Lian Ling. Dicardo, looking at a small square in front, here is like a garden, and there are some flower-shaped chairs. Just now, the two chose to enter a forest path made of vines on the left side of the square, and on the right side of the square is a dark cave that looks a little scary.

  Lian Ling. Dicardo is in front of a small river and a door made of flowers looks very dreamy. It seems that there are three choices in front of me!

  萌.Domin said at this time: "We might as well enter the middle door! It looks so dreamy, let's go!"

   said Meng. Doming had already pulled Lian Ling. Dicardo walked toward the flower door in front of him. Lian Ling. Dicardo had no choice but to follow Meng.

   As soon as he entered the flower gate, a slight electric shock sensation spread throughout the body. Meng. Doming was surprised and released her hand.

   Then the three found that each of them was wrapped in a colored bubble. To be precise, each of them was inside a colored bubble. The colored bubble took them across the river in front of them.

   After the three people landed, the colored bubbles burst and disappeared! Although the scene just surprised the three, it quickly calmed down.

  Lian Ling. Decado, now that this mall is really interesting, this is the first time I have encountered this experience of entering the store!

   put down the exclamation in his heart, Lian Ling. Dicardo did not send any comment. And at this time, Meng. Doming said excitedly: "Ah! This way of entering the door is really amazing! I will definitely visit this store next time, and I will try this way of entering the door again."

   At this moment Da.Ventimo said: "Meng, don't be surprised there! Now there are two options here, one is human service and needs to pay. The other is robot service without paying. What kind of service do we choose?"

  达. Ventimo's words succeeded in making Meng. Doming divert his attention. In fact, Lian Ling. Dicardo had already seen those two options. There are also two options under the manual service options, namely, 10 star coins per hour for line-star service personnel; and 900 star coins per hour for constant-star service personnel.

  Lian Ling. Dicardo, has chosen the robot service, but now da. Ventimo has not yet chosen, it seems that the boy is ready to choose the same as Meng. Domin!

However, Lian Ling. Dicardo did not visit the mall with people, so there was no preparation to choose the goods with the two. Therefore, Lian Ling. Dicardo did not go through the consultation with the two and chose directly for himself. Robot service.

   Now the terminal has prompted Lian Ling. Decado to enter the right side, a flower gate just separated! And Meng. Doming asked Lian Ling Dicardo with some doubts: "What did you choose? Why did all the doors appear!"

Lian Ling. Dika said calmly: "Robot service! I don’t like people to make suggestions about my choices. Those service staff always like to give various suggestions to customers. I feel very annoyed, you choose your own. !"

  萌. Doming looked at Lian Ling. Dicardo in surprise and said, "What? Are you going to choose something by yourself? Isn't that the fun of shopping? Is it lost? How can this be done?

   I just want to go shopping with you, so that's interesting! Otherwise shopping alone, might as well go to those online shops? No, no, we must go shopping together. "

  萌. Doming doesn't want to go shopping alone at this time, especially the dress shop. Such a beautiful dress still needs the advice of a companion to be at ease. At this time, Meng. Doming still thinks about letting Ling Ling. Dicardo help himself as a dress consultant.

   So the three of them chose the robot service and entered the separate flower gates together, and at this time they were in the position where they entered. Two elevator doors opened at the same time!

  Two waves of people entered the small square at the same time, then the elevator doors opened again, and another wave of people entered this floor. Soon these people chose different directions. The entrance on this floor is on the side of the small square, and at most ten elevator doors can be opened at the same time.

  Let ten waves of guests enter at the same time, but this is rarely the case. The entrance of each floor of this mall is staggered, and there is usually only one elevator entrance on each floor. Of course, the exits are all inside the shop, customers enter through one entrance and exit from the exit.

  This can avoid conflicts between customers when entering and exiting. There are only three shops on this floor, and they are three shops with completely different styles.

  Although they all provide dresses for customers, but the face of different customers' preferences, the styles of the three stores are also completely different. The store in the cave is to provide those dresses with horror style.

   Those dresses are some, dresses with horror patterns drawn on pure black or pure white. The shop on the forest path provides some natural-style dresses.

   These dresses will even be woven directly from the leaves of some plants. UU reading Lian Ling. Decado enters the most romantic dress shop inside, the dresses inside are all very dreamy, and the workmanship is very exquisite.

  Lian Ling. Dicardo and Meng. Dominic entered, and saw that the destination was all kinds of beautiful dresses, Da. Ventimo also looked at these beautiful dresses in surprise at this time.

   And the three of them soon discovered that there would be a set of men's dresses next to each set of women's dresses, and the styles of the two sets of dresses were the same.

   At this time, a robot came up. This is a mimic robot. It is a robot that can change its shape. This robot will change itself into various forms to accompany customers to purchase products according to customer requirements.

  At this time, because of the lotus spirit. Dicardo, the three of them have not put forward specific requirements, so this mimic robot's constantly changing form, said to the three: Welcome, three customers. Now the three of you want me to choose what form you want!

  萌. Doming said excitedly: "I want a handsome man to accompany me."

  The robot nodded: Okay.

   At this time, the robot's body began to change, and soon a very handsome man emerged from the changing shape of the robot.

   walked to Meng. Doming, and performed a standard knight salute to Meng. Then standing next to Meng. Doming, Meng. Doming looked at this silvery handsome man in surprise. He never expected that such a handsome robot would accompany himself.

  Meng. Doming thought to himself that this shop must come frequently in the future. Unexpectedly, this code star has such a romantic store. Why haven't I been in this store in the past few years? What a pity!

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