Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Hunting (1)

Xiao Luo suffocated his smile. It wasn't appropriate to laugh at this time. "Are you stupid? There must be a problem. It must be no problem for you to work towards revenge for the foreman and liberate yourself."

"It's reasonable, try it next time on vacation." Xin Jing arranged the whereabouts of the next monthly vacation and couldn't refute it.

The days were spent in practice. The three of them went on vacation but were told that only students in the second grade and above can enter the Star Tower challenge. The three can only go home. By the way, Xin Jing ate twice as much food because of this incident.

The annual test came suddenly, and in retrospect, besides cultivation, it was cultivation. I didn't expect life to pass so fast.

Teachers from every class in the square line up in a row. Vice President Mu Zhu also stood on the convex part of the stone tablet and spoke.

"My classmates, I've met again. This year, I have missed you and paid attention to you.

Presumably, some of the students’ pseudo-spiritual sources are already very strong. During the annual vacation after the annual exam, you can consider going to the Star Tower and condensing a Star Tower by the way.

The annual examination is hunting every year, and the more is king. Considering that the students still don't understand anything, the academy sealed most of the talent skills of the spirit beasts. You should take advantage of this opportunity.

1.5 million points before the annual exam, the first 25 hundred hours of cultivation time in the Star Tower, the top ten majors are exempted, and you can choose your favorite major at will.

Now ask the teachers of each class to hand out space bags and condensing devices and follow the arrangement to bring their students into the hunting ground.

I wish you all a rewarding experience. "

Li Bing and Li Yan handed out space bags and pills one after another. The space bag is just a small gray bag, which looks like a bracelet and ring. After Xiao Luo got his hand, he looked at the space inside, about ten cubic meters. The condensing device is a small funnel, available in various colors. All three of them took a big red one.

Li Bing exclaimed, "The space bag is divided into two spaces. When the spirit beast is killed and the pill condensing device is attached to their foreheads, the pill condensing device will automatically condense the essence of the spirit beast into a pill. . Put the beast pill in one piece, and put the other offal on the other. You have a week to hand in all the things after the assessment is completed. And if the condensing device is damaged, you will have to pay 100,000 points. So. Be careful when you use it. When the next annual exam, you will have to condense your pills yourself. You can also study the principles of the pill condensing device when you are resting. Okay, the teacher said so much, pay attention to safety, and wish you a happy return. It will not be the next time the school starts. The two of us took you. Come with me."

Although Li Bing and Li Yan were stereotyped and didn't know how to work around, they were really responsible and good teachers. For a while, everyone was still a little bit reluctant, but this sentiment continued to the hunting ground. Stepping into the hunting ground, there is only the heart of fighting.

The hunting ground is huge, at least so many classes didn't meet immediately after they didn't go in. What Li Bing's class saw after entering the whirlpool gate was the grassland.

The wind blows the grass and the spirit beasts appear, Xiao Luo sighs with the breeze.

A rumbling sound slammed on the ground, and Xin Jing roared, "Run." Hang Rui and Xiao Luo, who were in a daze with each hand, walked behind them.


Others saw the black spirit beasts running towards them and fled in all directions.

Xiao Luo looked back from time to time, and said as he ran: "How do I feel that they are running after us."

Xin Jing replied: "This is not your feeling, but the fact. What should I do?"

"Cold salad, let's run separately." Xiao Luo said.

When the three ran separately, the herd was divided into three groups and chased the three. Xiao Luo didn't have to look back to know that the herd was getting away from him


Liuanhua is another village, where grassland and forest are directly bordered, and there is no transition zone between them.

After Xiao Luo rushed into the forest, he saw the herd of beasts 100 meters away, not daring to take a step beyond the thunder pond.

Xiao Luo just made a grimace on himself, and patted them again, whether they understood the meaning or not, Xiao Luo headed towards the forest.

It's a pity that so many big horned beasts can only be seen and can't be killed, and the low force value is so uncomfortable. You have to look forward and think about your life when you do anything.

Xiao Luo was not in a hurry to hunt, and wandered slowly in the forest.

The forest is very dense, with green leaves layered on top of each other. Underneath the trees that should have been dimly lit, they were very bright, as if the leaves were fake. Although there must be demons when things go wrong, Xiao Luo already doesn't know what is ordinary.

Xiao Luo stepped on the thick fallen leaves in a daze, making a rustle. Xiao Luo stopped with one foot in the air, and then fell gently. He heard the sound of insects, a sound that had only appeared suddenly since he entered. It's like the mechanism is turned on after a certain condition is met. Xiao Luo escaped the attack with a backflip, slammed his right hand halfway through to get rid of the bugs that were stuck to his hand due to the touch, and finally landed safely.

