Behind the broken barrier.

Suxi's shoulder spilled a lot of blood.

Although injured, Su Xi's spiritual pressure fluctuations were not affected in any way.

Still looking at Naraku and others expressionlessly, however, at this time, Mangu was not going to let go of such a good opportunity.

He stepped forward directly and continued to suppress Su Xi with his wild dragon spear.

Suxi was suppressed by Man Gu. After all, he was injured and had no strength to force Man Gu back.

And at this moment, Wu Gu took action. poison!

Poisonous fog shrouded Su Xi's surroundings.

Under the influence of the poison, Su Xi's eyesight began to change and seemed a little blurry.

"Ha ha!"

"What a pity, woman, once you are poisoned by me, you will have no chance of giving birth!"

Wu Gu was smiling brightly now.

Looking at Su Xi's beautiful face, the lustful Wu Gu wanted to take Su Xi away.

However, Su Xi heard Wu Gu's voice for the first time.

She burst out violently. While using spiritual pressure to push Mangu back, he turned around and locked the position of Mistbone.

"Get tied up, Hong Ji!"

The next second, black spiritual pressure was released from Hongji like a bandage, wrapping the fog bone in the air.

Then Suxi inserted Hongji into the ground

"Play with fire! Hong Ji!"

The flames spread along the bandage that bound Mist Bone, wrapping Mist Bone instantly.

The flames summoned out of thin air exploded around Mist Bone. The terrifying flame impact left Mist Bone with only half a life left, and his hands and feet were all damaged. Was burned by the explosion, and retreated suddenly at this moment.

His eyes were completely blind.

At this moment, Barbarian Bone rushed towards Mist Bone for the first time. Although Mist Bone was not dead, Man Bone took away the four souls directly. The jade fragments.

As a lesson to the past, he would not wait for Naraku to snatch away the four soul jade fragments of Mist Bone. Mangu, who took away the fragments of Mist Bone's four soul jade, directly embedded the fragments in his own body without any hesitation. On the body.

Seeing his action, Naraku was a little regretful.

After all, he did not snatch the four soul jade fragments immediately.

But now he is more concerned about Su Xi.

This woman with strong fighting power is so terrifying, she can actually Seizing the fleeting flaw, he directly killed Mist Bone.

Although it was Barbarian Bone who really killed Mist Bone, but for her attack, Mist Bone would not have lost his fighting power in an instant.

This woman could not even see her own eyes. He doesn't seem to care about being blind at all.

He is so calm during the battle.


"You should be invisible now. Do you still want to stop us?"

"With your strength, if you want to escape, we don't have the time to stop you!"

Naruo said this because he wanted to persuade Suxi to leave. On the one hand, they would be able to have some time left after Suxi left.

This way they could devote themselves wholeheartedly to dealing with the Shinigami who had been watching secretly for a long time.

And they could also obtain the Four Souls. Jade fragments.

If you continue to entangle with Suxi, even if you can defeat Suxi in the end, I am afraid that the master of the Soul Society will be furious, and it will be even more dangerous.

So Naraku does not really want to kill Suxi..

But Su Xi had no intention of retreating.

She raised Hong Ji in her hand and said,"The battle is not over yet!" Man

Gu had four jade fragments of the Four Souls, and now looked at Su Xi,"If you block my way again, I will kill you!""

Two of his men died in a row, and Barbarian Bones' mood can't be said to be good or bad.

Now Silver Bones is seriously injured, and Sleeping Bones is also seriously injured. The situation is not optimistic. If you continue to fight, even if you get the Jade Crushed Skin of the Four Souls in the end How to escape from Soul Society is still a big problem.

So Man Gu doesn’t seem to be continuing to fight to the death.

Suxi is smiling

"The battle has just begun!"


"Avalokitesvara opens the red Ji change!"

The next second, a huge woman appeared behind Su Xi, and a terrifying wave of spiritual pressure erupted.

Hong Ji's ability can transform everything she touches.

Even if her eyes have lost their light, under Hong Ji's There was no problem in his hands.

Through the transformation, Suxi's eyes were restored, and all the toxins in his body were expelled. After regaining his brightness, Suxi raised his eyes and stared at Naraku and Mangu!

"The battle continues!"

"You should know this! A captain-level god of death can be understood!"

Naraku didn't understand what kind of ability this was, and why Su Xi's eyes recovered after understanding it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the injuries disappeared.

This man was intact, almost like It's like seeing a ghost.

If this continues, it may be difficult to snatch the Jade fragments of the Four Souls today.

Suxi is too strong. It is difficult to defeat this woman alone, let alone carry the Jade of the Four Souls with her later. The fragment left Soul Society.

This is not good!


A strange fluctuation of spiritual pressure appeared, and Naraku's expression improved slightly.

Because he felt the spiritual pressure of the bone refining.

While placing the fragments of the Four Souls Jade In the room, Lian Gu opened the door and looked at the box in the room.

Although there were layers of seals and barriers on the box, there was no doubt that the fluctuations emanating from it were the fragments of the Four Souls Jade.

And Looking at the fluctuations of these four-soul jade fragments, there are an unknown number of four-soul jade fragments stored in them. If they were all embedded in his body, Liangu believed that even the barbarian bones would definitely not be his opponent.

But on this box The barrier seems a bit complicated. To break the barrier, Naraku's blood jade coral may be needed.

Lian Gu rushed out with the box containing the Jade fragments of the Four Souls, and happened to arrive at the huge square at this time.

Su Xi looked at Lian Gu who suddenly appeared.

Kana looked at Lian Gu who rushed from behind.[]

Another travel disaster, and why from this direction of 717!

Wait, what the opponent is holding is... the box that seals the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, how could it be possible...

Thinking of this, Kana took action directly, but the next second her action was interrupted by an arrow.

Looking at the arrows on the ground in front of him, Kana looked up at Naraku in the sky.

At this moment, Liangu had passed by her side and came to Naraku's direction.

"Things are in hand! let's go! Naraku!"

Lian Gu rushed towards Naraku. Naraku also found it interesting that this guy was looking for him directly instead of Man Gu!

Man Gu looked at the sudden appearance of Lian Gu,"Lian Gu... why are you here, and your hands? The box inside should contain the Jade fragments of the Four Souls!"

"This thing... is not something you can get your hands on!"

Speaking of which, Barbarian Bones actually attacked Liangu. Suxi was a little surprised by this change.

However, these travel disasters did her a favor by attacking each other.

At this moment, those people should not be able to sit still!

The Jade Fragments of the Four Souls The box has appeared, and there is no point in looking at it anymore.

One after another, black shadows rush out from all directions!

The gods of death who are usually unable to enter the palace, this time all rush into the palace.

On the huge square, suddenly appeared The army of death bows to Su Xi

"Sir Suxi, we are late, sorry……"

Hearing this, Suxi sneered and said nothing!.

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