On the way back to the sect, Xiao Luo decided to go out and take a tour. After all, he hadn't had a good time for so many years, so he became a tourist. It's a pity that Xiao Luo's plan fell through again.

They encountered a tribulation, and it was a terrible tribulation. The person with the highest cultivation level is actually in the Star Realm, and with such a high cultivation level, he would voluntarily be the guard of a person whose cultivation level is not in the Star Stage Realm. Obviously, they have a stronger background, and there are not many bigwigs who can kill the star realm in minutes.

Crane Che was attacked suddenly, and there was a painful crane cry, Xiao Luo released his spiritual power in time as a buffer, and everyone fell to a flat ground.

Nianxiang looked at Crane Che who was about a kilometer away from him with his arms folded and sneered: "Second Lord, your condition is not very good recently.


Nian Er frowned and said nothing. He was not optimistic about this action, but if the master wanted to do this, he had no right to refuse. Nianxiang waved his hand, and the eight burly men behind followed him to the crane car, Nianer stood still for a while, and then walked next to Nianxiang.


When Nian Xiang walked near the crane cart, the four Xiao Luo just came out of the crane cart, and the two groups confronted each other, with their swords drawn.

Xiao Luo smiled, "Dare to ask why you attacked me?"

Nianxiang raised one corner of her mouth, "To get your storage space."

Xiao Luo smiled and said blankly: "Your parents know you do such a shameful thing?"

He Feng approached Xiao Luo's ear and whispered: "Sect Master Wannian was born as a bandit. This is his youngest son. He obviously inherited his father's old line." Although He Feng said quietly, everyone here is okay. Can hear clearly. Of course He Feng also knew that he had deliberately told Nianxiang to listen. Anyway, the righteous Nianxiang is similar to his own level, so why should he be afraid of him? It's just that He Feng didn't know that Nian Xiang had brought a big star in the star realm. Although the various sects have no explicit stipulations, they are stipulated as custom, and the stars and above are not allowed to shoot at will.

Nianxiang squeezed his fist, then released it again, "The dog can't spit out ivory, I see you laughing or crying later. Come on." Nianxiang gave an order, and the eight strong men rushed towards He Fengji. people. He Feng was shocked. He didn't expect Nianxiang to be so shameless. He actually used a helper, and he didn't follow the rules.

Nianxiang laughed, "Enjoy the last time..."

Before Nianxiang had finished speaking, his eight strong men were shaken out.

Xiao Luo tilted his head and licked the corner of his mouth, "Old man, don't blame me for bullying the old man, come?"

Nian Er shook his head, "How about one move?"

Xiao Luo nodded, thinking that this old man was clever, knowing that he couldn't beat him, he wanted to use one move to determine whether he would win or lose.

Nian Er flew with both hands, and a small hurricane formed beside him. Xiao Luo created a hurricane of flames following Nian Er's moves. The two winds are close to each other, eroding each other, and stalemate...

He Feng squinted his eyes to watch the confrontation between the two groups of wind with his spiritual power shield. Although he believed in the uncle, he couldn't help but squeeze a sweat in his heart. Suddenly, there was a small black ball on the opposite side, and He Feng yelled, "Master, be careful."

The black ball exploded when it caught fire, and the monstrous heat wave rushed towards He Feng and the others, who could only hurriedly resist with spiritual power, and closed their eyes in fear.

After waiting for a while, the three of them didn't feel the pain, and slowly opened their eyes, and found that they were already sitting in the crane cart and flying in the sky.

Xiao Luo said leisurely: "He Xi, this is your crane car..."

He Xi hurriedly said: "Thanks to Uncle Master for your life-saving grace." He Feng and He Xiao also hurriedly agreed.

Xiao Luo waved his hand, "He Feng, who is that person?"

He Feng said: "That person is called Nianxiang, he is very popular with Sect Master Wannian, but he has five older brothers who are better than him, so he may be a little distorted. Master, what happened just now?"

Xiao Luo said: "It's just an explosion. I think it will scare you. You have to practice courage in the future. I ran with you, what else can I do?" Xiao Luo played with the storage ring in his hand and didn't say anything. , He also walked along with Nianxiang's storage ring and abolished Nianxiang's dantian. It is estimated that the trouble is not small, and maybe it won't be long before Sect Master Wannian will find the door.

Nian Er couldn't help feeling chills as she watched Nian Rong who fell on the ground. If that person really took the shot just now, would one be alive? Nian Er picked up Nian Xiang. As for the others, they were dead, just bury them wherever they were.

Nianxiang must be treated in time, otherwise Dantian will never have a good chance. When the two returned to Wannianzong, how the suzerain was angry and distressed was another matter.

Xiao Luo returned to the sect to hand in the task and then went back to the bamboo house to announce the retreat. He found the last kind of strong bean in the Nianxiang Space, and hurriedly wanted to retreat and go further. In this way, when the people of Wannianzong come to the door, they will have the strength to beat them away.

Surprisingly, Shen Chu poured cold water on Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo mumbled dissatisfiedly in his heart: "Why can't Liedou be refined."

