The master's brain will soon transmit the decision to a robot next to the crooked drama. The robot said to the crooked drama: Your body is no longer in trouble, so entering the repair warehouse requires one thousand universe coins at a time. Please pay.

After talking about the robot, he looked at the crooked drama like that, and said impatiently, "Did you say that, let Laiyi pay? Why do you want it from me again? Are you stupid!"

Hey crooked drama, why do you think a robot doesn't understand it! Right now you should open a repair warehouse for yourself, right? Why are you asking for money again?

It seems that this robot response program is not enough! If that kind of fast-reacting robot, I am afraid to go directly to open a repair warehouse for yourself!

The robot heard the absurd answer and immediately said: According to the judgment of the master brain, no one needs to pay you anything, and please respect the robot. If the speech problem just happened again, you will be isolated.

He wandered and looked at the robot in surprise. The meaning of this robot is, come to refuse to pay the money to enter the repair warehouse? But why did he come and reject his reasonable request?

I ca n’t help but I have to go ask him, and now I'll check him live there, and then stop him directly. Do this to yourself, and then publicize the matter yourself and see how he mixes in the base in the future.

Talking about crooked drama, first retrieve the information of your own room from the terminal, and prepare to return to your room for a rest first, and then find a suitable time to find a trouble.

However, it was discovered that the drama had been downgraded! The twisted drama was downgraded from the original two people to four people. What's going on!

Twisted drama, surprised, and found that his level has also been lowered! its not right! The scores I got when I teamed up with the top three obviously made my level rise, how could it be lowered?

Awkward drama, according to the terminal came to his temporary room, there really are four beds in it, and now none of these beds. The TV drama came directly to his bed on the terminal display and sat down, then the TV drama began to question the main brain.

Why did you suddenly lower your level, and the answer turned out to be that the main brain according to this incident, recalled the previous records, and found that the crooked drama often took the initiative to leave the team.

And such a thing will happen every time the game, through evaluation and found that such an act of distorted drama as an active departure from the team is a serious violation of the team's interests, so he revoked his score with the top three and eggplant one year.

Alas, and he will not be assigned to a team in the future, he will become independent like the other three in this room. Each time the game is completed alone, the crooked drama feels that its world has collapsed in this message!

What became an independent person, my God! An independent person means that he will not enter the team in the future, and all the games will be completed by himself.

And becoming an independent person in the base of the universe network company, you will never be eligible to team with others. From then on, it will be a single person, and even if they enter the stellar star, they will not be assigned to any team.

No matter what kind of tasks will be completed in the future, the death rate of independent people has always been the highest, even in training bases.

独立 In the game where other teams will not die, independents will also die. This is the harm of independents. Without a companion to rely on, it is very difficult for a person to even rest in the wild.

Hey crooked drama, I feel that I was simply miserable by this guy! So Weiyue began to think about how to get revenge. Weiyue felt that now that the main brain has judged himself as an independent person!

No one will believe what he said in this base! Fortunately, I can pack this up in the wild! But the thought of a magical array of investigations that can cover five hundred meters, the crooked drama felt that this revenge plan was not very easy to do!

Looking at the first three, I looked at my complaint and got a reply from the terminal. I was very satisfied. You can still do this! Haven't you thought about it before?

The first three are actually the most annoying crooked drama, because this guy often runs away from the beginning of the game. And sometimes it suddenly pops up at night, sometimes until the first three games are completed, you still have to wait for this crooked drama to complete the whole group.

Sometimes he even pretended to be soft and let him carry him with mental weapons. For the first three, sometimes you can only compromise when you see that the front is the end, otherwise the competition results will be gone!

When the main brain ruled out crooked drama in this sharing rewards accident, the first three moved their hearts and sent the video records they had left to the main brain.

影像 These video materials are completely recorded because the first three were very angry at the time. I did not expect that the main brain would send the crooked drama directly to the independent person.

Hey! The first three, at this time I remembered the eggplant again, this guy who loves to play halo is better than the insane drama guy ~ ~ But this time he didn't play halo.

And those images about the dizzy dizziness left by you, keep it first! As long as this guy is no longer dizzy, let go of this eggplant yourself!

I feel that I still need to pay more attention to these three rules of the game through the first three games. If he had paid attention to these rules of the game before, then he would have kicked him out of his squad for that crooked drama! How could it stay until now!

I saw eggplants. Looking at the information on my terminal, I didn't expect that I could get so many points this time, and the rewards this time were so rich.

One of the most delightful of eggplants is ten kebabs! These barbecued rice are much better than the usual eggplant! I usually eat low-energy foods. If you do n’t think you have enough energy, you can eat nutrients, which can ensure enough energy.

I have been eating a single nutrient, and I feel that my taste is degraded! So you can only eat two things together! Those ordinary foods that lack energy have a really good taste, and those that have plenty of energy have a taste of hell.

Of course, the taste of high-level nutritional supplements with one tube of universe coins is still okay, but who has the money to eat advanced nutritional supplements! When aubergine ate barbecued rice for the first time, it fell in love with this kind of energy which is full of flavor and good taste.

But the eggplants do n’t have many opportunities to eat these barbecued rice, and it is because the eggplants can only be eaten when they can be divided into the first three groups every few years.

And all of this is because the first three have never robbed him and the resources obtained by the crooked drama. If the first three are also robbed of his resources like those people, I am afraid that the eggplants will not have tasted barbecued rice till now!

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