Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 574: Master, it's time to take medicine (1)

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Chongzhen's favorability for you is 0%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Xia Xia just followed Gu Yanyu from the last novel world to this novel world, and was almost jumped up by the deafening screams, thinking that something terrible had happened.

  Because the screams and some kind of scary sound effects stole Summer's attention, she didn't even notice the sound of the system prompt.

   She opened her eyes and saw a big screen in front of her, surrounded by pitch darkness.

   In addition to a burst of screams, it stopped immediately.

   In my ear, the loudest voice is the voice on the screen.

  Xiamen blinked, watching the horror murder scene on the screen.

   This is, watching a horror movie, right?

   After watching it for a while in summer, I think the horror of this movie is quite attractive.

  The movie should have only started when the summer just came, and the title of the movie gave the audience a particularly exciting scene of horror and murder.

  Although the movie is very attractive, Xia Xia still thinks it is better for her to receive the plot and memory.

  So, in this dimly lit theater, she closed her eyes to receive the plot and memories——

  The body has a nice name, Sheng Qianyu.

   When you hear this name, it should be a girl with long legs and goddess level.

   However, the host is a master who is less than 1.55 meters tall...

  Sheng Qianyu is 25 years old this year and has graduated from university for several years.

   Her career is relatively leisurely, and she allocates her working hours by herself.

   That's right, she's a professional web novel writer.

The reason why    became an online novel writer is entirely because Sheng Qianyu suffered a blow from his job failure after graduating from college.

   Young and arrogant, Sheng Qianyu has changed several jobs in succession without good results.

   The longest job I persisted in was only half a year.

   The successive failures of work made Sheng Qianyu doubt his life.

   Later, she stayed at home for half a year, eating and living.

   The family couldn't stand it and trained her every day.

   Two years ago, Sheng Qianyu left home with his suitcase after a big quarrel with his family.

After    left home, Sheng Qianyu rented a single apartment and stayed in the apartment every day to watch dramas and novels.

  The days are pretty decadent.

   Suddenly, one day, she had the idea of ​​writing a novel by herself.

   Then, she actually registered the author number on a novel website.

   On the first day, she had conceived the novel type and character modeling.

   Fill in the title and introduction, and write a 2,000-word opening chapter waiting for review.

   The next day, Sheng Qianyu received a message reminder that the novel passed the review.

   So, she started writing novels.

  Her writing is not very good, but the content makes people want to read it.

When the    novel was thirty thousand words, she received a contract message.

   So she chose to sign the contract and sent it away on the same day.

   After the two-month free period of novels, Sheng Qianyu's novels were released.

  The first month’s manuscript fee is only a few hundred dollars.

   Plus the 600 yuan attendance bonus, it's only about 1,000 yuan, not even half of her rent.

   But she saw some great writers, and the monthly fee is hundreds of thousands of millions...

  Sheng Qianyu doesn't have high requirements. It would be good to have seven or eight thousand manuscript fees a month to support her.

   She has also been working hard for this goal, insisting on updating 8,000 or 10,000 words every day.

  In the blink of an eye, Sheng Qianyu has been writing novels for more than a year.

   has been tepid in the online literature world. He has written two novels with equal grades, and the monthly manuscript fee is also 6,000 or 7,000 yuan.

  Although she didn't reach her goal of seven or eight thousand, she still managed to eat enough.

   Well, Sheng Qianyu is quite satisfied.

   Now Sheng Qianyu lives a very fulfilling life, writing and writing novels every day, most of the time has passed.

   Sheng Qianyu now has a habit of going to the cinema to watch a movie once a week, as a reward for himself.

  As for other times...except for groceries, she basically doesn't go out unless she can.

   Well, actually Sheng Qianyu usually orders takeout, and only cooks and eats on a whim.

  By the way, I forgot to mention that the type of novels written by Sheng Qianyu is supernatural——


  The memory suddenly stopped when Sheng Qianyu came to watch this horror movie.

  The plot of the movie was terrifying for a time, and the audience in the movie hall screamed again.

   The one who cried the loudest was the one sitting next to her.

  Xiamen tilted her head to look, the flashing light of the screen allowed her to barely see the outline of the screaming audience beside her.

   That was a man of about twenty-five or six years old, handsome and with a bit of an ancient flavor.

   is this man, screaming with a ghastly face at this time.

  I think it's summer...he's scarier than a horror movie!

   But this man, why does she look so familiar?

   Moreover, there is a special feeling.

   Usually this special feeling is only for Gu Yanyu.

   raised her eyebrows, Xia Xia suddenly remembered that when she first arrived in this world, she seemed to hear the voice of the strategy system.

   She checked it, and there really was information about Gu Yanyu's body.

   Chongzhen, male, twenty-five years old.

  Occupation: Ghost hunter.



   What the hell? !

   Sheng Qianyu's memory is incomplete, even Chongzhen's personal information is so incomplete!

   went to watch the plot again in summer, only to find that she hadn't even received the plot!

what is the problem?

  Is there a loophole in this world?

   But the problem is, she didn't receive the sound of the vulnerability!

   Xia Xia contacted Sharon, and the moment she heard Sharon's voice, she was worried that she would not be able to get in touch.

   As soon as he heard "Hello" from Sharon over there, Xia Xia hurriedly asked, "What's going on in this novel world? Why is my body's memory incomplete and A Yu's body's information incomplete."

   Sharon explained: "There is a big loophole in this novel world, and a repairer has repaired it, so the plot is incomplete."

   "So, there's no problem with this fiction world?" Xia Xia asked.

   "Well, no problem."

   "No problem, just fine!"

  With Sharon's guarantee, summer will be more at ease.

  Although there is no plot, the memory of the host is incomplete, and the information of the host of Gu Yanyu is not complete.

   But at least, Gu Yanyu is still by her side...

  Xiamen looked at Chongzhen, thinking about the occupation shown on his profile.

   Ghost hunter?

   means that there are ghosts in this novel world?

   But she looked at Chongzhen, why didn't she believe that he was a ghost hunter? !

  Since he is a ghost hunter, he would be so miserable when watching a horror movie!

   Probably because he watched it for too long in the summer, Chongzhen had to pay attention to her gaze.

  He tilted his head, and his eyes were on Summer.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Chongzhen's favorability for you is 5%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

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