This time the person from Xuye Palace wants to take over the entire Soul Society in one fell swoop!

But at this moment, Suxi, Mi Ya, Li Ya, and Heixu were all trying their best to help Su Xi resist the virtual attacks coming from behind.

"Lord Suxi, leave these to us, and you will do your best to seal the broken gate!"

Heixu was blocking two Achucas-level Daxu. He was still able to find a space to talk to Suxi, and he was already trying his best. Mi Ya and Li Ya on the other side even worked together to block seven or eight of them. There is no need to pay too much attention to the Achucas-level Daxu.

Not to mention the other lower-level Hollows, as well as the Killian-level Daxu.

But Suxi has no way to rush to the boundary-breaking gate, because!

At the moment, that The Touwa Stod-class Daxu is staring at Suxi from the dark. Once Suxi rushes to the boundary-breaking gate and puts a distance between the three of them, it will immediately attack Suxi.

It will not happen at all. This gives Suxi a chance to get close to the boundary-breaking gate, and the three demons are still guarding the boundary-breaking gate. Even if they break through the defense of the Vastod-level Daxu, there is no way to easily seal the boundary-breaking gate!

"Haven't the others arrived yet?"

Suxi is a little anxious now.

There are other captain-level Shinigami who are still on the way at this moment.

Anya, since it is Anya's turn to be on duty and guard Rukongai, Anya is the captain-level Shinigami farthest away..

He has not even been notified of the emergency gathering.

Now Hollows have also appeared in Rukongai. Part of the Hollows have broken through the barrier within Seireitei and are spreading towards Rukongai.

Ordinary Hollows want to Obviously they are not strong enough to devour high-quality souls like the God of Death. Although their instincts drive them to devour, the high-level Hollow will drive them away.

Therefore, they are unable to devour the God of Death, and they cannot even get a share of the lotus leftovers..

So much so that they can only rush to Rukongai to devour ordinary souls.

But even if the undead souls in Rukongai are not as good as the gods of death, they are still quite pure souls compared to the souls of ordinary humans.

It can quickly advance the level of Hollows.

When a Hollow appears in Rukongai, it is a Hollow who ran out of the Seireitei. This makes the Shinigami stationed in Rukongai very surprised.

That is the Seireitei!

This is the Soul Society. The safest place, the Hollows running out of the Seireitei? How is it possible!

Although the Shinigami immediately began to kill these Hollows who ran out of the Seireitei, the number of Hollows that emerged was too many.

After a while , There was simply no way to kill them all, and even Anya didn’t understand what was going on.

Kuangya, the captain of the third division, was assisting in guarding the southern entrance, one of the four entrances to the Seireitei. However, he heard something behind him. There was a roar.

Kuangya frowned, and his eyes instantly became much colder. Then he turned around and slashed a Hollow that was about to attack him in half with a knife. He flicked the blade casually and turned to look at Seireitei. Deep in the direction of the palace

"What's happening here? In the Seireitei... a Hollow actually appeared!"

The second head appeared, the third head, the fourth head, and then dense black dots appeared in front of my eyes.

Kuang Ya's face became more and more gloomy.

The whole person was completely stunned.

One or two heads appeared. Forget it, why do so many Hollows appear... and they appear in the Seireitei?

"Lord Kuangya, what's going on? Why are there so many Hollows in the core position of Soul Society!"

Kangya couldn't answer this question at all now.


Suddenly a roar sounded. Before Kuangya had time to react, he was thrown away and then hit the wall directly.

A huge hammer was thrown out. Pothole.

At this moment, all the gods of death were stunned.

They stared blankly at the three-meter-tall black creature that suddenly appeared in front of them.

"This is……"

The blade falls.

A god of death collapsed directly to the ground


"It’s still the Achiukas-level Daxu!"

The Achucas-level Great Hollow, even if placed in Hueco Mundo, is an extremely rare existence!

How could it appear here, in the Seireitei!

"It hurts so much!"

Kuangya's voice sounded, and then he twisted his neck and moved slightly, then raised his head to look at the guy who just attacked him.

"He also knew how to conduct a sneak attack, but luckily he blocked it otherwise.……"

He glanced down at the torn clothes on his chest.

I was almost killed by the other party.

"Bastard, are you looking for death?"

Raise the Zanpakutō in your hand and point it at the Achucas-level Hollow in front of you.

"Shoot him! Godly gun!"

Wow, the divine spear that stretched out in an instant penetrated the heart of this big Xu.

But it was just an attack on the body, and it was not a fatal injury to Xu.

Even though this Achucas-level Daxu It was the captain-level Shinigami who took action, and it was not something he could kill so easily.

At the same time, everywhere in the Seireitei.

Team 9, Captain Daidoji, was being blocked by two Achucas-level Daoxu.

Eleven The captain of the division, Hisao, was also surrounded by a dozen Kilian-level daxons and an Achucas-level daxon. The captain of the 12th division, Genji, and the preliminary candidate for the captain of the 13th division. , Sesshomaru and Ganga faced off against the three-headed Achucas-level Hollows.

Hollows of this level were not targets chosen casually.

Instead, they had been killed by Setsuna before entering Soul Society. Mengmaru was under control.

This was to prevent these captain-level Shinigami from getting in the way, at least until most of the Hollows invaded Soul Society, and the Hueco Mundo Overlapping phenomenon completely covered the Demon World. Then

Hueco Mundo Overlapping might be It will be further expanded to the Soul Society.

At that time, the entire Soul Society will completely become the second Hueco Mundo. At this moment, Setsuna Mengmaru is standing at the highest point of Inuyao City, looking at the countless monsters and Hollows below.

"Is this the so-called demon world?"

"It’s quite interesting!"[]

"But it's a pity that the demon world will no longer exist from now on."

At this moment, Naraku, who is standing next to Setsuna Mengmaru, feels a little different.

Monster Realm!

It can be said that a shelter has been established for the monsters, but after today the Hueco Mundo overlaps, the Monster Realm will be destroyed.

The monsters may also be affected by this. Complete extinction.

At least most of the family-style monsters, such as the Dog Monster Clan and the Monster Wolf Clan, will disappear.

Naraku is considered a half-demon after all, and he still has a special emotion for monsters.

At least compared to The sense of belonging to Xu is much stronger

"how? Do you feel uncomfortable seeing the demon world destroyed? Setsuna

Tengan asked as if he had read through Naraku's thoughts.

Naraku just smiled,"I'm just a half-demon, and now I don't know whether I'm a monster or a Hollow!""

This answer made Setsuna Mengwan smile."You are indeed neither a monster nor a Hollow.……"

Saying that, Setsuna Mengwan did not continue to say anything on this topic, but turned to look at the location of the boundary-breaking gate.

"Let's go! Let’s go and see the place we dream of, Soul Society!".

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