As soon as Da Dao heard his face changed color! Why don't you want to beat this pervert? You can only be rated 20 stars, and you can't compare with this guy who has already entered the 24 stars of stars!

Dadao face turned his head away and said nothing! Dadao doesn't understand why today? He would suddenly say such things and offend this plague god. !!

At this time, the first three have already packed up the third-order Warcraft Raven, and entered the final ring. As soon as the first three entered this scene, they were attacked by a blast of magic!

The first three times were killed directly. The first three looked at the values ​​they had all zeroed in the waiting area. The whole person was still ignorant, what was the situation!

Looked at the system prompt, it turned out that I was beaten on the ring! Now I need to wait for the next opponent, and I will recover a little every minute here.

The first three chose to play directly against the next opponent and did not choose to withdraw from the game. At this time, the second black is out of his virtual warehouse, and now he feels that his mood has calmed down!

I really received what I received, which made me feel very good. I just did n’t respond when I entered the platform just now!

He was directly cut out of the ring, and this time he used the same method to make a guy. As soon as that guy appeared, he used all the magic to blast that guy out of the ring.

He is a dark person, walked out of the virtual warehouse in a good mood, and went to the restaurant to receive his reward five yakiniku. As soon as I turned around, I saw that I was sitting alone, and now there are only a few places nearby, so the black line walked over and sat down directly, and started eating their own barbecued rice.

高级 This high-quality barbecued rice can nourish the body, and now the black line feels better about themselves! I'm afraid there's only the guy who chopped himself up and ate this barbecued rice!

I'm second today! But who is the first place! If you let yourself know, you will challenge him and make him regret why he cut off people!

I will definitely defeat you in the first place. When I know who he is, let him know how powerful I am!

丝布 feels that recent life has leveled off again! All the World of Warcraft in the ruthless star have returned, and on their original trajectory, underground is the world of fire-based Warcraft, and the ground is the world of Ice-based Warcraft.

And recently, those tourists and trainees have entered the cold star again! Everything seems to have returned to its original trajectory, but this is an illusion.

Because Dove's mind is about to open! And some people are beginning to converge towards the cold star. Silk cloth has recently begun to practice manipulation of silver blades, and silk cloth has found that the time it takes to practice silver blades has increased!

From the first three minutes, I can now hold on for five minutes and thirty two seconds! Every time the silk cloth injects his mind into the silver blade, he will feel the silver blade's involvement in his time.

And this involvement is subtle, making silk cloth indescribable. However, silk cloth can still feel through this year, his time understanding seems to have improved slightly.

Silk also found that she was actually very good at practicing knives, and after learning 36 types of fast knives, she found that she had an understanding of how to make knives.

Filigree felt that his fingers were not flexible enough by practicing the knife. In this way, when you use the knife yourself, some of the effects you expected can not be answered!

I then began to practice my own silk cloth again, with deft fingers and strength. Because the silk cloth found that dexterous fingers are not enough, it also needs strong fingers.

手指 One finger has no power. It needs to balance the power of all fingers. After more than a year of practice, if silk cloth now holds a knife in his hand, he can create an illusion.

I felt that I saw a beautiful flower flying in the hands of silk cloth. And this flower will shine from time to time.

Filigree cloth packed up his things, went out of the hotel and headed for the Xicheng Gate with whom he had agreed. This time, the silk cloth will go with people to complete a collection task, which is a collection task released by Ruilan City.

Now it's the time when Bingli is ripe every year, Ruilan City will hire some people to collect Bingli in Rainbow Plain. Because there will be a large number of ice-based Mo ape and humans to **** ice glass fruit, Ruilan City will convene some people who can understand the magic of the wood system to ripen ice glass fruit and send some stars to protect.

This time, silk cloth took the task of ripening the fruit. Silk cloth took this task completely so that he could have a chance to go out of town to experience it.

Since arriving at the meeting place, Sibu saw a double-decker suspended passenger car waiting there, and Sibu brushed his terminal and entered the suspended passenger car.

很多 There are already many people on the first floor of the suspended bus! On the second floor, only the star-studded star can enter. Silk cloth stopped himself from going upstairs ~ ~ and found a seat in the corner to sit down.

At nine o'clock, the suspended bus exited the Xicheng Gate and headed towards the rainbow plain to the west. Sibu sat alone in the car and only heard someone say, "Isn't there a rainbow bug in the rainbow plains? Aren't those bugs very powerful? Let's go all right this time!"

As soon as she heard it, she noticed the argument between them. Make one say, "The rainbow bug has disappeared from the rainbow plain!"

The former person said in surprise: "Really? How could it?"

The man said: "Of course it is true. Rainbow bugs on the Rainbow Plain will disappear every other magma outbreak, and will appear again after the next magma outbreak.

This is a very strange bug, not only invincible but also mysterious! Every time the rainbow bug disappears, a group of Ice Ape Warcraft enters the Rainbow Plain, so as soon as the Ice Ape Warcraft appears, it means that there will be no rainbow bugs there before entering the next period of pulp outbreak. "

A voice jack said: "No, if those rainbow worms in your opinion would dare to enter the rainbow plain to pick ice fruit! Who doesn't want to live!"

A voice continued and said, "This time I will collect more medicinal herbs special from the Rainbow Plain, otherwise I will do a white job for that Ruilan City! Hey!

Why do you think this Ruilan City is so stingy? Even if only one hundred universe coins are given every day, we have to collect ice glass fruits in ice and snow, and ripening the fruits will also take a lot of magic, so it is too small to be too stingy! "

One said, "Isn't it? It's a stingy city. It is said that the family members of those who were killed by the killer last time were compensated by dividing the money in the killer account evenly, and Ruilan City Not a penny of its own! "

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