"Then let's cooperate!"

"You go back to the Void Circle and carefully observe the Void Night Palace, once they have any latest moves or other questions, you have to tell me!"

As he spoke, Fighting Pill frowned again.

Now the two meet because of the time bug problem caused by the overlapping of imaginary circles.

If the subsequent Zero stays here, then when he returns again, he should only be able to return to the imaginary circle of the Warring States Period.

At that time, there was no way to monitor the Void Night Palace.

If he returns to the modern void, then there is no way to notify himself at the first time even if there is any news.

That's the problem.

【The host can use shallow hitting】

Shallow hits?

Do you mean let me give him a shallow punch?

[Yes, if you have a shallow fight, you can connect with the host, and once you have a swastika or a first solution, you can perceive it, and even when it is destroyed, you can also perceive it]

I see.

The main thing is to transmit a signal, as long as this signal is perceived, then everything is easy to do.

Thinking of this, Fighting Pill nodded.

"You go ahead with this!"

As he spoke, he threw out a shallow punch, took the shallow zero, and looked at the shallow hit in his hand.

"It's ......"

"The blade I forged with spiritual power, all the blades used by the god of death can basically be said to be my sword!"

"If you make any major discovery and destroy this knife, then I will sense that even if there is no overlapping of the imaginary circles, I will have a way to come to the imaginary circle where you are and find you. "

Wen Yanzero nodded.


With this out of the way, the next step is to deal with the overlapping of imaginary circles.

Kadomaru turned his head to look at the voids.

"I have to solve all these voids, otherwise the phenomenon of overlapping voids will not stop. "

Wen Yanzero nodded, "Okay!"

"What about you!"

If zero is always here, as a broken virtual or self-broken guy, this guy is within the overlapping range of this imaginary circle, and the overlapping phenomenon is even more unlikely to end.

"I can go back through the black cavity.!"

"Then you can go back!"

Naturally, it was okay to go back, but Zero glanced at the two Wastod-level voids who were fighting with Kenpachi.

"If you want to take them away, take them away! these two guys here will only aggravate the phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles!"

Zero nodded, then turned his head to look at the three Achucas-level Great Voids on the other side.

Kadotamu was speechless and waved his hand.

Zero tore open the black cavity and directly took away all the five voids.

The rest are only a few minor characters.

And now the number of voids has begun to decrease, and the Grim Reaper is constantly cleaning up these voids.

As a result, the overlap phenomenon is rapidly declining.

This process can be seen as the continuous pumping of water after the boat has entered the water, so that the water level of the boat rises again, and the leakage surface surface.

This way, there will be no further flooding.

However, I am afraid that this process will continue for some time.

During this time, it is necessary to ensure a high frequency of killing these voids.

After Scourge Pill didn't talk to Zero, he shot and killed Void, which further improved his efficiency.

And at the same time.


The Moonless Exterminators have all come to the modern era.

However, they may not have imagined that the modern phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles actually began in the Warring States period.

If I knew, I probably wouldn't have chosen to come to the modern age.

And these exterminators who have come to the modern era have been frightened by the development after a thousand years.

They were amazed by the wonders of humans who had created airplanes and built hundreds of stories high.

However, this is not the main purpose of their visit, the main purpose is to solve the problem of overlapping imaginary circles.

Not long after he came over, there was an overlapping void circle, and all the thousands of extermination divisions of the Moonless View were dispatched, plus the thousands of modern extermination divisions, nearly 10,000 exterminators were dispatched.

The problem of manpower shortage has been resolved.

But this time.

On the other side, Inuyasha also woke up from the bed.

The awakened Inuyasha looked around blankly, "What kind of place is this?"

He remembered that he seemed to have come to Kagome's world, and then looked at Kagome's way and chose to shoot directly in order to save Kagome Inuyasha, but the result was that he was besieged by many exterminators.

In the end, he was seriously injured and almost died.

Luckily, he managed to run out at the end, but when he lost consciousness, he remembered that he was in a place that looked like a forest, how could he suddenly appear here.

Could it be that he has been caught.

Suddenly, Inuyasha touched his waist, and there was no more slashing knife, and even the iron tooth was gone. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Raise your hand.

Directly in his heart, he silently muttered about the iron broken teeth.

The next second bang!!!

A large hole was smashed straight into the wall, and the iron fangs flew into Inuyasha's hands.

Even his slashing knife flew back.

The two knives were in hand, and Inuyasha's heart was a little more stable.

At this moment, the girl with hot porridge at the door stared blankly at the smashed wall of her house.

"You...... You...... What did you just do?"

Hearing this, Inuyasha turned his head to look at the girl in front of him, "Who are you?"

"I saw you faint in the park, so I brought you back, and you didn't have any identification, and there was no way to take you to the hospital!"

"I can only wait for you to be treated by my family!"

After the girl finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head to look at the wall, "What did you do to the wall of my house, why did you make such a big hole?"

Hearing this, Inuyasha was a little embarrassed.

I just woke up and was a little anxious, so I didn't think about it clearly......

Sorry ......

Looking at Inuyasha's scratching appearance, the girl sighed, "Forget it, I'm alone anyway, it's good that my parents won't come back, otherwise it would be bad if they see it!"

And at this moment, Inuyasha stared at the girl up and down.

Being scrutinized with this kind of gaze, the girl took two steps back, "What are you looking at me for? What do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Inuyasha moved his nose, and then looked at each other with a serious face.

But in the other party's opinion, Inuyasha's action of moving his nose is a bit perverted.

sniff yourself openly, you wouldn't have saved this guy if you knew it. (Nono's)

However, Inuyasha suddenly picked up and grabbed the other party's hand, "Do you know Kagome?"

Hearing this, the girl was stunned, "Ge...... Kagome?"

"Do you know Kagome?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, "She's a classmate, but I heard that she seems to be sick again, and she hasn't been to school for a long, long time." "

Sure enough, the girl was dressed in the same outfit as Kagome, and there was still some Kagome's scent on her body, although it wasn't so obvious.

"By the way, Kagome, I've got to save her!"

Inuyasha grabbed his clothes, pushed open the window, and prepared to leave.

It's the third floor.

However, in the next second, Inuyasha was gone.

Looking at Inuyasha, who jumped directly from the third floor, the girl was messy in the wind.

So high!

This guy is not going to fall to his death!

However, Inuyasha appeared directly in the distance, and that speed was a speed that the girl had never seen in her life, and it was even more terrifying than the flying people who participated in the track and field games.......

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