But why is there a problem with the dotted circle?

It seems that I will have to go to the imaginary circle after that.

Kadomaru thought as he slowly took a step, and the next second he appeared directly in the center of the overlapping circle.

Two hypothetical attempts to attack Curse Pill suddenly appeared on his side, but the clothes on Curse Pill only fluttered slightly in the next second.

The two ends of the void were torn apart in an instant.

One after another, the voids suddenly appeared, and the Grim Reapers, who were also attacking wildly.

Destroy these voids.

The humans in the city are scattering in all directions, and this scene is very magical even for Disaster Fighting Pill.

At every point within the overlapping circle, there may be a sudden void.

Even if you have a companion standing behind you, you can't be absolutely assured.

You have to be vigilant at all times.

The spiritual pressure of the Disaster Fighting Pill is all over the overlapping fist, and once it finds that there is a sneak attack with a void that the god of death has not noticed, it will attack and shatter the void as soon as possible.

"Six, Four, Seven" also rescued the humans, these people were frantically fleeing in the direction of the city gate, and Disaster Fighting Pill raised his hand and gently pulled out the flowing blade.

In an instant, two flames appeared, guarding both sides of the street, forming a high wall of fire.

It was simply impossible for the void to rush in from both ends of the wall of fire and attack humanity.

However, the Void Disaster Fighting Pill that appeared directly out of thin air on the way of human escape still needs to be solved.

There were too many humans, and the Grim Reapers, too, had scattered into the city.

Kadomaru wanted to directly attack in a wide area and wipe out all the voids, but it was simply impossible.

This is a large city inhabited by humans, and if a large area is attacked to wipe out the void.

If the void is destroyed, it will also displace thousands of people, and there will be no few people who will die at that time.

It is only possible to kill these Voids without destroying the building as much as possible.

When Disaster Pill was paying attention to humans.

Suddenly, two black shadows rushed out directly behind him.

In the darkness, the sharp claws tore straight at Kalamaru's back.

But the next second.

The blade is like fire out of its sheath.

The scorching flames that instantly blocked him behind him only melted in an instant.

The void who attacked Kadomaru let out a cry of pain.

Red flashes erupted overhead.

Scourge Pill looked up and was stunned for a moment.

False flash?

I didn't expect that there was a big void that could release the void flash and enter the overlapping circle.


The void flash that fell from the top of his head exploded in an instant, and the flames and shockwaves of the explosion instantly engulfed the Scourge Pill.

Kenpachi looked back in the direction of Kadomaru.


Raised his head and looked at the few big voids in the air.

Judging from the fluctuations of the other party's spiritual pressure, these heads are all Yachucas-level Great Voids.

Clenching the slashing knife in his hand, Jian Ba just wanted to make a move, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant, and then a sharp sound of breaking wind remembered.

While Kenpachi instantly retreated, the slashing knife in his hand slashed out.


The intense impact detonated the terrifying movement.

Then a black shadow appeared in front of Jian Ba, and the other party had a spiritual pressure fluctuation that was stronger than that of the Yachucas-level Great Void.

This is!

A more powerful void than the Akachucas-level Great Void, a Vastod-level Great Void!

Basically, it's the apex of the imaginary circle.

And the other party's appearance is even more strange, the bone surface disappears, and the position that appears in the back of the head turns out to be a human face.


Kenpachi was repulsed.

And at this moment, the red light of the explosion instantly dissipated, and the Disaster Pill appeared.

And the human town beneath the Fighting Pill is intact.

The Void Flash Scourge Pill just now was completely blocked, and it didn't miss a single bit of energy to allow it to attack the human town below.

Kazutamu raised his head and looked at the Yachukas-level Void in the sky.

Rapid Void Break!

Disaster Fighting Pill came directly into the sky and pulled it out with a single sword...... Flames sprung up out of thin air.

It directly turned into a line of fire and swept away.

Suddenly, in an instant, he hit all of these Achukas-level Great Voids.

Flames burned wildly on their bodies.

Just one hit.

At the same time, it hit the three-headed Achucas-level Great Void hard.

And the flames did not dissipate in their bodies, but continued to burn their bodies. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the flames have gradually been extinguished, the remaining sparks are still spreading, although not very quickly.

But at this time, Kamto Pill suddenly turned his head.

looked to the other side.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air like essence swept out, and in an instant, the tip of the sword raised by the Calamity Pill raised his hand.

The moment he stopped, a figure appeared in front of him.

And the other party's Disaster Fighting Pill couldn't be more familiar.

"Are you...... That void at that time!"

What appeared in front of Kamto Pill was not someone else, but the void that broke its face on its own when he met in the modern void circle.

Although there have been some changes in the appearance of the other party, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure will not change.

Of course, there are also changes, becoming stronger... 0

Feeling the fluctuation of the opponent's spiritual pressure, the tip of the sword stopped in front of the opponent's neck.

"I really didn't expect to see you in this place at this time......"

Hearing this, the other party also smiled slightly.

"I didn't expect to meet you again...... Grim Reaper!"

Scourge Pill: "What exactly did you do?"

The other party looked at Kadomaru expressionlessly, "I...... Didn't do anything!"

How can there be a phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles without doing anything, this is impossible!

If the imaginary circle doesn't do anything, then is the overlapping of the imaginary circle because of the extinction master!

"Although I didn't do anything, those guys in the Void Night Palace drove a large number of voids to the present world to devour countless human beings!"

Void Night Palace?

Fighting Pill frowned, "That place above the void circle?"


"There's something in there?"

"Maybe they're not really imaginary!"

What do you mean by that?

Kamto Pill feels a little confused right now.

But the more important question at the moment is how this guy came to the Warring States period.

Could this guy be able to walk through the Well of Bones?

If that's the case, then it's a big deal.

"I, I didn't go anywhere, but suddenly my location changed, and I felt like I had fallen straight into the present world. "

"And then I'm standing in front of you. "

After speaking, the other party looked at the Disaster Fighting Pill.

5.8 Hearing this, Kamto Pill was even more surprised.

Didn't go anywhere?

Stay in the virtual circle well, and come directly to the Warring States era in the next second!

How is this possible?

The imaginary circles overlap, the imaginary circles overlap, but the time still changes.

If even time is affected, then doesn't it mean that the overlap of imaginary circles affects not only space, but also time.

In this case, the problem will be even more troublesome this time.

"I don't want to be your enemy, and I even want to cooperate with you if I can!"


Kalamomaru frowned and looked at the void in front of him.

"Do you have a name?"

"I named myself ...... Zero!"

"In human terms, zero is the beginning of everything and the end of everything!"


"Zero, how do you want to cooperate, what do you want to work with?"

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