Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 640: The kidnapped child foster husband (5)

  What is Tong Yangfu, Mo Jue knows.

  The reason why he hates Lin Yaner very much is also because of his identity as Tong Yangfu.

  Mo Jue said that she is sincere when she thinks Xia Xia is her own sister, but she is also selfish.

  But now in the summer, he said that he was still her child foster husband...

  Summer of course wants to say that Mo Jue is his child husband, she wants to make Mo Jue fall in love with her, not to treat her as a real sister!

   "I didn't say I wouldn't let you go home, but when you go home, you have to be my child foster husband!"

   Having said this, Xia Xia paused for a while, and then said in a very domineering tone: "If you are not my child foster husband, then don't go back..."

   Before she could finish her words, Mo Jue already knew what she was going to say, so she quickly said, "No no no! I am your child supporter, and I will be your child supporter when I go home!"

  Because the lights were turned off, I couldn't see Mo Jue's flushed face in summer.

   After hearing Mo Jue's promise, Xia Xia smiled with satisfaction and said, "Go to sleep."

After   Xiamen finished speaking, he turned his back to Mo Jue and fell asleep.

  Mo Jue originally wanted to go back to his bed to sleep, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally fell asleep in the summer bed...


   Because of the mention of Mo Jue's parents in the summer, Lin Kui lost sleep that night.

   He thought about it a lot and was very confused.

   Being both parents, Lin Kui clearly knew that Mo Jue's parents must be very worried about Mo Jue.

  Yes, Mo Jue was bought by him with years of savings.

   In the past two years, although he was not as good to Mo Jue as he was to his own daughter, he was definitely not bad.

   He also hopes that when Mo Jue grows up, let him marry his daughter, so that their Lin family can have a daughter!

  Lin Kui was tangled about whether he should help Mo Jue find his family.

   In the end, Lin Kui found a reason for himself that 'Even if he wanted to find him, Yaozu had no memory, and he didn't remember his family', so he gave up the entanglement.

   He, still reluctant to let Mo Jue go——

  Although Lin Kui found a reason for himself, in the next few days, when he saw Mo Jue, he couldn't help but think...the child is gone, how worried are parents?

   The longer the time, the less happy Lin Kui felt.

  Xia Tian looked at Lin Kui every day, and he could see the entanglement and reluctance in his eyes.

   She decided to tell Lin Kui that Mo Jue 'restored her memory'!

   "Tell Dad!? Sister, didn't you say you want to see it again?"

  Mo Jue looked at Xia Xia nervously. He was good at observing words and expressions, and he could see that Lin Kui was very worried these days.

   But it has only been four or five days. What if Lin Kui is suddenly afraid that he will run away after Xia Xia told Lin Kui that he 'restores his memory'?

   "It's over, you're going to have to act next!" Xia Xia said.

  Mo Jue blinked and looked at Xia Xia suspiciously: "Ah? What kind of play are you playing?"


   On a hot summer day, there is still some cool breeze at night.

  Lin Kui's family is poor, so he doesn't even have a fan.

  It was really hot tonight, Lin Kui couldn't sleep, so he moved a bench and sat in the yard to blow the night breeze.

   Blowing and blowing, Lin Kui suddenly heard cries.

  The cry came from Xia Xia and Mo Jue's room, and Lin Kui heard that it was Mo Jue crying.

   The cry was so pitiful that Lin Kuiteng stood up from the bench in shock. He didn't want the fan, so he went in quickly to see what was going on.

  In the room, Lin Kui came in just after the 'sleepy' summer turned on the light.

  Mo Jue was lying on the bed, curled up and closed her eyes and cried, crying so much that it made people feel distressed.

  Lin Kui walked to the bed, patted his back lightly and asked, "What happened to Yaozu? Have a nightmare?"

   Mo Jue didn't answer, she just closed her eyes and cried, even worse than she just cried.

  Lin Kui asked him what was wrong, but Mo Jue was still crying.

  Xiamen also got off the bed and got on Mo Jue's bed: "Oh, Yaozu, you're talking! Are you having a nightmare or something? How will my dad and I know what's wrong with you if you don't talk!"

   Xia Xia just finished speaking, and Lin Kui on the side responded: "Yes, yes! Yaozu, if you don't say it, how does Dad know about you!"

   Mo Jue's cry gradually became smaller, and slowly, the cry turned into a sob.

   After a while, Mo Jue spoke in a low voice and said, "I remember."

   His voice was so low that Lin Kui couldn't hear it clearly.

   "What?! Yaozu, what are you talking about?! Be louder, my dad is behind his ears."

   It's not that Lin Kui is behind his ears, it's that Mo Jue's voice is really low.

  If Xia Xia didn't know what Mo Jue was talking about, he wouldn't be able to hear it clearly.

   Mo Jue repeated it again, this time in a much louder voice.

   At least, Lin Kui heard clearly.

   Then, he stared at Mo Jue with wide eyes in surprise.

   opened his mouth, but Lin Kui was speechless because of his surprise.

   It was summer, and she spoke immediately after Mo Jue finished speaking: "What did you say, Yaozu? Do you remember what happened before?"

  Mo Jue's eyes were red and swollen from crying. He looked at Xia Xia, nodded lightly, and said, "I just fell asleep, had a dream, and then I remembered."

  Lin Kui still didn't speak, or Xia Xia asked Mo Jue: "Then do you remember your name?"

   Mo Jue nodded.

   Summer asked again, "What's it called?"

   Mo Jue: "Mo Jue."

  Summer: "Then do you know who is in your family?"

  Mo Jue: "Grandpa and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Uncle Er Uncle..."

  Who is there from Mo Jue's family in summer, where did you get home, do you remember the contact information at home, etc., please ask clearly.

  Lin Kui didn't speak the whole time, but he could hear Xia Xia and Mo Jue's questions and answers clearly.

   When Xia Xia finished asking all the questions, she looked up at Lin Kui and asked him, "Abba, what should I do now?"

  What to do…

  Lin Kui took a deep breath and finally said, "I'll go to town tomorrow, Yaozu... Mo... Mo Jue... Give me your phone number and I'll call!"

   When he heard Lin Kui's words, Mo Jue was stunned for a while, and when he reacted, he quickly got up from the bed and put his arms around Lin Kui's neck, and shouted, "Thank you, Dad!"

   This Abba was full of Mo Jue's gratitude to Lin Kui.

  Lin Kui listened, a simple and honest smile appeared on his disfigured face.

   He patted Mo Jue on the back and said nothing.


   The next day, Lin Kui was going down the mountain to the town.

  Linjia Village is located in a remote area, especially remote.

   To get to town, you have to walk for four or five hours.

  The weather is fine on a sunny day, but if it rains, it will be even slower, because it is all muddy roads.

   The weather is good during this time, and going to town will be much smoother.

   When Lin Kui was about to go out, Mo Jue carefully proposed: "Abba, I also want to go to town, I want to call my parents in person..."

   Came to Linjia Village for two years, but Mo Jue had never even been to the town.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have been unable to contact his family all the time.

   "Daddy, I want to go to town too!"

   Lin Kui, who was still hesitant at first, nodded and agreed after hearing Xia Xia say that he also wanted to go to town: "Okay! Let's go together!"

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