Shen Chu said: "The strong beans play the role of fusion and consolidation. Fire Cloud Brain, Fire Spirit Crystal, Burning Python Skin, Non-Phase Flower, and Yan Bone can all affect your body. By the way. And at most, you can reach the Star Sea Realm, and you can only rely on yourself to become a god."

Xiao Luo pouted, and ran to the mission hall angrily to pick up a bunch of tasks, vowing to make seven or nine contribution points. Then replaced his bones with inflammation bones.

It's just that with the authority of Xiao Luo's identity card, the contribution points of the individual task are up to 100. Xiao Luo angrily slaps the card on the table, "Can't, can't, and can't, can't list the tasks for anything?"

The little disciple on the side is responsible for maintaining the equipment of the mission hall. If it were an ordinary disciple, he would have stepped forward and yelled at him, but this is the uncle in front of him, and he can't afford it. I have to explain carefully: "This is for the safety of the disciples. Tasks beyond the scope of ability can easily cause casualties. It is not easy for the sect to train disciples, and I don't want the disciples to die in vain."

Xiao Luo pointed to a task of hunting down a thief in the Star Lotus Realm and said: "Why can't I take such a simple task?" Then he pointed to a bunch of similar tasks.

The little disciple wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Dare to ask Uncle Master your cultivation level?"

Xiao Luo said, "The Star Realm."

The little disciple feels that his head is a little dizzy. Uncle Master is Uncle Master, and they are not comparable to these little disciples. The little disciple said respectfully: "You should go to the disciple hall to upgrade your identity card. You have to go to each level. Only in this way, your authority will increase."

Xiao Luo left here hurriedly after listening. The young disciple only saw the back of the uncle, heard "thank you", and had an extra tube of medicine in his hand. The young disciple sighed in his heart that Uncle Master is really violent and vigorous.

As soon as Xiao Luo arrived at the disciple hall, he found the office as soon as his mental strength came out. Then went straight to the office, took his identity card to the table, "I want to upgrade."

He slowly picked up Xiao Luo's identity card and put it on the next machine for inspection. After confirming his identity, he said slowly: "Uncle Master, please come with me."

Xiao Luo was dying of anxiety in his heart, but he couldn't remind him. He didn't do it on purpose. By nature, reminders were useless.

Behind the office is a large and empty room.

He Man took Xiao Luo to the wall with one written on it. He Man knocked on the wall, and a slab was extended from the wall. When the slab was still, a big rock appeared on the slab.

He Man said: "Uncle Master, please input your spiritual power into the measuring spiritual stone."

Xiao Luo threw a spirit force over, and the measuring spirit stone exploded, turning into a phantom and disappearing.

He Man tapped again, the measuring spirit stone was a circle larger than just now, and He Man made a please gesture. A spirit power passed, the measuring spirit stone disappeared again, Xiao Luo looked at how slow awkwardly and angrily. He Man asked a piece of Lingshi to test again, but this time it finally did not disappear, and he uttered the three words "Star Realm".

He Man pushed the tablet back, "Uncle Master is in the Star Realm."

Xiao Luo said dissatisfiedly: "Co-authored the test and cultivation base, can't you just say no? I will tell you directly that I am in the star realm."

Why not humble and say: "The rules are like this, please forgive me, Uncle Master."

What breaks the rules, Xiao Luofu slanders, has to try one by one from the original realm. However, they usually upgrade their identity cards once at a level, not like Xiao Luo, who only came after so long.

He Man took Xiao Luo to stand in front of the wall with the word "2", and He Man said, "Uncle Master, please use your greatest strength to attack this wall. The authentication of the identity card not only requires the realm, but also the strength to match the realm."

The fire in Xiao Luo's heart had a place to vent, and when He slowly retreated behind Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo used the strength of the milk to launch the strongest attack in his life.

He Man only felt a rush of heat, he had to close his eyes, but after opening his eyes, he had to stare at the colleague next door.

The highest endurance of the disciple hall is the attack of the star realm, but obviously this uncle's attack power is greater than the average star realm. The first thing He Man thought of was that he could finally get a new device.

Xiao Luo looked at He Man awkwardly, and He Man said, "Uncle Shi’s power is beyond the realm and he is qualified. Please take the last test.


Should Xiao Luo admire this master nephew's concentration or doubt his IQ? Xiao Luo didn't have time to think about it, because the third test actually wanted to measure flying ability.

He slow turn on the switch, "Uncle Master must enter the flying world and get a score of 60 or above to be considered qualified. Uncle Master is free to try, and the first two scores will always be retained. As long as Master Master passes the third item, the identity card You can upgrade."

Xiao Luo gritted his teeth and entered the flying world. Xiao Luo found that he had become a bird, a bird standing on the edge of a cliff. His task is to transport the fruit next to it to the opposite side. There may be attacks from wind blades, flames, water droplets and other birds in the middle. Transporting one fruit can get ten points, and Xiao Luo only needs to transport six fruit.

Xiao Luo grabbed a fruit, and each of its wings clamped a fruit. Start to fly, using spiritual power to hold up the bird's body to fly. Xiao Luo was very excited when he walked in the middle without encountering danger. If it were all that simple, he could get full marks.

Near the opposite side, trouble is coming.

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