. After falling into the sky with Xiao Luo's movements, Fallen Leaf had to return to the ground again.

Xiao Luo smiled unkindly looking at the afterimage that was jumping around on the tree. He always felt so stupid and wasted his energy. To put it nicely is to confuse the opponent to find the opportunity to attack, but it is still silly.

The crisp laughter aroused the unknown species not far away, and the sound of fluttering and fluttering came back.

Xu Shi Xiao Luo's laughter angered it, and it stopped in Xiao Luo's line of sight, standing on the branch and grinning.

The shadow monkey, swift as the wind, has sharp teeth, sharp claws and gray hair, and a long tail that can throw wind blades.

Xiao Luo flipped through the bracelet, took out a banana, threw it behind him, and smashed it on the tree. The banana collapsed and fell to the ground.

There was a light of disdain in the eyes of the shadow monkey, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.

Xiao Luo didn't care about non-human beings, and in the end it was just his life and death. Xiao Luo launched the offensive first, because he still wanted to walk in the forest and enjoy the quiet time.

The shadow monkey's tail touched the ground, and his body flew towards Xiao Luo. The collision of sharp claws and flesh fists, the sound of piercing, broken nails...

The shadow monkey's nails are really fragile, Xiao Luo thought. He also gave a few chucks, looking at the broken armor on the ground regrettably, for fear of the lost monkey

Don't get angry.

The shadow monkey squeaked, beat his chest angrily, and threw his tail on the ground like a whip, making a snapping sound.

Immediately the tail struck Xiao Luo, fast enough to leave an afterimage. Xiao Luo avoided the whip by feeling, not afraid at all.

People can't get too proud of themselves. Xiao Luo laughed as he dodged, "You hit, you can't hit..." The tail snapped in the air, Xiao Luo thought it was either a magnifying move or it was about to escape.

One second, two seconds...Nothing happened, Xiao Luo's tight body just relaxed, and a tail snapped to Xiao Luo's face. A thumb-wide red mark from the left forehead to the opposite corner was freshly baked.

Xiao Luo gently touched his handsome face with the tip of his index finger, hissing gasp continued the whole process.

As the saying goes, curse people should be short, but not face. Xiao Luo was very satisfied with his small face, and didn't plan to change it, so the situation of being beaten up like this is absolutely impossible to reappear. And what you have done comes at a price.

When people are emotional, especially angry, they are likely to increase their strength. Xiao Luo grabbed the tail with his right hand, and couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard the Lost Shadow Monkey exerted its strength.

Xiao Luo grabbed his tail with his left hand, opened his feet slightly, lowered his center of gravity, shouted loudly, and shook his shadow.

The monkey goes round and round.

Imagine how many trees hindered his movement in this forest and near Xiao Luo, but none of them could stop the Confused Monkey.

The squeaking sound became smaller and smaller, slowly dissipating. Xiao Luo took out the pill condensate and put it on the **** body of Miying Monkey, and suddenly woke up with a scream.

, Can not escape the fate of being condensed pill.

Xiao Luo played with the grey essence the size of his fingernails, which indeed contained a tantalizing essence of energy. Unfortunately it's not his own, but who knows how much he got? Thinking of this, Xiao Luo decided to fight more.

But this thing is said to have the best oral effect, Xiao Luo didn't really want to use this method. The fur and bone scum of the shadow monkey next to him reminded Xiao Luo of the origin of Jingdan, and the smell of blood in the air also made Xiao Luo appetite.

The smell of blood? Xiao Luo suddenly turned and left, and the smell of blood would attract other spirit beasts. Xiao Luo thought as he walked, no, I just want to hunt, and I should make full use of the stuff to trap and kill other spirit beasts.

Xiao Luo turned back again, compared several trees back and forth, picked the most pleasing one and hid it.

Xiao Luo remembered again that these leaves could not cover the sun, so he picked a leaf and placed it in front of his right eye, while closing his left eye tightly. Oh, I can't see the concrete image. Although the eyes are bright, everything has disappeared. Xiao Luo took Ye Ye away, opened his eyes and looked up, but couldn't see the sun. Xiao Luo was relieved now, slowed his breathing, and waited for the beast.

Xiao Luo was not disappointed, and after a while, a lost monkey came here. Unlike the bare and faintly lost monkey just now, this one has a red flower on its head and several layers of leaves around its upper body. It should be a female monkey, and has a lot to do with the fascinated monkey just now

This fascinated monkey first flashed around and observed the surrounding situation, but did not find Xiao Luo. Then he sniffed and cried loudly while holding the fur, teardrops bounced out. Xiao Luo felt distressed and didn't want to go down and fight with it. However, in order to live better for yourself, you can only rely on your own abilities.

