It is a megalopolis with a population of more than 30 million people.

And the number of voids that appeared here at this moment made the exterminators stationed in this city completely stunned.

Look up at the sky.

It was as if you could see that the sky had become a hornet's nest, and black holes were easily torn apart.

Huge arms poked out of the black hole, constantly tearing the black hole wider.

So they can easily come out of it.

"This ...... What the hell is going on?"

"Why is there so much void all of a sudden!"

"It's almost the same as the Pick Up Riot that happened not long ago!"

"No, this time is more terrible than that!"

The consequences of the virtual arrival of the sky and the sun are quite terrifying.

Even the Exterminators, who are the guardians of humanity, are now feeling fear.

And this time the void is different, they have only one purpose.

That is devouring, devouring and devouring, as long as the creature has a soul, it is all devoured by 18.

The entire city turned into purgatory in the blink of an eye.

And in such a situation, it would be impossible to stop a virtual invasion of this scale just by establishing those hundreds of exterminators.

At this moment, even as a white hand in the area, he has been frozen in place.

It's simply not something they can stop......

Void circle, void night palace.

A group of voids were looking at Naraku in front of them.

"What a strange ability!"

"Being able to directly control the free spirit son, if such an ability is controlled by us, then our power can be even higher!"

Naraku heard the words of these people in front of her with a smile on her face.

"I can teach you unconditionally!"

"Hmph, are you qualified to make any offers?"

The other party's voice sounded, and Naraku's face turned pale.

I didn't expect that in the underworld, there was such a place, and there was such a group of monsters.

It was at this point that someone sitting in the corner suddenly turned around.

"Here we go!"

"Our hunting plan has begun!"

As he spoke, the others' eyes lit up.

"Then get ready to start receiving the power!"

"It just so happens that now we have four more Four Soul Jade Fragments, and the power of five Four Soul Jade Fragments is enough for us to break through to that realm in advance!"

The voice fell, and suddenly the passage opened by the Grim Reaper ghost in the Void Night Palace appeared directly in the center.

Countless spirit sons were suddenly released from within.

Feeling the surge of these spirit sons, Naraku was stunned, this kind of spirit child density was no less than the terrifying spirit child density felt in the corpse soul realm spirit court.

How these guys do it!

However, it seems that he can barely feel it from the faint thoughts in the spirit child.

These spirits have a little resentment, as if they have not been dead for a long time.

If these spirit sons are all made of dead souls, then how many people have to die to reach this density of spirit children!

Thinking of this, Naraku's whole person was a little shocked.

Where did these guys in front of them collect so many spirit children from?

However, seeing that these guys began to close their eyes and frantically absorb this spiritual force, Naraku did not continue to waste time.

Absorbing the Spirit Son was not necessary for him, a person with the power of an exterminator.

But if he could try to control these spirit sons, and at the same time absorb the evil thoughts generated in the jade fragments of the four souls to enhance his own abilities, it would be quite good.

Moreover, the jade fragments of the four souls are embedded in the body, which is no different from taking it out for Naraku.

Now he is equivalent to an extra fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls.

It's even faster than before!

Maybe in this place, he will gain even more incredible strength in one fell swoop, and even if he is facing the man in the Corpse Soul Realm, he probably won't have to worry too much about it.

And at the moment!

The Fighting Pill is also in the palace, absorbing the jade fragments of the four souls.

After accumulating the power of faith for so long, we should also start!


[It is beginning to merge the new Four Souls Jade fragments into the Broken Jade]


As the Great Sage's voice disappeared, the power of the Broken Jade in Fighting Pill's body flowed out.

began to lock towards the four soul jade fragments floating in the air, and after locking one of the four soul jade fragments, it immediately began to merge into the broken jade.

The more fragments of the Four Souls Jade are fused, the stronger the power of the Broken Jade.

Needless to say, this point is naturally needless to say, and the Disaster Pill itself and the Broken Jade are integrated, and in this case, the evolution of the Broken Jade means the evolution of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

And before the next evolution, Scourge Pill will probably need three fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls.

Crashing Jade devouring three more Four Soul Jade Fragments would be able to make Scourge Pill make a huge change again. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From the present stage to another new dimension.

Gain even greater power.


In the village outside Kikyo Castle, Inuyasha has returned.

But now that the bone-eating well has been occupied by the Exterminators, Inuyasha is a little worried about Kagome's safety.

I asked these exterminators about Kagome's situation, but they didn't give him any answer.

Just let him fuck off and leave him nosy.

If it weren't for the fact that Inuyasha was a half-demon and not a complete youkai, he wouldn't have been killed.

But the grizzled Inuyasha who was beaten was very angry.

At the same time, the uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and Kagome's condition is definitely not very good.

For Kagome, the other party helped her to lift the seal, and it would be better if the other party returned to her own era and could live an ordinary life again.

But the problem is that now Kagome is most likely in danger. 380

So Inuyasha can't sit idly by.

"Inuyasha's guys are too strong, and we're no match at all. Maitreya looked at Inuyasha, who didn't seem to want to give up, and persuaded him.

However, the coral on the side is also very unwilling, "Why the hell do those guys occupy the Bone-eating Well, and these people seem to be from the same era as Kagome!"

"I don't know what happened to Kagome!" Shippo was also worried.

Inuyasha looked at the wound on his arm while clutching his iron fangs.

This knife left by his father has protected him all the way to the present, but the person who appears now is no longer able to ensure safety by hiding under his father's power.

He needs his own strength!

Inuyasha thinks of Kadoyamaru, the guy who never relied on others and only used his own strength.

If only he could attain as much power as he did...... Damn it......

Inuyasha's mood swings are getting stronger.

And the shallow blow that had been buried in his body for a long time finally had a reaction.

Or maybe it's because I'm fused with Honyu's body now, and Ibonyu, who is evolving, feels Inuyasha's violent mood swings through Asabashi.

A sudden surge of power poured into Inuyasha's body.

Asa appears directly in front of Inuyasha.

A knife was drilled out of Inuyasha's body, and Inuyasha was stunned when he looked at this knife, and the others were also stunned.

What's going on?.

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