After Hokudomaru left, everyone in the thirty-sixth central room had serious expressions.

This is something they never thought about.

Fu Doumaru!

Deprived of Liega's Zanpakutō!

And the people in Room 36 of the Central Committee believed that this move was not just about punishing Lieya.

Actually warning them.

Let them understand that all their unrealistic ideas actually need to be based on Hokutomaru's consent.

If Hokutomaru doesn't agree, then everything will be in vain.

Looking at Lieya who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, this guy was completely screwed up this time.

Originally, he wanted to gain the ability to liberate the Zanpakutō, but now even the Zanpakutō has been taken away.

Although the Zanpakutō is still hanging on his waist, Reiga's Zanpakutō no longer has the ability.

You can even clearly feel that Lieya's spiritual pressure has become weaker.

"This is warning us!"

Suddenly Elder Kiri spoke and turned to look at Elder Li who was standing aside. He sighed silently,"From now on, in the Seireitei, Hokutomaru's will is everything. It's best not to do what he did today." Something happened!"

In Elder Wu's view, the reason why Fu Doumaru did not punish the people in the thirty-sixth room this time was because of some past feelings.

However, things like feelings will not be used the next time. It won't work anymore

"Unexpectedly, Lord Fudomaru could directly deprive others of their Zanpakutō!"

"I should have thought earlier that all Zanpakutos were given by Lord Fugomaru, so the power equivalent to all the Shinigami is actually Lord Fugomaru... who has the final say!"

Lie Ya is now lying on the ground and clenching his fists.

Is he the instigator of this incident? No!

But the person who suffered the most serious punishment is him... Why...

At this time, the square outside the Seireitei Palace After Barbarian Bone returned to the sword and liberated the Skeleton Emperor, the whole square was filled with the terror of his terrifying spiritual pressure.

Suxi and others also tried it, and once they got close to Barbarian Bone, it seemed that there was a special power acting on them..The attack that was supposed to hit Man Gu suddenly slowed down, and Man Gu easily dodged it.

"marvelous! This kind of power... is so wonderful'~!"

Mangu is very excited now.

This is even more exciting than when he got ten pieces of the Four Souls Jade.

At this moment, Fudomaru is coming here.

On the way, Fudomaru is asking Great Sage!

Can I directly deprive Barbarian Bones of his ability?

【No, the attempt to deprive the ability failed, analyze the reason】

【Since the target has fragments of the Four Souls Jade in its body, the power of the fragments can forcibly resist the host's deprivation of abilities. Unless the host defeats it and takes away the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, the abilities cannot be recovered]


Is there such a restriction?

【The Shikon Jade fragments have special characteristics, and it is precisely because of this speciality that they cannot directly strip away the ability of the target]


At the beginning, I never thought that it would be affected by the Four Souls Jade, but as long as I took away the fragments of the Four Souls Jade from Mangu.

Then you can deprive the other party of their ability.

This is not too difficult

"Lord Futomaru!"

Suddenly Genji's voice sounded, and Fudomaru looked at Genji,"What's wrong?

Genji pointed in one direction,"Is that Master Sesshomaru?""

Hearing this, Doumaru looked in that direction. At this moment, Sesshomaru was rushing towards the huge square in front of the palace.

As a student of Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy, Sesshomaru didn't have to come out for such a battle.

But Sesshomaru is now , seems to have improved a lot.

In terms of spiritual pressure, he has become stronger than the average Shinigami.

Even among the students of the past generations, Sesshomaru is absolutely outstanding.

Not bad!

It seems that you may consider giving Sesshomaru a try in the future. Maru got a Zanpakutō.

Thinking of this, Fudomaru smiled,"Yeah! Leave him alone!"

As he spoke, Fugoumaru accelerated to the sky above the huge square.

At this moment, Mangu was attacking the middle eye, but the attack suddenly stopped.

Mangu's face changed slightly, and then he slowly raised his head and looked at the sky Fu Doumaru slowly fell.

Barbarian Bones:"Who are you?"

When the figure of Fu Doumaru appeared, the Shinigami in the entire square were stunned. When they saw Fu Doumaru, they subconsciously avoided their eyes at first sight.

Regarding what they had done before, although there were some things Passive, but it can't hide the fact that they are careful.

"Lord Futomaru!"

"Lord Commander!"

Hearing the voices of these people, Fudomaru ignored them, but glanced at them lightly, and then focused on Mangu.

Looking at Bangu with six fragments of the Four Souls Jade!

Fudomaru instead Very satisfied. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I have to thank him for bringing so many pieces of the Shikon Jade to Soul Society!

But when Fu Doumaru's eyes fell on Suxi Although the injuries on Suxi's body have recovered, the smell of blood left after the injury will not change.

This made Fudemaru's eyes become much colder in an instant.

".Who hurt you!"

I didn't expect that Fu Doumaru would ask this question out of the blue.

A blush flashed across Suxi's cold face, and then she shook her head,"It's okay!"

Although it's okay, Fudomaru will not just let it go.

He turned to look at Mangu,"I won't let you die so easily!"

However, Mangu sneered when he heard this,"You seem to be the captain of some team here, and the master of Soul Society!"

"very good! If I kill you, this place will be mine!"

Said Mangu's smile became even crazier.

However, the next second, the spiritual pressure on Fudomaru's body burst out, and suddenly everyone present felt that breathing became a little difficult.

Such a feeling even for a captain-level Doya It was no exception.

Fudomaru slowly drew out his Zanpakutō. Seeing Fudomaru's action, Genji couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Lord Futomaru usually would not draw his sword so actively.

This was also It means that Lord Futomaru is very angry now.[]

"Break it into pieces! Through the Looking Glass!"

When Fudomaru's voice sounded, everyone in the room was stunned for a moment. Isn't Fudomaru-sama's Zanpakutō a sharp blade like fire?

What is Kyōka Suigetsu?

And Genji, Douga and others all looked very... The excitement.

Only their captains knew that Fudomaru was more than just a Zanpakutō. To be precise, Nanaga and others had already seen Fudomaru's two Zanpakutōs, one of which was Ryuken Wakahu. The other one is the Black Winged Demon Pendant.

The Kyoka Suigetsu we saw today is a brand new Zanpakutō. The new Zanpakutō’s new abilities are accompanied by the burst of light from the beginning of Fudomaru, which is completely hypnotic. Activated.

But Mangu looked at Fudomaru with an indifferent expression,"Hahaha, what is it?" Why is there no effect? ​​You must have failed to activate your ability!"

However, in the next second, a knife directly penetrated the fierce bullet of Barbarian Bones. Fudomaru was standing in front of him, holding a Zanpakutō in his hand and looking at him coldly. At this moment, Fudomaru smiled,"Do you think it's effective now?"

Mangu opened his eyes wide," it possible?……"

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