Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 576: Master, it's time to take medicine (3)

   This horror movie that Chongzhen and Sheng Qianyu watched was the premiere, and many people came to watch it.

  If you want to hunt ghosts, it’s not good to have so many people.

   Fortunately, the movie is coming to an end soon, and after the festival is over, the cinema will also close.

  When the time comes, all the staff in the cinema will leave.

   So Chongzhen and Xia Xia decided to find a place to hide first, and then come out to deal with the ghost when everyone in the movie theater is gone.

   "What if there are a lot of ghosts in the cinema? Can you handle it yourself?" Xia Xia asked Chongzhen in a low voice.

   Chongzhen snorted arrogantly: "Can you handle it completely easily!"

   "Why am I so disbelieving?"

  Xiamen's questioning tone made Zhongzhen almost jump up and say incoherently: "Why do I think you think I'm not good? I told you that I'm very good! I can beat ten ghosts by myself!"

When    was talking, Chongzhen was also good at gestures.

  Two index fingers overlapped, making a 'ten'.

After finishing the    strokes, Chongzhen blinked his eyes and put his hands down silently: "Uh... well, I haven't done so many strokes yet, the most at a time is three."

   Later, he was worried that Xia Xia still thought he was not powerful, and he added: "Those three are very powerful ghosts!"

  Summer: "…"

   She couldn't help but have some doubts, the skin in front of her is very good, and when she is quiet, she is definitely a ghost hunter who came out of the beautiful man in the portrait. Is it really her man?

   Well, it is indeed her man.

  Although I don't want to admit it, but her man is like this occasionally...the style of painting is not normal.

   "Isn't it bad, you'll know when you catch a ghost later and show it to me." Xia Xia said.

   Chongzhen stiffened his chest, feeling that even if it was to prevent Xia Tian from questioning his strength, he would have to take that ghost well later!


   Hiding in the dark for about half an hour, everyone in the cinema finally disappeared.

  Chongzhen and Xia Xia both turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone to illuminate, and then prepared to find the ghost.

   In fact, in summer, I have thought about whether to buy ghost eye drops to use, so I can see ghosts without getting dark eyes.

   But because I have been talking to Chongzhen, I have no chance to buy it.

  Chongzhen is a very talkative person, and his mouth never stopped for half an hour hiding in the dark.

   First, he reported his family name, said his name, and said that he had followed his master to hunt ghosts, Barabara, since he was a child.

After   , he added: "I'm also twenty-five this year!"

   As for Chongzhen's addition, Summer's answer is: "Oh."

  The 'coldness' of summer did not dampen Chongzhen's enthusiasm.

   He asked what Xia Xia's name was and what job he did, almost asking all eight generations of her ancestors.

  Xia Tian silently tagged Chongzhen in his heart: sometimes convulsive, arrogant, talkative... (to be continued)

   - Cinema 4

  This is the cinema where I watched horror movies with Chongzhen in the summer just now.

  Chongzhen said that the ghost may still be in this cinema.

  Xiamen followed Chongzhen and entered the No. 4 cinema with him.

  The cinema was empty, the power was turned off, and the surroundings were pitch black.

   If it wasn't for the phone in his hand, he would be out of sight.

Scenes like    are actually more scary than the horror movie I just watched.

  Because you don't know...Will there be a ghost silently appearing behind you.

   Then, calling your name...

   "Sheng Qianyu."

The sudden sound of    made Xia Xia startle.

   looked up and looked at Chongzhen standing in front of him: "What's wrong?"

  Chongzhen handed her something and asked her to hold it.

   Looking down at it in summer, it is a very ordinary round jade plaque without even lines.

  This jade plaque is about the size of a dollar coin.

   "What is this?" Xia Xia asked Chongzhen.

  Chongzhen said: "Take self-defense, if you see that ghost, throw it away."

   "What if I see a lot of ghosts?"

   As soon as she finished asking, she wanted to slap herself in the face, she would actually ask such an idiot question!

   It's just... the near-vermillion man is red!

   Hearing Summer's question, Chongzhen laughed: "Don't worry, although there is a lot of yin in the cinema, and there are other wandering spirits floating around, they can't cause substantial harm to humans."

   The one who can really cause substantial harm to human beings is the ghost who blows the neck in summer...

   Hearing Chongzhen's words, Xia Xia responded a little embarrassedly.

  Chongzhen didn't seem to notice her shyness, and watched with a small compass in his hand.

   He followed the compass, and in the summer he followed him.

  Suddenly, Chongzhen stopped.

   He looked at a position, and his eyes instantly became sharp.

  Chongzhen handed Xia Xia her cell phone and told her to stand still, while he ran towards that position.

  Xiamen took his mobile phone to light up Chongzhen, but he couldn't see the ghost he was dealing with.

   It's not that you can't see it, but you can barely see a cloud of black mist.

   I saw that Chongzhen didn't know where to get a sword, entangled with the black qi.

  Chongzhen's sword qi is golden, and every time he swings it out, it can disperse the black qi.

   Then, in summer, the ghost's cry will be heard.

   Probably the ghost thought he might not be Chongzhen's opponent, so he focused his attention on Xia Xia.

   While Zhongzhen was not paying attention, the ghost flew towards the summer.

  Xiamen holds the jade card in her hand and is ready to throw it out at any time.

   Seeing that the ghost was still one meter away from her, Xia Xia threw the jade card in his hand.

   At the same time, Chongzhen bit his finger and drew a talisman in the void, hitting the ghost directly.


   The ferocious cry is harsh and unpleasant.

  Xiamen watched that black gas dissipate... Oh no, it entered the jade card she swung out.

   Then the jade card seemed to have eyes and flew back to Zhongzhen's palm.

  Xiaomi looked up at Chongzhen, who had put away his sword.

  Chongzhen stood there, just wearing very ordinary casual clothes, and his hair was neither long nor short.

   He is handsome, with an indifferent smile on his face, and his temperament is full of confidence.

   He really looks like a ghost hunter.

  The process of chasing ghosts takes no more than ten minutes, which is somewhat surprising in summer.

   It seems that the rookie celestial master she defined for Chongzhen was wrong, and he added two more labels: when he is serious, he is a male **** and his strength is extraordinary.

  However, the serious style of painting did not last for three seconds. Chongzhen waved her proudly with the jade token: "How about it, isn't my ghost hunter very good?"

  Xiamen smiled helplessly and nodded: "It's amazing! It's amazing!"

  Fortunately, Chongzhen's power is directly proportional to his appearance, otherwise it is really...

   But: "Since you are so powerful, why were you scared like that by a ghost just now?"

  Chongzhen coughed a little embarrassedly and explained, "I said it all, I was too involved in watching the movie..."

   Afraid of asking again in the summer, Chongzhen hurriedly said: "Okay, the ghost is also caught, let's go!"

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