Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 78: Luo Luo Mao

Sect Master Wannian endured the humiliation, and the depression in Xiao Luo's heart finally let out.

Xiao Luo said: "Hold a ling pen to make a good ink."

Xiao Luo drew the map for them with his spiritual power.

Everyone ignored Xiao Luo, their eyes fixed on the map. Xiao Luo shook his head and sneaked to the mission hall to hand in the mission exchange

Yan Bone.

After getting the Yan Bone, Xiao Luo ran back to the bamboo house and began to refine the Yan Bone after installing the anti-disturbance device.

Obviously the first few times have gone smoothly, and the sky has changed since changing the burned python skin. After Xiao Luo burned this red and transparent spine into slurry in accordance with Shen Chu's instructions, he had two choices in front of him. One is to first hollow out the inner core of the bone and inject it into the inflammation bone. The inflammation bone will naturally burn off the remaining bone skin; the second is to grind all the bones into powder and reshape the bone powder with the inflammation bone pulp. Of the two methods, the former is more thorough, with similar pain levels, Xiao Luo chooses the former. As for Shen Chu's tendency to give up promotion without suffering and directly begin to merge, he was thrown away by Xiao Luo early, Xiao Luo wanted strength.

Xiao Luo's spiritual power had to support the bone skin when he digs out the inner bones, and although Xiao Luo's spiritual power reserves were large, it was not enough to support the entire bones. After Xiao Luo tried a phalanx and found that his spiritual power was quickly consumed, he gave up his whole body's plan, changing one by one, painfully.

As time passed, Xiao Luo was immersed in the spirit fluid, leaving only the last skull. And Xiao Luo was in a very bad state, but he persisted in completing the entire process of reshaping.

Xiao Luo said calmly: "All the parts belong to me, and have nothing to do with other people. I think I am a little like Nezha, but his master helped him prepare everything. What about me? I only have you."

The subsequent process was very easy. Taking bone marrow, blood, dander, and hair, and adding strong beans to make medicine, Xiao Luo was reborn, and Shen Chu was able to appear in the real world.

It's just slightly wrong.

Shen Chu looked at his small body, wrapped in a grass-leaf skirt, and touched the wings behind him. There were six left and three right. He pulled it over and saw a whole piece of white transparent wings with veins bulging in the middle. Golden crystal edging. Her hair is purple, and there is a golden ring floating on top of her head, which can be seen as soon as she looks up.

Looking at the surroundings, in Shen Chu's eyes, there is a big bed in the shape of a cat's mat in the middle of the oversized house, and the surrounding decorations also have the cuteness of cats. There was a bag bulging in the middle of the bed. At this moment, the bag was twisting. Suddenly, the quilt was overturned and fell pitifully to the ground. An orange and white kitten yawned and rubbed his eyes and jumped down, jumping to Shen Chu's side

"Elf Chuchu, good morning." The kitten said hello, with a soft voice scratching at the bottom of Shen Chu's heart.

Shen Chu knew what was going on. The new body was desolate, and it was recognized by the will of the real world. The obsession that the Star Tower Realm should be cracked was dragged on to the present, and it was finally resolved. As for why he appeared here, it was probably because his Xiaoluo needed him very much. Thinking of this, Shen Chu's heart was full of joy, as sweet as eating honey.

Shen Chu said with a smile, "Morning."

Xiao Luo smiled and shouted, "It's great, you finally spoke, it's great, I want to share such a good thing with my parents.


Xiao Luo grabbed Shen Chu, put Shen Chu on top of his head, and happily got into the other bedroom.

There were two cats lying on the bed, obviously Xiao Luo's parents. Xiao Luo jumped onto the bed and bounced around on the two cats, "Mom and dad, get up, get up, Daddy Sun is going to expose your ass. Mom and dad are getting up."

The gentle-looking mother just refused to open his eyes. The rough-looking father closed his eyes and lifted Xiao Luo's neck and threw Xiao Luo to the ground, "While playing."

Dad's refusal did not extinguish Xiao Luo's enthusiasm, so he went up again and continued to shout. My mother's eyes finally opened a gap, "Let's talk, what's the matter with the baby? As long as the teacher asks the parents, the mother will answer."

Xiao Luo licked the cat's paw, "Huh, the elves of the beginning have spoken, you are so lazy that you won't get the blessings of the elves." Mom closed her eyes again, and said vaguely, "Luoluomao is so smart and cute. Elves like it too."

Luo Luo Mao, who was praised by her mother, opened her eyes and smiled, "Good night, mother, Luo Luo is out to play."

Dad shouted: "Go crazy after eating."

Luo Luomao had already closed the bedroom door, and of course he also shut his father's words inside.

Shen Chu smiled and looked at Xiao Luo. Here, his parents love him very much.

Seeing Xiao Luo running directly outside the door, Shen Chu said, "Doesn't Luo Luomao have breakfast? No wonder it's a little short."

Luo Luomao pouted and snorted, but he obediently went to heat the milk and cat food.

Luo Luomao puts breakfast on the dining table. She wants to bring herself a saliva towel, but because her arms are too short, she can’t tie it up alive, but Luo Luomao didn’t intend to go to the bedroom to ask her parents for her parents. A cat vowed to fight the belt to the end. .

