Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 602: Sick Princess, Sister Xia (10)

  The spirit of summer can be so good, Princess Yan is happier than anyone else.

   Stayed in Princess Yan's yard for a long time, and also accompanied Prince Yan and Princess Yan for lunch.

  Xu was thinking that she could get along with Leng Yunchi more in summer and cultivate their relationship, so Princess Yan asked Leng Yunchi to walk in the garden in the afternoon in the afternoon.

   The spirit of summer is really good today, but in the afternoon, it is almost exhausted.

   After all, her body is not weak for a day or two. It is impossible that after Leng Yunchi warms her body once, she will be able to live and breathe.

   After sitting in the garden for a while, I feel dizzy and sleepy in summer.

  Leng Yunchi saw Xia Xia's tired face, didn't say anything, and pushed her back to the room.

   He carried her back to the bed and lay down on the bed himself.

  Leng Yunchi, like last night, took Xia Xia into his arms, put his hand on her heart, and began to exert his inner strength.

   Xia Tian tilted his head to look at Leng Yunchi, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

   She was even more and more certain that Leng Yunchi was Gu Yanyu's host!

   But she felt that something was missing.

   She felt that what was missing was not her love for Gu Yanyu, but... Gu Yanyu was missing something.

   But she didn't know what was missing.

   Summer suspects that this may be her illusion...

   "Leng Yunchi, did you do this without harming your body?" Xia Xia asked softly.

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Leng Yunchi directly regarded her words as caring about him.

   He smiled and replied, "Of course it hurts, but I'm happy."

   When hearing Leng Yunchi say this, Xia Xia really wanted to ask him if he was Gu Yanyu.

   When the words came to the mouth, they were still stopped by the reason of the summer.

   Even if Leng Yunchi is really Gu Yanyu, he is also Gu Yanyu who has no memory.

  With no memory, it is impossible for him to understand what Summer is talking about.

   So I chose not to speak in summer, and closed my eyes to sleep——

   has Leng Yunchi's inner strength to warm up and sleep well in summer.

   After taking a nap and waking up again, her spirit returned to the state she had when she woke up in the morning.

   She didn't go to eat dinner with Prince Yan and Princess Yan, but in her yard with Leng Yunchi.

   After dinner, I just sit on the bed and play in the summer.

  Leng Yunchi took a book and sat by the bed reading.

   From time to time, he would also look at Xia Xia and Xiao Xiao.

   Xia Xia always felt that there was some conspiracy in Leng Yunchi's small eyes, and glanced at him defensively.

   Seeing Xia Xia looking at him like this, Leng Yunchi chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a pervert."

   Hearing Leng Yunchi say that, Xia Xia laughed instead.

   This was the first time that Leng Yunchi saw Xia Xia smile so brightly, and was dazzled by her smile.

   In summer, she looks like Princess Yan. Princess Yan was also the first beauty in the Long Dynasty, and her appearance is amazing even now.

   In addition, in summer, people are weak and weak because of their poor health. Usually, when they just smile habitually, they are particularly protective.

   Now, the grinning summer has curved eyes and a particularly sweet smile.

   "You have to smile at me more in the future, I like to see your smile." Leng Yunchi said.


In the days after   , Leng Yunchi insisted on using internal strength to warm his body in summer every day.

   In the beginning of the summer, I was worried that Leng Yunchi's actions every day would affect her body. It was not what she wanted to trade Leng Yunchi's health for her health.

   Later, Xia Xia asked Leng Yunchi not to use her internal strength to warm her body, although she could clearly feel the improvement in her body.

The longer   , the more she was sure that Leng Yunchi was Gu Yanyu's host.

   Xia Xia still thought that it was inconvenient for her to move with such a body, so she couldn't find Gu Yanyu.

   She felt that now that Gu Yanyu was by her side, it was already very good for her.

  Although he didn't recover his memory, he still had her in his heart.

   She can drag this body, which is even weaker than Sister Lin, to wait until Sharon successfully gets in touch with her, and when Gu Yanyu recovers his memory...

   However, the issue of letting Leng Yunchi no longer use her internal strength to warm her up in summer was directly ignored by Leng Yunchi.

   He still warms and nourishes her body every day in his own way, making summer very helpless.

After saying    several times in the summer, Leng Yunchi finally told the truth to the summer.

   His inner strength is very deep, so although he uses inner strength to warm his body in summer every day, he is not affected by anything.

   At most, you will feel tired after running out of internal energy.

  Xia Xia didn't believe Leng Yunchi's words at first, but seeing that his complexion was always good, he lived in the Yanwang Mansion and gained some weight, so he believed it——

  The time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, Leng Yunchi had been living in the King Yan's mansion and in the summer for three months.

   In the past three months, the most obvious change in summer is that the body is getting better and better every day!

  Although she spends most of the day in a wheelchair, she can walk down the ground by herself.

   Although you can't walk for too long, you can catch your breath after walking a few steps.

   But this is already much better than before Leng Yun was late, and she will not fall into a coma every once in a while.

   The current Leng Yunchi is in the eyes of Prince Yan, Princess Yan and even the rest of the royal family, that is a great hero!

   Even Yu Wenye, who didn't like Leng Yunchi at first, became brother to him, and the relationship was too good.

  Everyone is looking forward to the summer because of Leng Yunchi's "Chongxi" to be healthy, to be able to get rid of the wheelchair completely, to be able to run and jump...

   But according to Leng Yunchi, it is no problem to get rid of the wheelchair completely.

   I might want to be able to run and jump, but it is impossible for my body in summer.

   Even if he insisted on nourishing her body for ten years, her body would be much weaker than others.

   Hearing what Leng Yunchi said, Xia Xia smiled and said, "Before this, my biggest hope is that I can live longer..." This will give you time to wait.

   "For me now, it's pretty good, I don't expect too much."

  Gu Yanyu's body is by her side, she can look at him every day and fall asleep in his arms, she is very satisfied!

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Leng Yunchi, who was using his inner strength to warm her up, tilted his head and looked at her: "I found that you are a little strange."

   "Huh? What's wrong with me?" Summer looked up at Leng Yunchi.

   In the past three months, not only did Leng Yun grow some flesh, but also in summer.

   Although his complexion is not as good as that of an ordinary healthy person, he also has some blood and some flesh on his body.

   The half-hour warm-up time is up, Leng Yunchi withdrew her inner strength, and the hand on Xia Xia's heart shifted the destination and placed it on her waist.

   Then, he said, "Why did you never ask me?"

  Leng Yunchi said this, Xia Xia understood what he meant.

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