his head and looked at the sky, such a huge monster really looked difficult to deal with!


"Kadotomaru, your father's debt will be repaid by you today!"

As he spoke, the dragon bone spirit swung its huge bone claws and slammed down directly from the sky towards the Scourge Pill.

And Kado-maru frowned, raised his hand, and a curtain of fire instantly appeared, blocking the attack of the dragon bone spirit.


The sound of impact sounded, and although the dragon bone spirit was not able to break through the flames of the Scourge Pill, the flames of the Disaster Pill only barely blocked the blow.

After returning to the blade, the strength of the dragon bone essence has indeed increased, and it has been enhanced a lot.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be so much enhanced.

Could it be because of the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls?

Fighting Pill thought with a frown.

If it's really because of the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, then it's a bit difficult to do.

"My anger is not something that you can stop with a piece of fire. "

Suddenly, the second blow struck, and the fire curtain dissipated directly, and huge claws fell from the sky and crushed down fiercely towards the Disaster Fighting Pill... Thousand....

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