Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 600: The sick and weak princess, sister Xia (8)

   After dinner, Qiaoer waited for the summer to drink medicine.

  Although I 'slept' for a day, I still have no energy in summer, and I feel that it is a little hard to open my eyes.

  She closed her eyes and didn't fall asleep.

   Seeing that it was not too early, Xia Xia heard Leng Yunchi say to Qiaoer, "It's alright to have me here, I will take good care of the county master, Qiaoer, go down."

   Qiaoer usually rested in the summer room, but now Leng Yunchi was there, and there was a special explanation from Princess Yan, Qiaoer bowed to Leng Yunchi and went out.

   Xia Xia heard the sound of the door closing, and her eyelids moved.

   Although she closed her eyes, she also felt the light in the room dim, as if Leng Yunchi had extinguished a few candles.

   Then, she heard footsteps approaching her...

  Xiamen finally couldn't help opening his eyes and looked at Leng Yunchi who was just about to lie down beside her.

   "You... sleep on the bed." She looked at Leng Yunchi lightly.

   If it wasn't for her mentally ill-conditioned speech, Xia Xia really wanted to make it clear to Leng Yunchi.

   I can't explain it clearly now, so I just order him.

   Originally thought that according to the character of Leng Yunchi, although he felt wronged, he should be obedient and go to bed.

   But Xia Xia didn't expect that Leng Yunchi just paused after hearing her say that, and then lifted her quilt and went into her bed.

  Summer: "!!!"

  Leng Yunchi lay on his side to face the summer, and grinned at her: "I am the husband of the county master, how can I not share the same bed with the county master! If it is different, there is no way to give the county master a blessing!"

   Xia Xia didn't believe that her body would be happy. If it was really so magical, what would a doctor do?

   "In this world, there is no bliss..."

   Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Leng Yunchi's actions.

  Leng Yunchi not only got into her bed and covered her with the quilt, but also reached out and held her hand!

  Xiamen broke free a few times but did not break free, and was a little angry.

   She tilted her head to look at Leng Yunchi: "Let go!"

  Leng Yunchi not only did not let go, but he had to take Summer into his arms with every inch.

  It is so obvious to take advantage of tofu and eat tofu. In summer, you will be so angry that you will call Qiaoer when you open your mouth.

   But the next moment, her body froze, and the word 'Qiaoer' was swallowed.

   She stared at Leng Yunchi with wide eyes, not hiding her surprise.

  The current state of the two is like this - Xia Xia is lying on her back, Leng Yunchi put one arm around Xia Xia and the other on her heart.

   Such a posture is ambiguous.

  Summer's cheeks flushed unnaturally, and beads of sweat slowly appeared on his forehead.


   She was interrupted before she even called Leng Yunchi's name: "Shh~ don't talk, I'm celebrating the princess."

   Xia Xia looked at Leng Yunchi, with a smile in his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

  The hand he put on her heart, a steady stream of warmth poured into her body, very comfortable.

   Doesn't mean... Leng Yun Chi Xiwen doesn't like martial arts, so he doesn't know martial arts?

  Although she is a weak chicken now, she can also feel his deep inner strength.

How could someone like    not be able to do martial arts!

   His martial arts are definitely very strong!

  Suddenly, Xia Tian thought of something, and his eyes widened: " are..."

   "You are, the man in black five years ago!"

   Summer's tone was firm, not asking Leng Yunchi.

   She was sure that the shy, introverted and inarticulate seven sons of the loyal and brave Hou Shu were the man in black who broke into her room with serious injuries five years ago!

   Despite being exposed by Xia Xia, Leng Yunchi was still so indifferent.

   He put his head close to the summer, the smile on his face deepened: "Long time no see~"

   Leng Yunchi did not deny him!

   Looking at Leng Yunchi with such a smile, Xia Xia suddenly thought he saw Gu Yanyu.

   For a moment, she couldn't help but wonder if Leng Yunchi might be Gu Yanyu's host.

   But she's not sure...

   In the past, when she saw Gu Yanyu, she could feel it immediately.

   It was as if the brainwaves of the two people had already been linked, and she knew it was him without the system prompting her.

   But in the face of Leng Yunchi... This feeling is not strong.

   Therefore, in the summer, I am not sure whether Leng Yunchi is the host of Gu Yanyu——

  Since I couldn’t think of an answer after thinking about it, I decided to wait and see what happened in the summer.

   Anyway, whether she likes it or not, Leng Yunchi is already her horse, and there is still more time for the two to get along!

   "What's your purpose?" Xia Xia asked Leng Yunchi, who was still using her inner strength to recuperate her body.

   Over the years, Lord Yan has indeed thought of many ways to treat her, including acupuncture, medicated baths... all are useless.

   But they didn't expect that they could use internal force to condition her body!

  Although, I didn’t think that I could use internal force before summer.

   But she now clearly feels that this internal force is indeed very useful.

   It didn't take long for her to feel a lot more comfortable in her heart, and even her breathing became easier.

   "Purpose?" Leng Yunchi looked at Xia Xia, who was a little more complex, and chuckled twice, but didn't speak.

   He doesn't even know what his purpose is...

  Five years ago, because of his serious injuries, in order to avoid the pursuers, he broke into the Prince Yan's mansion and entered the room of the county master.

   At that time, he really had the intention of killing her, thinking that as long as Xia Xia dared to scream, he would kill her.

  I didn't expect that even though she was a teenage girl, she was very calm.

   He lay down beside her, but she said he was afraid of the dark and asked him if he could light a lamp.

   At that time, he thought that the other party was just a frail little girl, so he would satisfy her small request, so he lit the lamp.

   Later, she found another opportunity to talk to him.

   He was seriously injured. Although he took medicine, he needed time to heal, so he was not willing to talk.

   Later, his injury was relieved, and when he was about to get up and leave, he heard a sigh in his ear.

   So, he lay motionless.

   The next moment, when he heard Xia Xia say in a slightly aggrieved tone, "I didn't eat dinner at night, I'm so hungry," he almost laughed out loud.

  Fortunately he was wearing a mask, otherwise he would have seen the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably in the summer...

   He didn't know what was going on, so he dragged his poor body to buy his favorite xiao long bao for Summer...

   As a result, his return was taken by Xia Xia as coming back to kill her.

   Looking at that delicate but pale little face, there was a trace of fear and precaution in her eyes, but the little girl who had to pretend to be calm, Leng Yunchi couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

  Leng Yunchi not only bought Xiao Long Bao for Xia Xia, but also fed her cough medicine, jokingly saying it was poison.

   After thinking about it later, Leng Yunchi felt that he might have had a convulsion.

   If it wasn't for the wind, how could he still think of summer from time to time.

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