Shen Chufei went to the back of Xiao Luo's neck to help him tie it up. Xiao Luo hugged Shen Chu and rewarded Shen Chu with a fragrant fragrance, and said excitedly: "You are awesome, Chuchu Elf."

Shen Chu said: "Because Luoluomao is great, so I, as his elf, is great."

The kitten liked the compliments of others, and hugged Shen Chumu and kissed several times. Luo Luomao looked at the breakfast and then at the elf in his hand, "What kind of breakfast do you want to eat at the beginning? I am so young at the beginning, so I can’t skip eating."

Shen Chu flew to the top of Luoluomao's head and said with a smile: "As long as Luoluomao is full, I will be full."

"That Luoluomao must be full."

After breakfast, Luo Luomao cleaned the dining table with a cat head water bottle and a cat pattern umbrella, and bounced out the door.

Luo Luomao laughed all the time, it seemed that everything he encountered made him very happy. Lined up on the cat-shaped bus, and met the old cat who gave up his seat. This is a very beloved kitten, and everyone is happy to raise his own smile to him.

Luo Luo Mao bid farewell to his new friends on the bus and jumped off the bus. His destination was an amusement park. Shen Chu looked over and saw cats bustling with cats. On the arch-shaped gate, a cat's palm balloon hung a word, "Cats Amusement Park", Shen Chu whispered these five words.

Luo Luomao applauded happily, "I know a lot at the beginning. Today, I have an appointment with Sensenmao to play here, but this lazy guy is going to be late again, big lazy cat."

Shen Chu knew what Xiao Luo wanted to hear, "Luoluomao is the most diligent. Mom and Dad are still sleeping, and Luoluomao has already finished breakfast and went to the amusement park."

Luo Luo Mao raised a big smile to Shen Chu, as if he was right. I allow you to continue to boast.

Shen Chu didn't hold back, he let out a chuckle, and Luo Luomao also laughed.

I just saw a handsome kitten wearing a white shirt, white pants, and black leather shoes approaching Luoluomao.

Sensen cat took a little longer to dress up, he was two minutes late, and then he heard the long talk about Luo Luo Mao

Luo Luo Mao put his hands on his hips, "Look at you, there is a cat like you that is as lazy as you, late every day, and a good student. It's really embarrassing to me. Seeing that you will be so late for a date with a female cat in the future, people won't catch you. It's weird to be full of flowers."

In the past, this training session would last for ten minutes, but this time Luo Luomao didn't say such a few words. Sensen cat looked at Luo Luo Mao suspiciously, saying that it was so short that it would not be too short.

Finally, Sensenmao discovered the difference between Luoluomao. Usually, Luo Luo Mao will have a small red flower on his head. Even if a cat laughs at Luo Luo Mao who looks like a female cat, Luo Luo Mao still does his own way, but today he did not carry a red flower, so he put a small


Elf! Only cats blessed by God can hatch elves from elves.

Sensen cat looked enviously over Luo Luomao's head, and Luo Luomao proudly held Shen Chu into her palm, "This is my partner, Chuchu Elf. Chuchu, this is Sensen Cat."

Sensen cat said excitedly: "Hello, little elf."

Shen Chu did not speak coldly, Luo Luo Mao was embarrassed and proud, and he was the cat of destiny, and Luo Luo Mao was blessed by the gods.

Sensenmao was very sad. He bought so many elves and didn't hatch any elves, but Luoluomao only bought one elven fruit and the elves came to him. I really envied him.

Luo Luo Mao said: "Let's go buy tickets."

Sensenmao regained his envy, and he followed Luoluomao, keeping his eyes on Chuchu Elf. Shen Chu felt his gaze, and ran into Xiao Luo's arms. Luo Luomao excitedly held him in line to buy tickets.

When it was Luoluomao's turn, he took out his bulging little purse and took out a lot of small cat coins from it. Obviously, the money here was saved by Luoluomao.

Sensenmao took out a ticket with a large face value and shook it specifically for Shen Chu, but Shen Chu was not attracted at all, Sensenmao was a little sad.

After entering the amusement park, Luo Luo Mao took out a piece of paper that was folded to a very small size.

Luo Luomao said: "Let’s play the spinning Bumper Cat Cup first. This is the project with the fewest tourists except the haunted house at this time."

Sensen Mao refused, "No, the cat cup should be played in the afternoon, and now I am going to play the roller coaster."

Luo Luomao reluctantly agreed, and the two cats lined up for half of the cat's line before it was their turn.

The staff helped all the tourists to tie up their safety equipment, and the car drove up when the whistle sounded. Luo Luo Mao held Shen Chu firmly in his arms and comforted Shen Chu: "Don't be afraid of Chu Chu, Luo Luo Mao protects you."

Shen Chu put his little hand on Luoluomao's cat's palm, and said calmly: "Luoluomao, the elves are here to protect the cute kittens. Don't be afraid of whatever you encounter, the chuchu elves will protect you."

Luo Luo Mao's heart was warm, even the exciting roller coaster didn't make him feel scared. It's nice to have your own elves. A cat and an elf looked at each other affectionately, and the screams of a cat on the side could not destroy their atmosphere.

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