Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 648: The kidnapped Tong Yangfu (13)

   Knowing that Mo Jue told her family in advance, she stopped asking in the summer.

   followed Mo Jue into the car and took the initiative to tell the driver the address.

  The driver started the car and drove to the place that the summer said.

   In the car, Mo Jue asked what grade children were tutoring in the summer.

  Xiamen replied: "A seventeen-year-old child as old as you."

  Seventeen years old...children? !

   Mo Jue's mouth twitched, and she asked Xia Xia, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

   "Boy, a very cute little boy." Xia Xia said with a smile.

   This is true. Her tutor has a baby face, dimples when she smiles, and she is cute and sweet. She is really cute.

   But when she said this, Mo Jue was not happy.

   In summer, he even commented that other boys are cute!

   And this boy is as big as him!

   Mo Jue will not admit that he is jealous, hum~

   "How long have you been teaching him? How long have you been teaching him?" Mo Jue asked Xia Xia.

  Summer counted the time and said, "I have been teaching for half a year. His mother's meaning is that he hopes to continue until the end of his college entrance examination."

   In fact, she has been working as a tutor since high school in summer. Although Lin Kui initially disagreed with her having to work in addition to her studies, in the summer she said that tutoring is also equivalent to reviewing herself, so she no longer objected.

   In high school, she taught junior high school in summer, and when she went to college, she taught high school.

   At the beginning, the tutoring work in summer was all arranged by her junior high school head teacher, Ms. Chen, and her current stepmother to find a relationship for her.

  Yes, the original teacher Chen became Summer's stepmother three years ago.

  Mr. Chen is two years younger than Lin Kui, and her husband passed away early. The two got married to have a company for the rest of their lives.

   After Mr. Chen retired three years ago, he got a marriage certificate with Lin Kui.

   Mr. Chen has a daughter who is more than ten years older than Summer.

   Teacher Chen's daughter has no opinion on the combination of Teacher Chen and Lin Kui.

  The two families became a family and got along very well...

   "Teach until the end of the college entrance examination?!" That means there is still one year left!

  Mo Jue pouted and asked Xia Xia, "Can you stop teaching?"

   Hearing this, Xia Xia finally turned to look at Mo Jue.

   She blinked and asked in confusion, "Why don't you teach?"


   Mo Jue can't say that because he is jealous, he doesn't want to let Xia Xia teach that seventeen-year-old child.

   rolled his eyes, and Mo Jue suddenly thought of a good excuse.

   He opened his mouth and said to Xia Xia: "Because my grades are not good, I want you to help me with tuition!"

Poor performance?

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows, but did not speak immediately.

  If she remembered correctly, Mo Jue had already learned almost all the knowledge of elementary school when she was nine years old.

   In Lin Yaner's memory, Mo Jue also skipped a grade to go to university when she was sixteen.

   Now, although Mo Jue didn't skip a grade to go to university like Lin Yaner remembered, his grades are definitely not bad.

   So the reason for the bad grades is definitely not believed in the summer.

   Then why did Mo Jue lie?

   The answer is obvious, and summer is no fool.

   She snickered silently in her heart, but she didn't believe that Mo Jue's grades were bad.

   "You read sixth grade books when you were nine years old, do you think I would believe your grades are not good?"

   er... Mistakes, missteps!

   If he had known today, he should have acted as a scumbag instead of reading sixth grade books in front of summer.

Just as Mo Jue was about to speak, Xia Xia added: "What's more, it's impossible for me not to teach that student. Because his mother has already given me all the tuition fees for a year, I can't say that if I don't teach, I won't teach. Be true to your word!"

  Xia Xia said so, and Mo Jue said it was useless to tell her not to be a tutor.

  Mo Jue flattened his mouth a little aggrieved, and silently decided in his heart that he would go to tutoring in the summer, and he would also follow him.

   Take a look at what the 'cute little boy' in summer's mouth looks like!


  The driver drove the car to the downstairs of an ordinary community, and Xia Xia and Mo Jue got out of the car.

   Originally, Mo Jue said he wanted to buy something to bring, but in summer he said no.

   Therefore, Mo Jue came empty-handed.

   This is an old-fashioned ordinary community with no elevator. They live on the fifth floor in summer.

  If you want to go upstairs, you have to climb layer by layer.

   Fortunately, it's only the fifth floor, not the seventh or eighth floor, otherwise it's really boring!

   "Have you all lived here these past few years?" Mo Jue asked Summer.

  Summer nodded and said, "Yeah."

   Actually, Xia Xia and Lin Kui didn’t live here at the beginning. The place they lived in was a bit more shabby, but the rent there was cheaper.

   Later, when the economy eased, Lin Kui moved here with summer.

   Later, the landlord said he wanted to sell the house.

  Because the price was within what Lin Kui could afford, Lin Kui simply bought the house.

   Although the house is a bit old, the victory is that I bought it by my own ability.

   It's full of home flavor and warm!

  This house is a two-story house, and they live in 502 in summer.

  502's dark red door has the word "Fu" upside down, and festive couplets are pasted on both sides of the door. It looks very ordinary and very warm.

  Summer took the key to open the door, and as soon as he opened it, he shouted to the house: "Dad, Mom, we're back!"

   Two people wearing aprons soon came out of the kitchen, one was Lin Kui, who Mo Jue was familiar with, and the other was his stepmother, Teacher Chen, who was mentioned to Mo Jue in the summer on the way home.

  Eight years ago, Lin Kui looked older than Mo Jue remembered.

   But the familiar simple and honest smile did not change, which made Mo Jue feel very warm.


   The words 'Aba' blurted out, and after making Lin Kui stunned for a while, he nodded with a smile, and responded with an "eh".

   "Yaozu, you're back!" Lin Kui approached Mo Jue with a smile while wiping his hands with the hem of his apron.

   A very natural sentence, as if Mo Jue, who had been away for eight years, just went to school and came home.

   "Well, I'm back!" Mo Jue responded, her eyes a little hot.

  Although he still doesn't like the name Yaozu, since Lin Kui is called that, so he should do it!

  Lin Kui raised his hand and patted Mo Jue's shoulder, with water glittering in his eyes: "It's so much taller, it's a head taller than Dad and your sister!"

   Mo Jue just smiled and did not speak.

Lin Kui raised his hand to wipe his eyes, took Mo Jue's arm and walked in front of Teacher Chen, and introduced, "Old Chen, this is our Yaozu, isn't he handsome? Let me tell you, Yaozu grew up when he was a child. That way, nothing has changed!"

   Mr. Chen is an ordinary-looking person with a very gentle temperament.

   She looked at Mo Jue and smiled lovingly: "I often hear Lao Lin mention you, it's nice to meet you!"

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