Xiao Luo took out a bow and an arrow. He had never practiced archery. He took the arrow and pulled the bow, and with a swish, the point of the arrow sank into the skull of the Confused Monkey. The shadow monkey fell down holding his fur.

Xiao Luo retracted the bow and drew the arrow out, and the blood spilled on his hand pressing the head of the fascinated monkey. Pick up the leaf and carefully wipe the tip of the arrow, piece by piece, over and over again, until the tip of the arrow is shiny and exudes the fragrance of leaves.

Xiao Luo wanted to pull Pi out, but he didn't succeed. Xiao Luo pursed his lips and took out the pill condensing device, and faced the process of pill condensing with his big eyes open.

Xiao Luo put away the essence pills, dug two pits, and buried their remains. Then he left without looking back and continued deep into the forest.

The deeper you go, the quieter you are. I don't know which step I took when I stepped into the realm of absolute quietness. Xiao Luo touched the black trunk, trying to remember whether the trunk of the interstellar was black.

After thinking for a long time, the answer is no. The library's materials are incomplete, but Xiao Luo believes that the college will not issue super-level topics.

A small knife, the kind that is usually used to cut people. Xiao Luo held the handle of the knife and pushed the tip of the knife against the trunk and pushed it in with little resistance. Easily, the blade is completely submerged into the trunk. With a violent pull, the blade was still clean, but black liquid was dripping from the blade. Very light color, very thin water quality.

Xiao Shi couldn't remember what it was, maybe he hadn't seen it yet. Xiao Luo inserted the knife in again, made a small circle clockwise, and pulled the bark off, revealing the loose and porous black sponge-like body inside.

The liquid flowed more cheerfully. Xiao Luo took out the pill condensate, and the funnel just covered the gap. Xiao Luo just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect the pill condensing device to actually start working. The tree withered, shrunk under Xiao Luo's eyelids into a small, wrinkled sapling that was no more than knee-high, and looked malnourished.

In exchange for a black essence, it feels cool to the touch and feels better than the one just now, but the energy contained in it is more than any one just now, about one-third of someone's.

Xiao Luo put the black pill into his mouth and set the third posture to start practicing. The essence of the essence in the mouth is divided into two parts, one part is attracted by the star tower in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the other part is absorbed by the pseudo-spiritual source in the dantian. The Star Tower couldn't see any changes, but the pseudo-spirit source was dyed with a layer of black. But it was fleeting, if Xiao Luo hadn't been staring at it, there would be no change.

Doing nothing, Xiao Luo put the other two essence pills into his mouth together. The vigorous energy almost rushed through Xiao Luo's closed mouth, the essence of the pill rolled around in his mouth, even tending to escape from the mouth. Xiao Luo used his tongue to push them under the chewing teeth, one on each side, holding them in place, even if the teeth rattled. At least it won't run around.

If the feeling that the black pill gave him just now was refreshing, the feeling that the gray pill gave him was elegant. Xiao Luo estimated that the essence pill formed by different spirit beasts not only had different colors, but also had different effects. Xiao Luo wanted to taste all kinds of essence.

When the last bit of essence melted into a flow of energy and entered the Dantian and the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Xiao Luo stopped working again and stood in front of the young tree sapling, meditating.

Now the question is, there is no such tree in the Spirit Beast Illustrated Book, nor does it appear in the Ling Zhi Illustrated Book. But it happened to be condensed into a pill.

In view of the existence of accidental errors, Xiao Luo decided to try a few more trees. Using this seedling as the center to radiate to the surroundings, Xiao Luo first selected the tree to its right.

Xiao Luo patted the trunk, his voice was heavy. Do the same, a big tree, a pill and a small sapling.

Counting the essence pills in his hand, there are already eight. Xiao Luo covered his eyes with palms and looked up at the sky. The sky was naturally exposed when the tree was gone.

The sky was blue, with a few white clouds floating, and a small black spot flew. Xiao Luo squinted his eyes, **** it, isn't that Liuliying? Shouldn't be here.

Xiao Luo turned around and ran, Liu Li Ying chased him into the forest.

Liuliying opened his mouth and spit out a wind blade, hitting Xiao Luo's feet. Xiao Luo looked intently, and a small hole appeared.

Well, there is no talent skills? Doesn't the wind blade count? Xiao Luo didn't lack self-knowledge, he couldn't beat Liuli Ying, but he could get rid of it based on the terrain advantage he possessed. With so many branches and leaves, the Liuliying couldn't use it at all. So Xiao Luo is not empty at all.

□Author's gossip: thanks

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