Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 571: Young man, are you in love? (26)

  The two just confirmed their relationship tonight, Qin Zhihuai can't wait to be tired of being together all the time.

   When his friend was in a relationship and said that he wanted to be with his girlfriend all the time, he laughed at it.

  But now, it has become like him.

   "Good night, rest early!"

  Xiamen nodded: "You too, then I'll go up first."


Although    said so, Qin Zhihuai did not intend to let go of the summer.

   Xia Xia couldn't laugh in his heart, and his face was full of smiles: "Qin Zhihuai, are you reluctant to bear me? Otherwise, you will sleep at my house tonight?"

   Summer's invitation made Qin Zhihuai nod without thinking.

  But after nodding his head, he quickly shook his head: "No no no! We are not yet eighteen years old, we can't do this!"

  Pfft... What is this like?

   Probably really afraid that Xia Xia would drag him into Shen's house for the night, Qin Zhihuai said to Xia Xia, "You hurry in, I'm leaving!"

After   , Qin Zhihuai stepped on his bicycle and left.

   Maybe he was too nervous, so Qin Zhihuai's bicycles were all twisting and turning left and right.

  Xiamen couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing: "Qin Zhihuai, are you still afraid that I will eat you?!"

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Qin Zhihuai almost hit the tree next to him...

   Although I managed to control the bike in time, I still got the summer laugh.

   Qin Zhihuai's face was as red as a tomato.

  Xiamen stood at the door and watched Qin Zhihuai disappear before she turned around and prepared to enter the house.

   Before she could go in, she was stopped by someone.

   The person who called to stop the summer was Shen Yue.

   Shen Yue stopped her at the door this big night...

  Xiamen turned around and saw Shen Yue standing behind her with this suitcase beside her.

   "Su Yue, you were kicked out by my dad?!" Xia Xia looked at Shen Yue with no concealed surprise on her face.

   At this moment, Shen Yue didn't have the heart to pursue the matter of calling her Su Yue in the summer.

   Her eyes were red, and she looked at Xia Xia pleadingly: "Han Han, tell Dad to let me go back, I promise to be obedient in the future! I just hope I can have a shelter from the wind and rain..."

What's the meaning? Was he really kicked out by Father Shen?

   Xia Xia felt a little unhappy in her heart. Why did Father Shen drive out Shen Yue before she could go out?

   "Su Yue, why did my dad drive you out?" In the past five months, Father Shen has been as good to Shen Yue as before!

   So as long as Shen Yue doesn't do it, Father Shen will definitely keep her up.

   To be raised by such a cheap father, if Shen Yue knew how to be content, she should be snickering!

   But Xia Xia is really strange, what did Shen Yue do to make Father Shen so angry that he drove her out directly?

   When asked this question, Shen Yue's eyes flickered and he hesitated to say.

   Xia Xia raised his eyebrows, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, he was stopped by Shen's father who came out.

   "Han come in, don't talk to that kind of person."

   Father Shen's face was stern, his face was very ugly, he didn't even look at Shen Yue.

   Now, summer is even more curious about what happened.

   "Dad, I'm sorry, sorry! I know I was wrong! Please forgive me, if that didn't happen, okay? I'll be good in the future, I'll definitely..."

   "Shut up! What right do you have to call me dad? Leave now, or I'll let someone send you away!"

   This is the first time in summer to see Father Shen being so cruel to Shen Yue, which is quite unexpected.

   Father Shen didn't give Shen Yue another chance to speak, he stretched out his hand to lead Xia Xia back to Shen's house, and closed the door of Shen's house ruthlessly.

  Shen Yue refused to give up, crying and begging for forgiveness outside.

After    Xia Xia followed Father Shen, he asked him curiously, "Dad, what did Sister Yue do?"

   When Xia Xia mentioned Shen Yue, Shen's father's expression turned a little ugly.

   However, he pursed his lips and answered, "She made a mistake of not being able to stay in the Shen family."

   When she wanted to ask again in summer, Father Shen told her not to ask and go back to her room to rest early.

   Obviously, Father Shen didn't want to tell her what Shen Yue had done.

   Okay, even if Father Shen and Shen Yue didn't tell her, she would have a way to know—

  While returning to the room in summer, he contacted Sharon in the Plane Association.

   She asked Sharon if she knew about Father Shen and Shen Yue.

   Sharon replied proudly: "A panoramic view! If you don't find me, I will definitely find you to share!"

   "Then tell me quickly." She couldn't wait.

   Sharon told Xia Xia that just an hour before she came back, Father Shen came back full of alcohol.

  Because he was a little drunk, when he came back, the servants helped him as usual.

   As a result, she was stopped by Shen Yue.

   Shen Yue said that she would personally help Shen's father back to the room.

   Although Shen Yue is not the biological daughter of Shen's father, they still have to call her miss in the Shen family.

  Since Shen Yue said that she would personally help Shen's father back to the room, then let her help herself.

   After Shen Yue helped Father Shen back to the room, she did not leave Father Shen's room immediately.

   She stood beside Father Shen's bed and looked down at Father Shen, her expression unclear.

   After about a few minutes, Shen Yue suddenly moved.

   She raised her hand and took off her clothes...

  Yes, Shen Yue took off her clothes!

   After she took off her [light] light], she climbed onto Father Shen's bed and went to take off Father Shen's clothes.

   Father Shen was a little drunk, not so drunk he was unconscious.

   Someone took off his clothes, can he not feel it?

   Father Shen thought that maybe the servant wanted to change him into pajamas, so he raised his eyelids and glanced casually.

  I didn't expect that I just glanced casually and saw Shen Yue who was not wearing any clothes!

  Father Shen was sober at the time, and jumped up from the bed.

   "Xiaoyue?! What are you doing?!"

  Because Shen Yue was not wearing any clothes on the bed, Father Shen turned his head to one side.

  Shen Yue felt that Shen's father was drunk, and his brain's thinking ability was definitely not good.

   It is said that men are animals who think with their lower bodies, and she can't give up at this time!

  Shen Yue got off the bed, reached out to hug Father Shen, and said, "Dad, I don't want to be your daughter, I want to be your woman."

   This is the best solution that Shen Yue has thought of in the past few months.

   As long as she becomes Father Shen's woman and gives birth to a son for Father Shen, the Shen family will also have her share!

   She must never leave the Shen family, and she must never give up the Shen family's property!

  Shen Yue's hug and words scared her father away and pushed her away.

   "Shen Yue! What nonsense are you talking about!"

  Shen Yue also gave it up, fell to the ground and looked at Father Shen: "I'm not talking nonsense! I want to be your woman!"

   "Impossible! I treat you as a daughter!"

   "You have so many women outside, can't I have one more?"

  Shen Yue's words made Father Shen sick.

   He is a playboy, and there are indeed quite a lot of women outside.

   But he doesn't change, okay?


  【The four chapters have been updated! 】

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