Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Do business to make money

Chef Dong is excited, is this going to be paid? Chef Dong rubbed his hands and said, "50 Lingcoins or 30 contribution points."

"Oh," Xiao Luo asked again, "how much do you make a month?"

Chef Dong slowly deflated like a leaky ball, how it felt like he was about to rob. Chef Dong said hesitantly: "This...this depends on how many Lulu beasts can be delivered. If I don’t have one for a month, I can only drink Northwest Wind. If I deliver more, the monthly income will be over. There is everything too."

Xiao Luo nodded thoughtfully, this business shouldn't be too difficult to do, "I will provide you with Lulu Beast, you earn half of me." "Huh?" Chef Dong did not hold back the doubts and surprises in his heart. Is everything because of the test of partners? Xiao Luo explained: "I first stood outside and waited for you for a long time. I came in and watched you sleep for a long time. I felt very uncomfortable. What I did was more unexpected. If you mind, just hold back. You have beaten me, otherwise you can only listen to me. "I've beaten you, are you still talking to you here? Chef Dong slandered. For the first time, he had the urge to change his work and rest, and went to bed by mistake.

Chef Dong thinks that he should talk to the other party, "Look, this cooperation must have a general understanding of the other party." When he leaves, he will find someone to teach him, huh, it's good to be an old man. Offended?

Xiao Luo glanced at him, and said high up: "You only need to know that my master is the ancestor of Scarlet Fire, and that I am your Uncle Xiao."

Chef Dong's heart was occupied by bitterness, who would have thought that Tangtang Shishu would actually persecute a little disciple of him. Even if he paid the money, no one would dare to beat the uncle, especially when all the ancestors had a leisurely sentiment. Besides, he didn't even dare to give out money


Chef Dong promised: "As long as you send Lulu Beast, Master, the disciples will share half of your profits." In fact, he can't lose much. The previous Lulu Beast has to pay for it, but the current one. Lulu beasts are more expensive, just make a little less.

Xiao Luo nodded and got up to leave. Chef Dong also hurriedly stood up and sent his senior uncle away. When he walked to the door, Xiao Luo suddenly turned around and said, "Your protective cover is not good, you should change it."

Xiao Luo left very quickly, and Chef Dong realized what his uncle meant when he saw a large hole in the protective cover. Chef Dong wanted to cry without tears, his high-level protective cover worth three thousand spirit coins was so scrapped, silently scrapped.

Xiao Luo didn't return to the bamboo house from Dong Chef's Dongfu, but went straight to Houshan. He needed to catch a male and a female Lulu animal, and then drugged them to multiply quickly, and then set up a breeding farm.

Xiao Luo's anger came out to cause trouble, and he didn't find a Lulu beast until dawn. However, he was lucky to meet those two people yesterday. Xiao Luo said in his heart: It's a destiny. Since you are not far away to help each other, how am I embarrassed to let you go for nothing.

Xiao Luo no longer concealed his figure and jumped in front of the two of them. They were startled, new hatred and old hatred rushed into their hearts. After Xiao Luo and He Feng left, the two of them were still in a coma, and then a poor disciple stretched out their magic claws, leaving only a pair of shorts all over their bodies. Of course they will keep the account on Xiao Luo.

The short one yelled: "The thief takes his life." Then a water arrow was shot in front of Xiao Luo, aggressively.

Xiao Luo first stopped the movement of the water arrow with mental strength, then held the water arrow with his hand, the flame pierced the palm of his hand, and the water arrow evaporated. In the eyes of the two, it was Xiao Luo's hand that slowly stretched out to hold the water arrow traveling at high speed. The two yelled in their hearts: It's over, not only can't revenge, but maybe they have to lose their lives.

The two looked at each other and ran in two directions respectively.

Xiao Luo will make them wish? Naturally not. Xiao Luo took out two lassos, one in each hand, flicked them in each hand, and then threw them out. Pull the rope in your hand and pull it back. Both of them were dragged back by Xiao Luo.

The two were discouraged. The short stalked his neck rather than surrendering and said: "Skills can be killed but not insulted. If you want to kill, you can cut it casually."

Xiao Luo laughed twice, "If that's the case, then I will kill you, and let the person next to you take me to find Lulu Beast."

The shorter one couldn't get off the stage. He firmly believed that even if they found the Lulu beast for this person, it must be the end of the **** that was killed. But it took a while to die late, and the short one pushed his body high and motioned for him to speak.

The tall man said without confidence, "If you kill him, I won't help you find the Lulu Beast. It won't help if you kill him."

Xiao Luo stared at the two with a calm face for a while, the scalp of the two who stared at was tingling. Then Xiao Luo smiled and untied the tall rope.

"Let’s find it, a male and a female. If you find me, you will cut him off. If you can’t find me within three days, I will cut off his finger. Let me wait for a day to cut off his finger. I’m not sure if I don’t have a finger. Where is it."

The shorter one felt his hands cold, and his expression anxiously urged, "Hurry up and find it."

