Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 612: A woman blinded by love (8)

   After saying this, Aunt Gui added: "But Mr. Ying doesn't like fancy clothes, so you can't wear them when you work."

  Aunt Gui was also worried that she would lose her job in the summer, so she kindly reminded the summer.

  Summer's eyes lit up instantly, and she suddenly thought about what to wear at work!

   "Aunt Gui, do you know where there is a place to order clothes?" Xia Xia asked Aunt Gui.

  Aunt Gui thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I know, do you want to order it yourself?"

   "Well, I want to order some clothes for work." Summer replied.

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Aunt Gui immediately said that she could take her to the store when she was free in the afternoon.

   "Okay, now you go to see your room with me first, after all, you will be living there for the next year!"

  Aunt Gui took Xia Xia's hand and took her to the bedroom on the first floor.

  There are two bedrooms on the first floor, one is for Aunt Gui, and the other is for summer.

  The room is very large, and the decoration style is the same as the overall decoration style of Yingjia, luxurious and rigorous, just like the people in Yingting.

   All the supplies in the room, Aunt Gui has prepared for summer.

   "Are you still satisfied with this bedroom?" Aunt Gui asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded with a smile, turned to Aunt Gui and said, "This is much better than the place I rented, I'm very satisfied!"

   Aunt Gui grinned, her wrinkled face was as kind as always: "You're satisfied, just pack up. If you want to go out to order clothes in the afternoon, you have to finish today's work early."

   "Okay, I got it, Aunt Gui."

  Aunt Gui patted Xia Xia's hand, turned and left her room——

  I didn’t bring many things with me in summer, just pack it up and start working.

  The main job at Yingjia is washing clothes, cleaning and so on.

   However, Yingjia is large, and it takes several hours just to clean it.

  Fortunately, after taking the medicine to restore the body in summer, the sequelae caused by Shi Jiatong's miscarriage and the roots of the disease left by the previous frugality are all gone.

   Now, although her physical strength is not as good as her own, and her force value is not at all, she is used to doing these jobs.

   So after a few hours of work, she would sweat at most, and she didn't think it was too hard.

   At noon, she cooked and ate with Aunt Gui. After lunch, the two went out.

  The style of the work clothes was drawn by the pen and paper that I brought myself after I finished work in the summer.

   After all, as far as she knows, in this world... at least this country, maid clothes are not yet fashionable.

   That's right, the work clothes to be ordered in summer are black and white maid clothes.

   Of course, it’s not that kind of sexy, or it’s more normal, cute and simple.

   In addition to being cute and simple, there is another reason to be courteous.

  Black and white are Ying Ting's favorite color.

   She was wearing a black and white maid outfit and dangling in front of him every day, how could he look at her more?

  Well... Xia Xia admitted that the reason why she chose to order a maid outfit was to attract Ying Ting's attention.

   As soon as I arrive at the clothing store, I will show my maid outfit design to the tailor in summer and ask him if he can make it.

  The summer paintings are more detailed, and the tailor is also an old tailor who has been working for decades, and he knows what to do at a glance.

  The master tailor said: "This is easy, it can be done!"

   Then the master asked how many pieces in the summer. After thinking about it in the summer, he said, "Let's make three pieces first, how many days will it take?"

   "If you are in a hurry, I can make it for you in three days."

   "Okay, then I'll get the clothes in three days."

   After negotiating the price and measuring the size, I told Aunt Gui that I could go home in summer.

  Aunt Gui originally thought that she would go shopping or something after customizing her work clothes in summer, but she was stunned when she heard that she was going home in summer.

   "This, this is going back?"

  Xiamen smiled and nodded: "Yeah, the clothes are all ordered, and there's nothing to worry about."

   "You don't buy your usual clothes?"

   "You can usually wear old clothes!" Xia Xia replied with a smile.

  It is mentioned in the work contract they signed that every Saturday is a summer rest day.

   Of course, if you don’t take a break in summer, it’s okay, and she will be paid extra for that day.

   It is uncertain whether to rest or not, but now there will be no rest in the summer months.

   Ying Ting does not work on Saturdays!

   If she was at home, the two would have a better chance to get along!

   There is no favorability prompt now, and Xia Tian doesn't know how Ying Ting will feel about her.

Is    a drop in favorability? Or increase the feeling?

  Summer can't help but think, if the strategy system can give her a hint, what is Yingting's favorability to her now?

   But thinking about it again, Xia Xia felt that she was always so bad, very bad.

   She relies too much on the strategy system, which is not good for her.

   As if she was useless without these things.

   But in fact, is she really useless without those cheats and strategy systems?

of course not!

  She is still her, except for some things that she can't resist...for example, he had a fever and hemorrhaged a lot last time, and there is no way to ask for help from others. The platform mall is urgently needed, and other things can be done by herself!

   So, if you don’t have it, you won’t have it.

   Even without these, she can make Gu Yanyu fall in love with her again and restore his memory——

  Since she said no to shopping in the summer, Aunt Gui didn't say anything anymore and went back to Ying's house with her.

  After returning to Ying's house, I went to the back garden to water the flowers in summer, and then chatted with Aunt Gui to shorten the distance between the two.

   At 5:40, she started to prepare dinner and served it on time at 6:30.

   At seven o'clock sharp, Yingting returned to the study after dinner, and cleaned up the tableware and kitchen in summer.

  Aunt Gui said that Ying Ting doesn't like people walking around the house at night, so it's best to go back to the room to rest after work in summer, and don't walk around.

  The first day of work, of course you have to be obedient in summer!

   So after finishing her part-time job, she went back to her room to rest in the summer.

   At this time, the Internet was not very developed, although those rich people also used computers, but in summer they didn’t even have a mobile phone!

   Fortunately, there is a TV in the room, so you can watch TV to pass the time in summer.

   This first day of work is over.

   In the next few days, the performance of summer is still quite satisfactory.

   Perfect and rigorous, so that neither Ying Ting nor Aunt Gui can pick out any flaws.

  The fifth day of work, which happened to be Saturday, Yingting did not have to go to the company.

   But even if Ying Ting doesn't have to go to the company, he still gets up at 6:30 to exercise and eat breakfast at 7:30.

   So in summer, breakfast must be ready for Yingting at 7:30.

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