


Explosions continued to sound, swords and eight against five, the power of the five enemies who had turned on the virtualization was not something that he alone could stop.

But even so.

Kenpachi still didn't retreat.

Even the fighting spirit seems stronger. Even the crazy Sleep Bone feels that people like Kenpachi are scarier than monsters.

"What a beast, even after being injured like this, it still refuses to fall!"

Looking at Kenpachi in front of him, he already had seven or eight fatal wounds on his body, and his whole body was covered with blood.

But the opponent's will did not waver at all.

Under normal circumstances, he would have fallen down long ago after suffering such a serious injury. , but Kenpachi still stood there without saying anything, and actually still had the power to fight back.


The pressure of the sword swept across in an instant, suddenly cutting a huge crack in the ground.

Kenpachi held the sword with both hands, but in his hands But it was full of blood.

His left eye could no longer be opened because Ginko took the opportunity to leave a wound on his left eye. I don't know if it hurt the eyeball. Anyway, Kenpachi can only fight with his right eye now.

"What a scary guy, even though he was seriously injured, he still had the strength to launch such a strong attack!"

Although Naraku on the side did not take action, he watched their battle throughout.

He also admired crazy monsters like Kenpachi. He did not expect that Kenpachi could be so perverted.

The Seireitei of Soul Society Among them, it is true that only captain-level Shinigami like Kenpachi are worth noting.

What a pity!

He will die here today.

Barbarian Bones slowly walked towards Kenpachi carrying the Barbarian Dragon Spear.

"Wasn't it awesome just now?"

"Isn't it possible now? Your strength has been weakened a lot!"

Hearing this, Jianpachi turned his head and looked at Man Gu who was walking towards me."I know, but there's nothing I can do about it. My body seems to be reaching its limit now!"

Is he reaching his limit now?

Even Snake Bones can't help but admire Kenpachi. Even if it were Barbarian Bones, he would have died if he was injured to this extent!

However, Kenpachi is about to reach his limit.

"Then let me give you the final blow!"

As he said that, Mangu raised the Barbarian Dragon Spear and prepared to give Kenpachi the final blow.

But at this time, Naraku suddenly spoke.

Of course, Naraku didn't want to save Kenpachi, but said lightly,"Soul Society is really Is it worth your efforts?"

Man Gu's movements suddenly stopped. He looked back at Naraku, wondering what Naraku wanted to say at this time.

"Don't you think it's strange? You have been fighting with us here for so long, but no Death God has appeared to help you!"

"This is Soul Society! Logically speaking, there should be a lot of Shinigami here. Where are your companions?"

Hearing this, Kenpachi's expression changed.

Seeing him like this, Naraku felt even more amused."Do you think they really didn't hear what was going on here?"

Hearing this, Kenpachi sneered and interrupted Naraku,"You don't need to remind me about this. Although Soul Society Seireitei has its own mission, not every Shinigami is united!"

"But even if I am not of the same mind, I still believe in one thing, and that is that you can’t get out of Seireitei!"

Kenpachi smiled.

Although Kenpachi usually looks big and thick and doesn't care about many things, in fact, he has already understood it. Needless to say

, the purpose of these guys is to come for the Shikon Jade fragments..

Otherwise, there would be no need to make so much noise.

And it was also an idea to wait for these people to snatch out the Jade fragments of the Four Souls, and then kill them without the Death God coming to stop them.

In this way, the Death Gods would You can make use of the power of the Shikon Jade fragments.

At least you can hide the Shikon Jade fragments before Fudomaru comes back.

But no one will choose to betray Fudomaru, but having a little bit of their own ideas doesn't count. Everything is human nature.

But Naraku made the wrong idea when he wanted to instigate Kenpachi.


In an instant, Kenpachi slashed with his sword, and the terrifying slash wave swept towards Naraku.

Naraku frowned slightly, but Thinking that this guy would actually choose to use up his little strength to attack himself at this time.

Naraku did not retreat or dodge, nor did he fight back. He just opened the barrier.

The attack fell on Naraku's barrier. , was easily blocked.

Kenpachi smiled,"Sure enough, you are the most dangerous guy!"

Barbarian Bones frowned, but the Barbarian Dragon Spear in his hand penetrated Kenpachi's chest directly.

"wrong! I am the most dangerous!

Kenpachi smiled," Really?""


" He immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even at the last moment, Kenpachi's will did not waver.

Naraku couldn't help but be shocked, like this No matter what kind of environment or what kind of attack this guy faces, I'm afraid there will never be any change. There is really no possibility for people who want to instigate rebellion.

Look at Kenpachi on the ground!

Sleeping Bones is ready to come up and take it away. His life, but Barbarian Bones stopped him

"Leave him alive! This guy is a good opponent, and maybe we can have more fun in the future!"

Although he is an enemy, Mangu now likes Kenpachi very much and he wants to wait until he becomes stronger to kill Kenpachi alone.

Otherwise, he will never be able to wash away the shame today.

Sleeping Bones frowned,"Now Wouldn't it be better to kill?

However, Mangu looked at him coldly,"I said, don't kill!" Didn't you hear that?"

Hearing this, Sleepy Bones' expression didn't look good. Although Mangu is the main one, but the rest of them are Barbarian Bones' slaves!

There is no other way. If he really takes action, Barbarian Bones will probably kill him directly.

Sleepy Bones stops, Naraku smiled[]

Barbarian bones, barbarian bones! It was too domineering, and the seven-man team was not solid.

All it takes is an opportunity.

At this moment, inside the thirty-sixth room in the center.

At this moment, Elder Li looked at the God of Death in front of him

"Captain Kenpachi should have been defeated, but the opponent did not kill Captain Kenpachi!

Elder Li nodded,"If they dare to kill Kenpachi, take action and save Kenpachi!""

"They were heading towards the Seireitei Palace!"


Elder Li smiled.

They also wanted to use the power of the Four Souls Jade Fragment, but they couldn't directly ask Fudomaru.

Now this unexpected travel disaster has helped them in disguise.

And then Therefore, almost no Shinigami appeared to stop them, also because Elder Li quietly gave the order, and Elder Wu and Elder Mie acquiesced at the same time, not blocking but not agreeing. None of the other members of Room Thirty-Six expressed any opinions.

No. People dare to stop it, because this is something that will cause public outrage.

The fragments of the Shikon Tama can help the Zanpakutō awaken its power. They, the members of the Thirty-six Chambers, have power but no power. Who doesn’t envy the Gotei? Where are the captains' Zanpakutō!

No one will give up so easily if they have the chance to awaken the power of the Zanpakutō!

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