The taller said: "I'll go, I will find it in three days, don't hurt him."

Xiao Luo nodded, and walked away three times.

Xiao Luo took out a cushion and put it in front of the shorter one. "What is your name? What is his name?"

The shorter one turned his head to the side and said nothing. Xiao Luo wondered if he was too kind, and the hostages dared to challenge his lewdness. Xiao Luo stared at the short tail finger with a faint light in his eyes.

The shorter one liked his fingers very much and didn't plan to change one. Seeing Xiao Luo's eyes short, he hurriedly said, "Song Min, my name is Song Min, and his name is He Qun."

Xiao Luo ignored Song Min's tail finger, and stared at his belly, "Is this pregnant?"

Song Min was anxious and frustrated, "You are pregnant, your whole family is pregnant." Song Min hates others talking about his stomach, especially when he is the one below.

Xiao Luo wanted to be pregnant, but unfortunately he didn't have that function.

Xiao Luo asked: "What is the relationship between the two of you?"

Song Min's anger overwhelmed his fear, but he didn't speak.

Xiao Luo let out a groan without a hint of smile. Find a red thread, a very thin red thread, produced by Demon Lotus, which can **** human blood. But Xiao Luo just used it to scare people. In the final analysis, he did something wrong, relying on his strength to bully the weak. But he didn't want to look back yet. Xiao Luo sometimes thinks, maybe when a knight appears to walk the way for the sky, he won't have to struggle anymore.

Xiao Luoyin smiled sadly and said, "This red thread is called the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine." Xiao Luo tied the thread to the tail finger of Song Min's right hand. Song Min struggled and couldn't stop Xiao Luo's movements.

Xiao Luo squeezed the other end of the red thread and sat back on the mat, and then said, "I, as long as you pull it gently, the blood from your finger will flow out with the thread. I promised He Qun that it won't hurt you. You just bleed a little and it doesn't hurt. As for you, it hurts. There is nothing serious about it." After speaking, Xiao Luo grinned.

Song Min trembled all over, and couldn't help feeling chills in his heart. Is this abnormal sense of sight swollen?

Song Min squatted and said, "He, he is my partner and companion."

"Isn't it enough to cooperate like this? I don't mean anything else, just waiting to be too boring to chat with you."

Song Min nodded frequently, as long as he didn't hurt him, he could talk about anything.

Xiao Luo said, "I ask you to answer, understand?"

Song Min nodded, "Understand and understand."

"How did you two meet?"

"Our two families are family friends, my mother and his mother are good friends, and often take us. Then they talk together, we can only play together."

"How to be together?"

"I chased him. At the beginning, he didn't like me, he just took me as his younger brother. Fortunately, there are two gods assists, my mother and his mother, otherwise we will have trouble."

Mother, Xiao Luo can't remember his mother's appearance anymore, only remember that she either sighed or used herself as the air. It seems that he had a good brother before, and now he seems to be waiting for his own rescue. As for the process, he forgot.

"How long have you been in Ten Thousand Grass Sect."

"For more than 40 years, the two of us have poor qualifications and no masters. Yiying's resources can only be earned by ourselves."

"Oh, although I have a master, I still have to make money by myself. Fortunately, I met you two, otherwise my money-making plan will be pushed back."

What can Song Min say? Meeting him was the bad luck of the two of them for eight lifetimes. Can't you take the right path to make money? It's really a shame for Ten Thousand Grass Sect.

After questioning and answering, Song Min almost wiped out both of them. In the end, I couldn't tell, Song Min could only use his excellent imagination to make up. Of course Xiao Luo could hear it. It didn't match the front and back, and he wasn't a good at composing stories. But Xiao Luo's pastime was nothing but true or false.

The two sat there for two and a half days, and Song Min felt that his stomach was almost hungry. Xiao Luo didn't hungry himself, but only gave Song Min one meal a day.

Weak and hungry, Song Min felt that his image was extremely tall and majestic for the first time when he saw He Qun carrying the rumbling beast, and his whole body exuded a warm light.

He Qun's throat tightened when he saw Song Min's weak little appearance, and he thought to himself that it was not good, but the weak appearance of the little fat man was really a trick.

People hurt.

He Qun asked angrily: "Why did you abuse him? I found the Lulu Beast as agreed, but you actually abused him."

Xiao Luo was justified: "It's just to give him a meal a day, and he won't die. I think you should let him lose weight.

Although it feels good to be so fat, don't you think it looks bad? "

He Qun looked embarrassed. Song Min roared: "I'm starving to death, what are you doing in a daze? Untie me quickly."

He Qun handed the Lulu beast to Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo loosened the rope, and Song Min ran towards He Qun excitedly. With sharp eyes, He Qun spotted the red line on Song Min's tail finger. And the red line is still automatically shortening.

He Qun hugged Song Min and raised Song Min's finger first. Song Min only then thought of this bloodthirsty monster vine. Turning to Xiao Luo, he said, "Hurry up and take down your vine."

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