If it had been before, I am afraid that a man who is rich would never dare to talk to him like this.

But now it's different.

This guy has mastered the Holy Body, and in terms of strength, if he opens the Holy Body, his combat power will definitely crush his own existence.

Joein, who was the strongest in terms of comprehensive strength before, has now become the weakest one.

"You don't seem to be fit to finish cultivating the Holy Body at all!"

The rich man kept laughing at Joe.

If it was changed to the way it was before, now that Qiao Yin would shoot directly, it would be impossible to give the other party a chance to continue to mock him.

But at the moment, there is nothing to do with the other party.

No way, strength is everything in the exorcism organization, no matter how high or low your status is, once you lose your strength, then you will lose your status.

Join's forehead was already bruised, and he was about to run out of patience.

Toru Yamayama walked in, "Masaki Ichi, are you boring?"

Hearing this, a man looked at Shan Che, "What's the matter with you, do you want to be nosy?"

Originally, I thought that Toru Yama would leave, but this time Yamatoru sneered, "Let's try it!"

The Hand of God Organization, the previous ranking was probably like this.

Jon and Chang Ho are tied for the first echelon.

After that, Heyan and Jiamei, who had already been killed, were in the second echelon.

In the end, it's a man.

And Toru Kosamiyama has just joined the Hand of God organization, according to the previous order, then 613 should now be a member of the third echelon as a boy.

So this guy didn't come out specifically for Joe, but to challenge for a man's position.

Good to become a member of the second echelon, although it is also the hand of God, but the default member of the second echelon, can command the members of the third echelon at will.

So the previous one man was basically the guy that everyone was targeting.

Among them, especially Joe is the most excessive, so this time a man finally seized the opportunity to constantly taunt and provoke Joe.

And when the two were in tension.

Suddenly, Join seemed to find a feeling.

The final step is finally completed.

This step is a different world.

The Holy Sacrament is opened.

The spirit son on Join's body went directly violently, and the fluctuations that erupted in an instant made the entire base shake suddenly.

Kazuo and Toru Yama looked at Jone.

This guy has mastered the Holy Sacrament!

A man's face became very ugly.

And Shan Toru didn't seem very happy, but his eyes were much colder.

Jone laughed and slowly stood up, feeling the power surging through his body.

"Great!" (chbf) "Great! Is this the power of the Blessed Sacrament?"

This feeling of being omnipotent and having everything under control is so addictive.

At this moment, Qiao Yin looked at a man, "You have been chattering here and provoking me, but now I can give you a chance to prove yourself, a rich man!"

Saying that, Qiao Yin raised his hand and instantly formed an annihilation arrow, and the terrifying spirit son condensed into an annihilation arrow aimed at a man who was rich.

"Do you want to try it?"

Hearing this, a man's face changed rapidly, and there was a fierce battle in his heart, so he should give up this opportunity to compete with Joe.

After weighing the pros and cons for a few seconds, a man smiled.

"It's boring!"

"I didn't expect you to master the Holy Communion so quickly, and I thought you could have more fun!"

As he spoke, a man turned to leave.

And at this time, Shan Toru glanced at Joe, "This will let him go?"

Hearing this, Join sneered, "The most important enemy now is the Grim Reaper!"

Outside the base!

A large group of Grim Reapers, preparing to attack the base.

The members of Team Eight and Team Six are already in place.

This base has been explored by Kenpachi, and there are about three entrances.

And this time they are going to attack from three entrances at the same time.

Kadoto Pill is in charge of one, Kenpachi is in charge of one, and Nakamu is in charge of one.

Inuyasha and Kenpachi together, Kagome with Kazumaru.

As for Zhongmu, he is a person.

However, Zhongmu's ability to slash the sword is more special, and it belongs to the slow-heat type of slashing knife, so Scourge Pill requires him not to attack too fast.

Surround both directions, leaving a gap, so that the opponent will flee towards the gap in large numbers.

Zhongmu may be facing a large number of exterminators who want to escape from the base.

And the really powerful guys, if they want to escape, they probably won't be entangled with Zhongmu.

At the same time, if the other party has a bit of a strong backbone, then it will not run away easily, but will rush in the direction of Kadomaru or Kenpachi.

We're going to have to deal with them!

And for Zhongmu, he is responsible for rescuing Coral and Maitreya!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Once you have a plan specified, then there is nothing to say and go straight to action.

With a wave of his hand.

At the same time, the Reapers, who were divided into three teams, directly began to attack.

Scourge Pill just pointed at it.

Let the base gate in front of him be scrapped directly, and the two gates flew into the base like cannonballs, so that the two exterminators guarding the gate were directly smashed into pulp in an instant.

This was followed by an influx of death.

At the same time, explosions were heard at the base, and sirens sounded.

A man who had just walked out turned around and came back to find Joe.

"Looks like a guest has come to the door!"

Yamatoru: "I guess it's really for those two people from the Warring States Period!"

What's so special about those two guys that they can get the Grim Reaper to come to their door?

Join didn't know what was so special about the two, but it didn't prevent him from implementing his next plan.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Join's face.

"Then let's meet these guys as planned!"

Saying that, Qiao Yin had already walked towards the door, and Yamatoru and Kazuo followed closely. []


When the Grim Reapers begin to act, confronting the Exterminators.

On the other side, in the void circle, the vibration finally stopped.

Zero looked at the imaginary circle that had stopped shaking, but was stunned for a moment, "Didn't it work?"

Zero frowned, but the next second, there was an overlap of imaginary circles in the center of the imaginary circles.

A large number of spirit children moved towards the center of the void circle as if they had been sucked away by a whirlpool.

This surprised Zero.

The overlapping of imaginary circles in the center of the imaginary circle is quite unpleasant!

Because the voids gathered in the void circle are undoubtedly the strongest groups of voids in the void circle.

Those who can have the ability to gain a foothold in the center of the void circle, even if they are not big voids, at least have their own unique skills.

Either it's speed, it's defense, or it's amazing combat effectiveness.

In short, there is no general emptiness.

And the phenomenon of overlap is still expanding, which means that if the overlap of the imaginary circles is not prevented, then it will lead to the complete integration of the imaginary circles with the present world.

When the time comes, the two realms will be superimposed, and no one knows what terrible effect it will cause.

Thinking of this, Zero hurried towards the center of the imaginary circle.

At the same time, in the Void Night Palace, Akira looked at the overlapping of the void circles that had been opened!

"Good show...... It's finally time to start!"

Dragonbone Spirits, Grim Reapers, Moth Demons, Ocelot Bosses, and ...... Naraku is excited!

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