Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 614: A woman blinded by love (10)

   Ying Ting was stunned for a while, so Xia Xia asked him what he wanted to eat...

   He swallowed and breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't immediately answer Summer's question.

   did not wait for Ying Ting's answer, and asked again in the summer.

   Ying Ting thought for a while and replied, "No."

   In fact, what Ying Ting almost said was 'As long as you do it, you can do it'.

   This is his sincere words, because he thinks that as long as it is made in summer, it will definitely suit his taste, so there is nothing special to eat.

   But speaking like that, it seems a little abnormal.

  Fortunately, he is usually a person who is not very talkative, so he swallowed the words again.

   Hearing Ying Ting saying that he didn't particularly want to eat, Xia Xia blinked, nodded and smiled: "Okay, I see."

   After saying that, he left Ying Ting's study only in the summer and closed the door.

   When the door of the study was completely closed, Ying Ting's originally tense body instantly softened.

   He leaned on the office chair, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little tired——

  After leaving Yingting's study in summer, he went downstairs to prepare lunch.

  Since Ying Ting said there was nothing special she wanted to eat, then she prepared the dishes she wanted to eat.


   At twelve o'clock, Ying Ting went downstairs on time for lunch.

   At half past twelve, lunch is over.

   One o'clock, Yingting takes a nap.

   At half past one, get up and read...

  When I am at home on weekends, I have dinner at 5:30 and go to bed at 10.

   Ying Ting's life seems to have been customized, the rules are terrible, and the time is accurate to the second.

   On Sunday, Ying Ting's daily routine is the same as on Saturday.

   On the first weekend, Xia Xia felt that the progress between her and Ying Ting was still very good.

   At least because of a maid outfit, Ying Ting was inexplicably nervous when he saw her.

   Although he concealed it well, some of his subtle movements were still caught in the eyes of the summer.

   So summer knows that this weekend, she has a lot to gain!

   But the real gain is that after working at Yingjia for a month in summer——

   Aunt Gui's waist is not good, and it will be uncomfortable when the weather changes.

  Although she has no husband and children, she has younger brothers, nephews and nieces.

  Aunt Gui was relieved by the performance of this month in summer, so Aunt Gui proposed to Ying Ting to go back to her brother's house to live for a while.

   Ying Ting of course agreed, with family members taking care of her, Aunt Gui didn't have to work so hard.

   Aunt Gui said that even if he went back, she would often come to see him.

   In fact, if it wasn't for the physical discomfort, Aunt Gui wouldn't want to leave.

   But it's useless for her to stay at Ying's house like this now, it's time to retire.

   Ying Ting gave Aunt Gui a sum of money, and also said that she would give her living expenses every month, so that she could retire with peace of mind.

  Aunt Gui knew what Ying Ting was like, so he gave her money and she took it.

   The next day, Aunt Gui was picked up by her nephew and niece.

  After Aunt Gui left, Ying Ting and Xia Xia were the only people left in the Ying family.

   Under one roof, just the two of them.

   Summer felt that the opportunity had come, while Yingting felt... very nervous.

   In addition to being nervous, he was also inexplicably excited.

   As for what the **** he was excited about, he himself didn’t know—

   Another weekend, get up in summer to prepare breakfast for Ying Ting.

   But at 7:30, Ying Ting, who was always on time, did not come downstairs for breakfast!

   Xia Tian thought that Ying Ting might be a little nervous about the two of them being alone, so he didn't come downstairs.

   But she waited until 7:45, and did not see the court.

   Looking at the cold breakfast, Xia Tian rolled his eyes and decided to go upstairs and call Ying Ting in person!

   Ying Ting's room is on the second floor, near his study.

  Xiamen stood at the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Mr. Ying, breakfast is ready, are you up yet?"

   In the room, I didn't hear Ying Ting's response.

   In summer, I put my ear to the door, but I didn't hear anything.

   She thought Ying Ting was asleep, so she knocked on the door a few more times.

   But no matter how she knocked, there seemed to be no one inside.

   Just when she was about to push the door in in the summer, she received a contact from Sharon.

As soon as    was connected, he heard Sharon say: "In summer, Ying Ting fainted! In the bathroom!"

As soon as    Xia Xia heard it, he didn't have time to return to Sharon's words, so he pushed the door into Ying Ting's bedroom, and then went straight to the bathroom.

   The shower in the bathroom was still on, rushing down Ying Ting who fell to the ground.

   Obviously, Ying Ting was taking a shower before fainting.

  So...he's not wearing anything.

   But at this time, Xia didn't have the heart to appreciate Ying Ting's figure at all, but hurriedly walked over with a bath towel to turn off the shower.

   She knelt on the ground, wrapped Ying Ting's body with a towel, and held his head in her arms.

   "Mr. Ying! Mr. Ying, wake up!"

   Ying Ting's face was pale and his brows were wrinkled, and it was still so painful to fall into a coma.

   Summer asked Sharon: "What's wrong with him?!"

   "I don't know, his basic information is not shown."

  Because of the system failure, Sharon couldn't find Ying Ting's detailed information, let alone why he fainted suddenly.

  Xiamen was very worried. She didn't get Sharon's exact answer, and she was even more worried.

   "Is he sick? If so, can the Plane Association cure him? Can the platform mall be opened again?!"

   Open it again, and if the platform mall is used, she can buy medicine.

   Of course, in fact, she knew that the platform mall could not be opened again.

   At least until the system is repaired, it is impossible to open it again.

   But she still hoped that Sharon could give her the answer she wanted, because seeing Ying Ting like this made her really panic.

  Sharon also hoped that she could give Xia Xia the answer she wanted, but he didn't.

   "All I can do now is to know that he is A Yu's host, and the rest... If he is really sick, he can only be treated by medicine in the world of novels, and the platform mall... can't be opened."

  Xiamen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could only comfort himself that Ying Ting must have no major problems. He must have fainted due to lack of oxygen. That must be the case!

   She felt that she must be thinking too much, Ying Ting just fainted for a while, she thought it was like he had a terminal illness, which was too exaggerated.

  Xiamen worked hard to suppress the uneasy premonition in his heart, opened his eyes and prepared to put Yingting on the bed.

   Yingting is very tall, and with all-year fitness, it is very strong.

  It is still very laborious to get him from the bathroom to the bed in summer.

   In order to avoid hurting Ying Ting, in summer, he also specially found a quilt to spread on the ground, then dragged Ying Ting onto the quilt, and then dragged the quilt out of the bathroom.

   Although the quilt got wet in the end, Ying Ting was successfully dragged out of the bathroom by her.

   Then, with great effort, he dragged him to the bed to lie down.

  It was only in the summer that I noticed that Ying Ting was not dressed yet!

  She saw Ying Ting all without intention!

   Ying Ting's figure is so good that Xia Xia couldn't help but take a second glance, and then hurriedly found pajamas for him to put on.

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