Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 772: Inaccessible dangerous place

   Molit, looking at the tall Aogu in front of him, Ogu's height of more than two meters is very tall in Molit's view, which also shows that Ogu has a better physical potential.

   And the height and physique among the supernatural beings even more illustrate the future of this person! There is a very common view on this planet that height and physique indicate the future of this superpower, so people who have been tall since childhood will be valued more than people of average stature.

   People who have been small and thin since childhood, even if they have very powerful abilities, are not favored. This Ogu is really blessed!

   I didn’t know that he was a child of that family, but Molit felt that he could still persuade Ogu to go to the Weeping Valley with him. After all, it was the most attractive place right now!

   Molit felt that according to the current situation, those dangerous places that were usually inaccessible, now those beasts have retreated! Then enter it at this time, don't you let the baby take it for yourself?

   And I believe that many people will go there at this time, and this opportunity will only happen once in hundreds of years! I believe this Ogu should understand it! I need him to send myself the last paragraph, and then I can come out alone!

   In this way, I can't delay him for a long time, and through the thunder and lightning hell, I can come out of the maze at the end of Ling. There is a maze that can only be exited but cannot be entered. No matter what method is used, the maze cannot be entered. It is said that there is a high-level space array set up by a space superpower.

   Thinking of this, Molit could not help but look at Ogu, this young Nian Li teacher is thinking about his words very seriously! I should be able to trust him!

   Lian Ling Di Cado, making a serious thinking appearance, is actually paying attention to the expressions of the people around after Molit said out of the Weeping Valley.

   And now Lian Ling Di Cado noticed that many people seemed to have their eyes lit up after listening, and some people seemed to frown and think. Lin Ling Decardo noticed the changes in these people, and then nodded to Mo Li Fei and said, "Okay."

  Molit heard Ogu’s affirmative answer, and his heart suddenly relaxed! At this time, a voice came in. It was a rough male voice. He only heard this voice saying: "The two are going to Weeping Valley too! My name is Langlie, I overheard the conversation between the two, my brother and I. I am also ready to use this rare opportunity to enter the Weeping Valley to try our luck. Why not form a team together!"

   Wolf Lie was a little nervous. Although he said that going to the Weeping Weeping Valley was his temporary intention, the Weeping Weeping Valley was a forbidden place for ordinary abilities. There were not many people who had the courage to enter the Weeping Valley.

   And the two in front of them were obviously going to the Weeping Valley before they got on the car. It was not because these ten-day beasts would not appear that they were going to the Weeping Valley.

   So going to the Valley of Weeping Weeping with such a powerful person, naturally, I can give myself more protection. Then Lang Lie suddenly intervened in the conversation between the two. Lang Lie knew that everything needed to be seized.

  Wang Lie can keenly feel that although this big man speaks few words, he is very powerful. Lang Lie couldn't help licking his lips when he thought of this, and then he pulled the people around him and said, "Haha! Two brothers, we can go directly to the Weeping Valley without entering the city if we have a car. What do you think? My brother Wolf wind."

   After talking about Wolf Lie’s look at Mo Lie, Mo Lie didn’t think there was anything about this person who appeared suddenly! But when Molit heard Lang Lie said they had a car, Molit was moved!

   Although Molitte doesn't think about the strength of these two men, it is not necessary to enter the city and take a car to the Weeping Valley in advance. Molitte thinks it might be a good idea to go with these two men.

   And if you don’t stop driving directly on the road to Weeping Weeping Valley, it is estimated that it will take three days without the beast. And it’s not bad to have two people sharing the things of driving with oneself, and this wolflie should be someone who won’t make driving boring!

So Molit enthusiastically said: "Brother Wolflie! My name is Molit. Your proposal is very good! Let's team up together! But what I want to say is that we will be separated from you when we enter the Valley of Weeping Weeping , What do you think of this proposal?"

   Lang Lie was ecstatic in his heart, so that he just wanted to talk about the separation after entering the Valley of Weeping, so I don’t need to say it now! Hey! If it hadn't been for my brother who didn't recognize the way, and couldn't drive.

   You can take turns driving directly! But it's better now. Four people, Molite, can drive a car, right? And the other one is fine even if he can't drive!

   You don’t need to drive by yourself from start to finish. So Langlie laughed and said, "Okay! Brother Molit, you can drive!"

   Moli said, "Of course I can drive! Why?"

Lang Lie said: "Haha! It's good to be able to drive! My brother can't drive! No way, UU reading now has Molit brothers. It's great that you can drive! So I don't need to be alone. I've been driving! Don't you know this brother can drive?"

  Lian Ling. The ancient man played by Dicardo nodded and said, "Yes."

   Ogu Dahan stopped talking after talking! Molit was also taken aback. I didn't expect that Aogu, a Nian Lishi, could even drive a car, but Molit was relieved when he thought about it! Yes!

  I actually don’t know Aogu at all, but this is because Aogu said that he can drive, so he can share driving with them! In this way, Ogu should be a person who is willing to do things together. Such a person is better!

   Langlie started to take out the map and discussed with Molit about which route would be better from there. At this time, the two had started to discuss the route like friends. At this time, the fifty or so passengers in the entire car began to talk to each other!

   For a while, the whole carriage started to live up! Time is losing quickly, and it's time to reach Suli City! Molitte stopped the car at a fork in the road!

   Then the four people got out of the car one after another. At this time, there were very few people left on the car! Some people got out of the car long ago, and getting out of the car at this position is the result of discussions between Molit and Langlie.

   Both of them thought that there was no need to approach Surrey City, and it was just right to get off here. The speeding car that put down the four people quickly disappeared into the sight of the four people, and then Langfeng took out a car.


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