Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 598: Sick Princess, Sister Xia (6)

  Xiamen leaned against the window and sighed, she never thought that the man in black would come here to ‘visit’ her after a month.

   Moreover, he still 'visited' her for such silly reasons as 'despising the power of the palace guards'.

   Of course, what Xia Xia didn't expect was that the man in black really left when she told him to leave!

   All of this came too suddenly and ended abruptly, which caught summer a little by surprise.

   Forget it, forget to ask and forget to ask, she will treat him like he has never been here...

   "Master, why did you come to the window? It's not good to catch a cold!" Qiao'er, who woke up, saw Xia standing by the window blowing the night wind, so frightened that she hurried over to support Xia.

   Xia Xia let Qiaoer help her to walk to the bed. She was in a hurry just now, and she walked to the window so quickly.

   But this Qiaoer usually sleeps very lightly. She coughs twice and Qiaoer wakes up. Today, she talked to the man in black, and Qiaoer didn't wake up.

   What did the man in black do to Qiaoer? But why didn't she see anything?

   Lying back on the bed, Qiao Er was still asking if she was uncomfortable in summer, so she ran to the window.

   "I just fell asleep and felt a little stuffy, so I opened the window to let in some air." Summer said softly.

   As soon as Xia Xia said that she was uncomfortable, Qiao Er immediately became nervous: "My servant, I will go and ask the doctor to help you take a look!"

  Xiamen shook his head gently and refused to ask the doctor: "No, I don't feel any discomfort now, I want to sleep."

   Inviting a doctor this evening will surely disturb Prince Yan and Princess Yan, it is really unnecessary.

   "Okay...then if you feel uncomfortable, you must call me a servant girl!"

  Xiamen nodded lightly, closed his eyes and said nothing.

  Qiaoer was guarding by the bed in summer, making sure she was asleep before going to bed——

  The fact that the man in black came to her room, no one knows except Xia Xia and the man in black.

The guards guarding    didn't find it, and he didn't bother to tell others in summer.

   She thought that since the man in black would come for the second time, he should come for the third time, right?

   Xia Xia told himself that if the man in black comes again next time, he must remember to ask him.

   But she waited for five years, and she didn't wait for the man in black to come back...


   In the past five years, the summer has been no different from the previous ten years.

   If there is really any difference, it is probably that her body is weaker.

   I don’t know if her brain waves are not adapted to this body or if she was born without oxygen for too long. The older she gets, the worse her body gets.

   She could barely walk a few steps before, but now she can't walk down the ground, either in a wheelchair or a sedan chair.

   It’s okay to live like a disabled person, her body was so weak that she fell into a coma every three days.

   Several times, she was directly given a 'critical illness notice' by the imperial doctor, saying that she might never wake up again.

  If it wasn't for Xia Xia's thought, she still had to find Gu Yanyu and waited for Xia Lun to contact her, her willpower was really not enough to keep her alive.

   Under the persuasion of Summer, Prince Yan and Princess Yan gave birth to another child.

  Because she was afraid that she would leave this world one day if she couldn't hold on, Prince Yan and Princess Yan didn't even have a queen.

   Princess Yan gave birth to twins. She is now three years old. She is very well-behaved and sensible, and she is very close to Xia Xia.

  Although she gave birth to two more children, the care of Prince Yan and Princess Yan is still more in the summer, and they take time to come to accompany her every day.

  Since the body is getting weaker and weaker, I spend more time in bed in summer.

   Looking at the emaciated and sick daughter, Prince Yan and Princess Yan saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

   Over the years, they have used every method, and they have invited many doctors who claim to be genius doctors to see it.

   But, it's useless!

   Later, I didn't know which temple Princess Yan came from, and said that she could be happy.

   As long as she gets married with a person whose eight characters are compatible, her health will improve.

   Probably thinking that no matter what the method is, you have to try it before you know if it works?

  So, Prince Yan and Princess Yan were really looking for a man with the same eight characters in summer, and they were going to recruit county horses.

  The matter of recruiting Gunma was unknown at the beginning of the summer, until... three days before the wedding, her room began to be decorated in red.

  It was only after asking in the summer that she knew that three days later would be her big day.

   is about to get married, but she is the last person to know about it!

  Summer choked for breath and almost didn't catch his breath.

   "Who? The other party...who is it?"

   She is so weak now that she has to stop to catch her breath when she speaks, which is really helpless.

  Qiaoer quickly replied: "It's the seventh son of Zhongyong Hou's concubine, called Leng Yunchi, who is twenty this year."

   "Although I am older than you, the princess, the prince and the princess have been searching for a long time to find the one that matches you the most!"

  Summer: "…"

   What can she say? She is struggling to speak now!


   She didn't even find Gu Yanyu, and she was about to get married!

  Looking at the festive red in the summer, he wondered if he should give up and continue to stay in this world?

   It's been fifteen years, and Sharon hasn't contacted her yet.

What has actually happened?


  Real World. Plane Association. System Chief Designer Equipment Room

  Ling Wuyi and Jun Shuya came to the Plane Association after receiving the news, and stayed by Xia Lun's side, asking from time to time, "How is it? Haven't found A Yu and Xiao Xia yet?"

  Xia Lun sat on the console without looking back, and replied, "I haven't been contacted yet in the summer, as for A Yu..."

   Having said this, Sharon stopped with a hesitant look on his face.

   "What's wrong with A Yu?" Jun Shuya asked nervously, her heart in her throat.

   "He... I just found some of his brain waves."

   "Part of?!"

  Ling Wuwei took a step forward and looked at Xia Lun: "You mean, A Yu is also like Ziqiu before, has his brain waves dispersed?"

   Sharon nodded and shook his head, explaining: "Because A Yu didn't leave that novel world under normal circumstances, and when he left, he hadn't recovered his memory..."

   "When he left the novel world, A Yu's brainwaves were severely damaged and divided into at least two parts."

   As soon as Sharon finished speaking, Jun Shuya, who was beside him, hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?!"

   Before Xia Lun had time to answer this question, Jun Shuya continued to ask: "Also, what about Xiao Xia? Are Xiao Xia's brain waves scattered too?!"

   That is her future daughter-in-law!

   Whether it is a son or a future daughter-in-law, nothing can happen!

  Xiaron took off her glasses, closed her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose, before answering Jun Shuya's question: "Summer has memories, so her brain waves should not be scattered."

Having said that, Sharon paused and continued: "If my analysis is correct, another part of A Yu's brainwaves and Xia Xia are in the same novel world, and what I have to do now is to reconnect with Xia Xia's. brain waves."

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