Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 618: A woman blinded by love (14)

   Wei Qiming's wishful thinking was very good, but he didn't recognize who the person in front of him was.

  If he recognized it, he would never take the initiative to say hello.

   Also, Shi Jiatong became a yellow-faced woman at the age of twenty-five for Wei Qiming all these years.

   In just two months, Wei Qiming would not have thought that in summer, Jiatong's body skin would become white and tender and breakable.

   Xia was a little surprised that Wei Qiming would block their way.

   But after seeing his expression and eyes, Xia Xia was not surprised.

   Because she saw Wei Qiming's obvious intentions on the surface.


   It's not that Wei Qiming doesn't want to disguise, but that he doesn't disguise well.

  Before, it was Shi Jiatong who was deceived by his disgusting face of hypocrisy.

  How can there be such a stupid woman?

   Summer's eyes flashed indifference, but the corner of his mouth raised an arc.

   She ignored Wei Qiming, just tilted her head and said to the court, "Let's go."

   Summer did not deny it, nor did it admit it.

Ying Ting next to    felt a little strange in his heart, and felt that his performance in summer was a little strange.

   But he didn't ask Xia Xia directly, just nodded slightly and took Xia Xia away.

  Wei Qiming wanted to turn around and look at the two people walking out of the clothing store, his face full of doubts.

   At this moment, Xia Xia turned around and gave him a meaningful smile.

   This smile made Wei Qiming have a...not a good premonition.

  It's weird, he really thinks Summer looks familiar, even his voice is familiar.

   But he can't remember where he saw it for a while...

   He asked Xia Xia, and Xia Xia ignored it and gave him such a smile.

   is so weird!

   "Who is that woman? Where did you know her?" Du Mengwen felt a little uncomfortable seeing Wei Qiming staring at Xia Xia all the time.

  A plain-looking woman, why should Ying Ting, who is aloof, get down on one knee and change her shoes in person?

  Du Mengwen will not admit that although her appearance in summer is not very good, her temperament is very special.

   And her skin...

   With the precise eyes of women looking at women, Du Mengwen knows that summer is without makeup.

  The skin of the plain face is so good, it's just - it makes people jealous and want to go crazy!

   Hearing Du Mengwen asking him, Wei Qiming shook his head and said, "I can't remember either, otherwise I wouldn't have asked her."

Du Mengwen raised her eyebrows, turned her head to look at Wei Qiming, raised her hand to grab his ear, raised her chin and asked him, "Say! Did you know that woman somewhere?! !"

   "No, no! How dare I go fooling around behind your back! And there is a beautiful you at home, why do I need to go out fooling around! How can those women outside compare to you!"

  Wei Qiming wrinkled his face, bent down and raised his hand to pull Du Mengwen's hand down, but he didn't dare, so he could only keep coaxing her.

   Obviously, Du Mengwen likes this.

   After Wei Qiming said a lot of sweet words, Du Mengwen finally let go.

   She looked at the door of the clothing store and muttered to herself: "It seems that I have to check that woman carefully..."


  After leaving the clothing store with Ying Ting in summer, they got in the car and left.

  In the car, both fell silent.

   Ying Ting did not speak, nor did Xia Xia speak.

   Until, the two have returned home.

  Xiamer took the newly bought clothes and shoes, and said to the court: "I'll put these back in the room first, and I'll come out to cook later."

   Ying Ting just looked at the summer without speaking.

  Xiamen didn't wait for him to respond, and went back to the room with his clothes and shoes.

   She didn't clean up, just put things in the room and turned around.

   Paused as she was about to leave the room, she looked at Ying Ting standing at the door of the room and blinked: "What's wrong?"

   Ying Ting looked at her, and after a while he finally opened his mouth and asked, "Do you know that man?"

   "I thought, Mr. Ying, you wouldn't ask me." Xia Tian chuckled twice, as if it didn't matter.

   Ying Ting walked into the room with his feet raised. The bedroom that was not small at first suddenly became much smaller.

   "If I don't ask you, don't you plan to say it?" Yingting asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen looked up at him and said, "Well, if you don't ask, then I'm not going to tell."

   As soon as she finished speaking, Ying Ting immediately asked again: "What about now? Do you want to say it?"

   He didn't know why he was obsessed with this matter, but he just intuitively knew Xia Xia and Wei Qiming.

   Did you know Wei Qiming in the summer before you knew him?

  What is the relationship between her and Wei Qiming?

   Ying Ting believed that Wei Qiming didn't even know what Xia Xia's name was, so the two should be unfamiliar.

   But at the same time, he felt that the relationship between Wei Qiming and Xia Xia was not that simple.

   "Do you want to know, Mr. Ying?" Xia Xia asked Yingting.

   Ying Ting nodded: "I think so."

  Xiamen shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll say."

   Hearing Xia Xia say these words, Ying Ting fell silent.

   He just stood there, waiting for Summer to tell him.

   "I believe Aunt Gui told you about me, right? I'm from the countryside. When I was 18, I had a banquet with my childhood sweetheart boyfriend. Even in the countryside, I was married..."

   Before Xia's words were finished, Ying Ting's brows were already wrinkled.

   "That man is yours..." Ying Ting couldn't say the word husband, and he also thought that he was not a husband at all.

   He knew about Shi Jiatong, what was abandoned by the scumbag, and was pregnant and drugged by the scumbag's family to cause an abortion.

   But these things did not make Ying Ting feel unbearable in summer.

  Xiamen nodded and hummed: "That's right, Wei Qiming is that man."

   received Xia Xia's accurate answer, Ying Ting's brows furrowed even tighter.

   At this moment, he was in a very bad mood.

   Such a scumbag actually works in his company!

   "I'll call the HR department and ask him not to come to work tomorrow." Ying Ting was about to take out his cell phone.

  Xiamen stepped forward and grabbed his wrist: "No!"

   Ying Ting stared at Xia Xia with anger in his eyes: "Are you still thinking about him?"

   "Of course not!" Xia Xia let go of Ying Ting's hand and took two steps back.

   Ying Ting looked at her and said nothing: "Why is that?"

   He couldn't understand why Xia Xia didn't let him fire Wei Qiming.

   Knowing who that scumbag is, he only needs a phone call, and he can no longer have a foothold in this industry.

  Scumbags like that don't deserve a good life!

Seeing Ying Ting's serious face, Xia Xia suddenly laughed, then pulled Ying Ting's sleeve and said coquettishly: "Oh, don't be in a hurry to get angry~ I won't let you fire Wei Qiming, of course there is a reason. !"

  Summer's coquettish act made Ying Ting wilt in an instant, with no temper at all.

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