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With the Boss Jia’s Eldest Son Jia Changtian, it is clear that the topic and debates on the Great-Thousand Group Human Life As Grass after the first batch of land, and there is naturally no market.

I am afraid that there is no richest BLOODLINE to the moon, unless he does believe, this trip is very safe.

Of course, some people said that this is just Great-Thousand Proclaim Thaful That’s All, this Jia Changtian is not Jia Yapeng’s son, which is the explanation of Jia Yapeng in order to avoid the criticism of public opinion.

Then the whole person is immediately reversed. “JIA YAPENG is going to hand over all the property to an outner?”

Finally, there is a message sent by a netizen to get a lot of people’s recognition. He said that in fact, Jia Changtian is not important. It is important that the THIS TIME action can be successful.

successfully, even if the original success is only 1%, the Great-Thousandand is also a hero.

But if it fails, even if Jia Changtian is dead, Great-thousand will also be sprayed into a dog.

From this point of view, this netizen is still very admired with Great-Thousand, because Great-THOUSAND did something unforgettable, and did not say a big capital, and the son may not live. The entire group is also like a dog like a dog.

The most critical is that he really can’t see what is the benefits of this Time moon.

You have to say that the moon can have a technical breakthrough, but most of these technologies are not related to Great-THOUSAND’s current development prospects, so the decision of Great-Thousand This Time is really confused.

At the same time, more information about Jia Changtian is smashed out, of course, a large part of which is Great-thousand’s initiative.

, such as Jia Changtian, three years old, the teacher’s top rocket expert, 5 years old, running in the Rocket Research Center, starting to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, starting with a single project at the age of 10, 13 years old, almost become a moon The general engineer has established the Solar System Technology Exploration Company, which has been settled in China, and then flicked his old man has already invested more than $ 30 billion in R & D and manufacturing funds.

then, some people discovered that Great-Thousand “MiRiad Worlds” magazine, there are six different names of the author’s identity, and the six new names have released a total of 17 papers, each One of them is a papers that has a certain driving force for World.

There are still many foreign media to inquire about the specific news of these authors, and then find ways to dig abroad.

Soon, when these news is published, there is a media to find these 17 papers to find several internationally renowned experts, the Nobel Prize winner, and the chief of the magazine, by interviewing them I wrote a synthetic report.

According to this report, it is very professional from these 17 papers. Each papers are very professional, and it is extremely promoted for related majors, and 6 papers have even achieved it. The degree of Nobel Prize.

They recalled that when these 6 papers were published in “Myriad Worlds”, they will turn to the industry every time.

, especially when they pass the paper, after the relevant experiments, even more shocking, and then curious how the Great-THOUSAND is existed, and the magazine inside the company actually can publish six such power continuously. Paper.

and according to the internal representation of Great-Thousand, all the papers that can be published are three years ago. After review, it will not cause too many influence on Great-THOUSAND.

In other words, Great-THOUSAND should have hidden many different scientific discovery and technical breakthroughs, but because of these technical breakthroughs, the interests of business value is too high, Great-thousand can’t let them publish, but Choose to hide.

If this is the case, how horror is hidden by Great-Thousand-THOUSAND?

There are several experts even said when they accept interviews, if Great-Thousand is willing to let them touch these technologies, they are even willing to go to work to Great-Thousands.

Don’t say that after this interview is released, there are two experts in Disappeared WITHOUT A TRACE, even their own professional organizations can’t find it, and I will take the initiative to buy CHINA before I walked. The ticket is not suspicious, they have become a member of Great-Thousandand.

This report is still praised here, but a report of a foreign media, how can it be praise?

So soon, the reporter of this report will begin to question.

He did not question the authenticity of these papers, but question so many breakthrough papers, is it really a person who is Jia Changtian? Will it have a research robbery?

Jia Changtian is the Eldest Son of Boss Jia, the Successor of Great-Thousand Group, which is too simple to grab some discipline rights from the scientific research workers under his hand. It is too simple.

is like a few years ago, Edison did.

said that many people in that year, when I knew Edison, I still heard such a superification king when I was in elementary school, even when I read kindergarten.

This inventive king, when I was young, I learned the principle of warm water. I saw the steam rotary sail, and I understood the principle of the steam engine. When I saw that the lightning would glow, I understood the principle of the electric light.

The most cattle fork is in our primary school language textbook.

In the second grade of elementary school in 2016, there is a magical text, and the protagonist of the text is our Edison’s convention.

is that Edison is just seven years old. His Mother suddenly had a stomachache, hurting in bed straight, Father hurriedly riding to several dozen li, please doctors. One test, the original Mother is acute appendicitis, need surgery immediately. The hospital has been too late, and the doctor decided to do surgery at home.

Doctor means that the light is too dark, and there is no surgery.

, we smart Edison classmates, a smoke, and smoke.

After a while, holding a bright big mirror and brought a few small walks, everyone holding the same face.

Edison let the balances are standing next to the ignited oil lamp, because the mirror gather together, the bed is lighted in the bed. Father suddenly realized that the doctor also exposed a satisfactory smile.

The operation is very successful, and Mother is saved. The doctor praised Di Si, said: “Today, you will lose your little brat, you are a smart child!”

[ps: These paragraphs plagiarized primary school language. 】

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