Hey, didn't some of them come from that direction? Why didn't you feel dangerous just now? But now these World of Warcraft will run into this is too unreasonable!

At this time, the terminals of the four people suddenly rang. The four were busy checking the information inside. The information was sent by the base to several people, and an escape route was marked inside.

Alas, and explained why these Warcraft have to run. After watching the contents of the terminal, the four people proceeded at full speed on the route given on the terminal.

The first three, at this time have stood on the Nianli weapon, and have rushed to the front. It ’s really the fastest time for the mind division to escape. I feel that I really ca n’t keep up with the top three.

I thought of the death ants behind me, and I could not help coming a little faster, and shuttled between the branches of the trees. Their running direction is not exactly the same as those of Warcraft running, and is consistent with those of Warcraft running.

But they have deviated from the main running direction of those Warcraft. After three hours of running like this, they came to a tall saliva forest.

When the four of them arrived here, they basically stopped. They all took out their masks and adjusted the mode to the internal breathing mode. Then a few people started to take out their tents and set up a small camp here.

The first three, sitting at the table, looked at the saliva trees around them and said, "This is the only place where the death demon ants will not come! Hey! It's a world of impermanence! I didn't expect that nobody would dare enter this place. The saliva forest turned out to be a life-saving forest for the four of us! Who would want it? "

The first three, I feel that I am simply a fatal one. If this is not the judgment of a boss, I am afraid that a few of you will be dead without waiting for the main brain to release information!

这次 This time, the entire planet has erupted, and the tide of death demon ants, but fortunately, there is a small area near the spit forest that the death devil does not like.

几 A few people rushed to this salivary forest in time to avoid these death demon ant waves suspiciously and safely! Now the game is also suspended, just wait for the death demon ant tide to pass! Generally it will not exceed twenty days! The first three thought about the follow-up to the game.

The crooked drama, after listening to it, said, "In fact, there is nothing but poisonous saliva trees! Why is it defined as a dangerous place? We are even prohibited from entering saliva trees for more than five meters. You say that the woods have Is that amazing? "

I have always wanted to enter these salivation forests, because there are red mushrooms in this salivation forest, and these red mushrooms can improve people's mental strength, and the spiritual strength of crooked drama has never been satisfactory.

That's why Weijia is very eager for the red mushrooms in the spitting forest. Today, Weijia has learned about the magic circle, so it feels like you can come through this tentative test, if he intended to go in and try?

If you get red mushrooms, can you as a team also share some! The more I think about crooked drama, the more I think I should try this one.

Eggplant, glanced at the crooked drama, and then poked and said, "Well, you can go in if you don't believe me! No one will stop you here, anyway, I won't be silly with you, I really want to be stupid Is anyone stupid with you? Go in! "

I know eggplant diced, and I know very well about the crooked drama. Although eggplant finds this impossible, but eggplant thinks that now I just need to raise an objection!

As for whether Laiyi has the ability to go in, I don't know myself! And haven't you already persuaded? The eggplant is now in a state of not speaking, and the eggplant wants to see how the reaction will come.

I am awkward, and naturally understand what the eggplant is now, and said angrily: "Isn't that just talking? Is there anything, and isn't this spit tree poisonous? I'm not wrong, why do you say that!

And take good protective measures should be safe to enter it! Besides, hasn't anyone collected red mushrooms from it? Do n’t I just talk about it if I do n’t understand? "

Weiyue tells the story of someone who successfully enters and brings out the red mushroom, just to seduce one to enter, and to let one come and go, Weiyin deliberately does not say that the person who entered is a star-studded instructor. .

I also didn't say that the instructor had been sick for a long time after coming out. These crooked dramas are all known, but crooked dramas think that it should be that the instructor spends too long in it to cause such a result!

If you don't stay that long, it should be OK! And the magic array on the tree just now makes the crooked drama think it should be a magic array that can be isolated! Wouldn't it be very safe if there were such portable magic arrays? Why not try it?

The first three, at this time, I was a bit annoyed and said to WeiYi: "Although red mushrooms can increase their mental strength, what is the situation in the saliva forest! And the person who collects red mushrooms is a star.

And after lying out, I lay in the treatment room for nearly ten days ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ This saliva is inherently poisonous, and it has accumulated over thousands of years, and the poison inside can already enter the body through the skin!

And in addition to the person who has entered the collection of red mushrooms once, you have heard of who went in. Stellar stars are like that!

Aren't we going into the star ranks, isn't it the rhythm of being poisoned into water every minute? If you talk about this problem again, go in yourself! I won't stop you! "

For the first three, I feel that this crooked drama is horrible. Even though I didn't see what it looked like, was this crooked drama so seductive that it was clear that people would die?

I do n’t want to just find it, the right partner is tricked to death! And this crooked drama deliberately did not say that the person who entered was Hengxing, and that person was half-lived when he came out!

These crooked dramas didn't say it intentionally, I didn't expect it! This man turned out to be such a wolf! I remembered myself, and I will not let go of this crooked drama when the opportunity is right.

And the eggplant is not a good thing, although the crooked drama is tempting, but he did not say that the person who entered the salivation forest was a star, and there is no good intention in it!

Hey! The first three suddenly felt that they didn't understand the two people who had been with them for almost a year.

After I heard these words, I was originally picked up by crooked drama, and the thought of going into this salivation forest immediately went out! I am eager to increase my mental strength, but I am still conscious.

For the entry of Hengxing stars, you need to enter the treatment warehouse for ten days before you can repair the body. Let's feel that your current strength is still okay! And at this time, Yiyi also felt that this crooked drama is simply hateful, a person who is okay to pick things up.

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