"But it's a bit surprising! Did you hear those guys just say?"

"Onefang, that guy is one of the seven fangs of the dog, and it seems that he has also become a god of death, and now he has been deprived of the power of death. "

Komaru said, looking very happy.

After all, he is also ten ~ happy to see the former enemy become like this now.

Song Xiu also smiled, "This guy is just a dog demon general now, and he is no longer qualified to compare with us-!"

Poured a big sip of wine frantically, and the sake brewery also sneered, "It's not enough!"

"That guy deserves to be punished even more cruelly!"

Indeed, compared to what happened to them, Onetooth was already quite good, but he was only deprived of the power of death.

Not dead yet!

All three of them were killed, and they were left in the void, and they didn't know how much they suffered.

If it weren't for being found and fished out, it would have been up to those few adults to make them what they are now.

Otherwise, they would have been devoured!

"The demon world is thriving now, but it's a pity that it's still controlled by the dog demon clan. "

"The world of youkai should not be controlled by a certain race of youkai!"

Song Xiu said.

Although they are no longer youkai, Songshu still misses the days when he was a youkai.

But it's a pity that this life was ruined by Kamto Maru.

Obviously, they just wanted to go to the land of the Dog Demon Clan to seek a breakthrough, but they didn't expect the Dog Demon Clan to kill them directly.

"Dog demons are damned!"

Qu Maru, as he spoke, looked at the members of the outer team of the Inu Demon Clan who had entered on the side.

He was angry when he looked at these guys.

"These guys from the dog demon clan are really selfish!"

The sake brewery sneered.

Although the demon world is now developing so hugely, in the demon world, most of the outer teams stationed in the demon world are dog demons.

It's not even a dog demon's youkai with few pitiful.

And these monsters who are not dog demons must be very strong to be eligible to enter the outer team, and still hold very marginal positions.

Compared to them, the strength of ordinary members of the outer team may not be as good as some powerful monsters, but there is no way.

Since the demon king of the demon world is a calamity pill, the dog demon clan can have this unique treatment.

This is something that no other youkai can satisfy.

In fact, it is because of this that although there are many monsters in the demon world, there are not many monsters in the corpse soul world now.

Or there are not many powerful demon clans.

The number of undead who have been selected by Soul Street has caught up.

Now the proportion of the god of death in the corpse soul realm, the proportion of the dog demon is about to be caught up by the undead.

In the demon world that is being discussed by the three of them at this moment, the one-tooth who is the general of the dog demon is rushing in the direction of the Bone City.

The main reason why Duya rushed to Bone City with a group of members of the outer team was that he felt an inexplicable spiritual pressure fluctuation.

Although he was deprived of the power of the Slashing Blade, he still possessed the Slashing Sword.

It's just that there are no more thousand cherry blossoms, but the spiritual pressure of one-tooth cultivation for so many years is still there.

This power will not disappear because he is stripped of his sword.

And during this time, Onetooth has adapted to the days without Senbon Sakura.

But as a captain-level god of death, the basic spiritual pressure is still there, and now the combat power is probably equivalent to the vice captain-level god of death!

"One-toothed General, is something happening in the City of Bones?"

The deputy captain of the outer team behind him asked, but the lone tooth on the side shook his head, "I'm not sure now, but in the Bone City, I feel a wave of spiritual pressure!"

Spiritual pressure fluctuations!

The other members of the outer team behind him were stunned one by one, they could all get the shallow fight in advance, if they could completely fuse the shallow fight.

Then you can join the Guardian Team of the Corpse Soul Realm and become a Grim Reaper.

But after all these years, they all know how difficult it is to fully integrate the shallow fight. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only after the complete fusion of shallow fights can you have spiritual pressure.

And Lord Onetooth actually sensed that there was a spiritual pressure fluctuation in the Bone City.

"Could it be that there is a Reaper from the Corpse Soul Realm in the City of Bones?"

Such a statement is impossible, Duya shook his head, "No, if it is a god of death from the corpse soul realm, they don't need to enter by themselves, they just come directly through the boundary breaking gate!"

"And it will never go unnoticed!"

Hearing Onetooth say this, the others all nodded.

If it weren't for the Guardian Team of the Corpse Soul Realm, then what would it be!

Saying that, Onetooth has come to the outside of Bone City, and he is already very sure that there are indeed spiritual pressure fluctuations in Bone City.

And this spiritual pressure fluctuation seems to be quite strong, and it is not at all the spiritual pressure fluctuation that ordinary Death God has.

Is it false?

If it is false, this is an unprecedented event.

After all, there has never been a void in the demon world!

When Duya came to the outside of the Bone City, at the same time, Song Xiu and the others also felt the fluctuation of Duya's spiritual pressure.

"Aren't you deprived of the power of death? Onetooth still has this level of spiritual pressure!"

Komaru thought it was a little strange, maybe what they heard was fake news!

"It may be that the ability has been deprived, but the spiritual pressure is still there!" Sake brewery was already able to fully perceive the spiritual pressure of the One Fang.

His special ability allows him to get a lot of information about the other party when he feels it.

"Since they're all here, it looks like they're coming for us!, but since they're all here, let's just slaughter them!" said Komaru, looking at Matsushu and the sakeshop.

The grudge between them and the Grim Reaper is not shared, and it is not impossible to kill two guys first to help the fun.

"Let's finish what Akina-samaru explained first!"

Song Xiu still seems relatively stable.

But the sake shop on the side didn't think so, "It's just a tiger with its teeth extracted, and it's easy to kill him, so that the people in the demon world can't even detect it!"

Seeing that both of them said this, Song Xiu couldn't refute it.

He also wants to try the one-tooth knife to see what his strength is now!

"Okay, let's get rid of this guy quickly!"

"Then we immediately released the spiritual pressure and began to attract the Instant Fierce Pill of the Void Night Palace!"

Komaru and Sake House nodded.

Smiles crossed their faces.

At the same time, in modern times, Scourge Pill had come to the final stage of the fusion of the jade fragments of the four souls.

It will take a few more hours to complete the fusion.

But now that Fighting Pill can feel it, the power of the void in his body has begun to explode.

Right now, the power of the void is growing wildly.

The Yaban team has already determined the location of Maitreya and Sango, and is preparing to surround this base to ensure that not a single exterminator will be released.

At the same time, Jone in the base also frowned, he had a bad premonition, but behind him stood the other four members of the Hand of God.

And the most important thing is that Yazen has already started to develop the Holy Body of the Exterminator... Pill....

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