Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 522: 1 can't sleep

That's why I know the faint feeling of knowledge and can't find anything else, but Sibu believes that he won't always be a dim feeling. One day, I can definitely see the truth of things!

On the way back to the city, I soon encountered the attack of the ice crow group, this time no one star-strength strong shot. And just when everyone thinks this is the case, a game of chasing and killing on Rainbow Plains has begun!

Quickly chasing his prey, this star thinks that it is easy to dig medicine! It's a joke, although without the help of tracking powder, this can just improve your experience of chasing prey.

I also want to thank that imagination that will open soon. If it were n’t for it, I would be sent to the Central Universe to prepare to enter the star rating, and then enter the college!

Now there is a mystery to be opened here, you can hunt here before entering the mystery. It seems that there are no white flowers in this one million universe coin!

I can hunt and kill star stars this time, and it really feels cool to think about it! Awesome, see if your prey is still collecting herbs!

I was indeed a money-lover, and he took out a 20-level attack wave gun, so that the original weapon would be more interesting when it was shot out, and it could just break his clothes. That's interesting, isn't it!

男子 A man is grateful for the decision he has left, and sees that he has stayed with that annoying feeling! Isn't this paying off? Look at the quality of the medicinal materials you dig this time!

A muzzle a kilometer away has aimed at him, eh! As soon as the young man went directly to the cold ground, his leg was bleeding, but the blood soon stopped flowing! Because the body near the hole opened on that clothes has been frozen!

The youth is still wondering, oh! With a sound, a red hole appeared on the youth's head. The youth fell down! Hurry up and regret that you shot wrong! I wanted to shoot off one of my ears, but why did I kill him?

I'm so sorry! At this moment, a pair of eyes looked at the regretful fast hand, and the man put down the observation mirror with a joke, and said to the people around him, "What do our customers feel a little regretful about?"

The person around him said: "Who hasn't complained about his marksmanship? And I'm afraid to put more people back this time, otherwise it might be a bit troublesome!"

The voice of 戏 说道 said: "Yes, let our guests kill two more people! It would be great to kill three of them each! If you want to continue killing, pay for it!"

The next person nodded and said, "Yes, this time is a big family child who is going to participate in the secret realm, let's be careful! In short, this should make a lot of money in the next few years!"

Kuaishou continued to receive the position of a target, and Kuaishou quickly approached the goal. At this time, his target was collecting herbs.

Natural silk cloth will not know these things after he left. At this time, the flying car has been flying for more than ten hours, and many people have started to sit down and rest!

At this time, the suspension bus stopped again. This stop did not attract anyone's attention, and this time the suspension bus stopped for less than ten minutes before continuing to return to the city.

No one is aware of the abnormality of the suspended bus this time, because at this time, the star powerhouses on the second floor have already entered their rooms to rest!

The people on the first floor are also resting or meditating. Because there were less than a hundred people when they came back this time, some people have taken out their beds and lay on top!

One day later, Silk entered the city of Ruilan, and Silk returned to his hotel room to rest first! Although silk cloth has been resting these days, silk cloth just feels that it needs to take a rest now.

Since this day, people have been sick in Ruilan City! And it is a very strange disease. The characteristic of this disease is lethargy, very lethargy, and when the disease began to spread in Ruilan City, no one noticed it.

But after ten days, the brain of Ruilan City noticed this strange phenomenon, and after analysis of brain, finally locked everyone who returned to the city with silk cloth.

And when these people found silk cloth, silk cloth has been sleeping in the room for more than ten days and did not go out! Intellectual order to put these long sleepless people in the nutrition cabin, so that these people's body will not be depleted because no nutrients enter.

Gali Dekas also quickly found out the problems of his students. It turned out that they would contact every three days, but since returning to the information of Ruilan City on the day, Silk has lost news!

Gali Dekas quickly queried the intelligence personnel at Lengxing Star. After investigation, it was found that everyone who returned with Silk Cloth, including which star stars, had fallen into a lethargic state.

And the entire Ruilan City has been blocked! Ruilan City is now banned from entering and exiting! And now in Ruilan City, some people have started walking and suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep!

And such things are getting more and more over time! Ruilan City has become very quiet now! Almost no one can see people walking on the street ~ ~ Just one month later, the first person to sleep dead was born! This is a ruthless native, and was born in Ruilan, because ordinary people have received genetic engineering drugs.

So the body of this ordinary person has also been strengthened by genetic engineering agents! Now it is equivalent to the physical quality of a star, and such a person is here. Now Ruilan City is lying on the street, and he has slept for eleven days without any attention, and he died of direct systemic exhaustion! This matter immediately passed through the Ruilan City Intellectual Brain and spread to the entire cold star! Some people are ready to leave Lone Star!

Lengruixing's main brain has not yet analyzed why these people can't sleep all the time, and those with strong physical fitness, as long as they are supported by nutrients, will not have any physical problems.

There is no way Ruilan City's intellectual brain can only supplement these people based on the amount of money in each person's account. Knowing these circumstances, Gary Dekas resolutely added 100 million universe coins to Silk's account.

For the children of the family, at this time, you can't make your body suffer because of lack of money! At the same time, the personal accounts of some unconscious people were also entered into a large number of universe coins.

Obviously, these are also some of the children of large families. When these families know the situation here, they will naturally not let their children have problems because of the money during the training.

And some families also hope that they can participate in the study of this strange phenomenon, so that the stars can also fall asleep is really worth studying!

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