Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 559: Young man, are you in love? (14)

  Qin Zhihuai grinned, and said in a lower voice, "I think...she's overplayed a bit..."

  Although he hadn't met a few times, Qin Zhihuai didn't have a good impression of Shen Yue.

   Of course, he's a boy, so it's not good for girls.

   So when he was talking just now, he asked if Summer wanted to hear the truth.

   Hearing Qin Zhihuai's truth, Xia Xia almost laughed: "Good boy, good eyes!"

   She really didn't expect that Shen Yue, with such a good acting skill, didn't deceive Qin Zhihuai.

   It seems that some of Shen Yue's ideas are doomed to fail!

   Summer patted Qin Zhihuai on the shoulder and said, "It's getting late, you go home first."

   Qin Zhihuai looked at the time, it was not too late.

   However, I just came out of the Shaojie Center today in summer, so it’s time to take a good rest.

   "Are you going to school tomorrow?" Qin Zhihuai asked Summer.

  Xiamen just wanted to nod, but suddenly remembered that tomorrow is Saturday.

   She grinned: "Our school doesn't have classes on Saturdays."

   Qin Zhihuai was stunned for a while, then remembered that tomorrow is Saturday.

   scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and smiled: "Our school doesn't have classes on Saturdays."

   "Then tomorrow... I'll come and play with you, okay?"

   Qin Zhihuai made up his mind to supervise the summer well, and it is best to let the summer move under his nose every day.

  Xiamen suppressed a smile and nodded: "Okay, come on!"

   "Well, then I'll go first."

"I send you!"

  Xiamen took Qin Zhihuai's arm and walked towards the door with him.

   Outside the door, Shen Yue was still knocking on the door.

   She has been standing at the door for several minutes, but she has not seen Summer to open the door.

   If she hadn't thought that Qin Zhihuai was still in the room, she would have pushed the door and entered directly.

   She raised her hand to knock on the door again, and the door finally opened.

  Shen Yue immediately raised a smile: "Sister..."

   "Zhi Huai is going back, I'll take him out. Sister Yue just put the fruit salad in my room, I'll eat it later."

After   , Xia Xia talked to Qin Zhihuai and went downstairs with a smile.

   Looking at the back of Xia Xia and Qin Zhihuai leaving, Shen Yue's hands trembled with anger.

  Summer is on purpose!

  Summer is definitely on purpose!

   Xia Xia was clearly in the room, but she didn't come to open the door when she heard a knock, and deliberately left her to dry.

   Now she is…

   Shen Yue lowered her head and looked at the delicate fruit salad in her hand, wishing she could fall directly to the ground.

   Is she a servant who can be ordered at will! ?

  Look at the tone of voice he just said in the summer, 'Just put the fruit salad in my room, I'll come back to eat later'.

   She brought her a fruit salad, she didn't say thank you, instead she used that tone!

   "Shen Han!"

  Shen Yue lowered her head to hide the gloom in her eyes. She stood at the door of Xia's room and didn't move for a long time.

  Suddenly, a malicious smile appeared on the corner of her lips.


   Xia Xia sent Qin Zhihuai away and went back to the room. The door of the room was not closed, and Shen Yue had already put down the fruit salad and left.

   Looking at the plate of fruit salad, I didn’t move in summer.

   After a pause, she picked up a small silver fork, forked a piece of watermelon dipped in salad dressing, put it in front of her nose and sniffed.

   She raised her lips and smiled disdainfully.

   It seems that Shen Yue is still a little uneasy, she has already angered her without doing anything.

   Putting white toothpaste in a fruit salad is so vulgar…

   Fruit salad with toothpaste, of course, will not be silly to eat in summer.

   Just right, give her a chance to fire the chef—

  Summer went downstairs with a fruit salad, and before he even got to the kitchen, he shouted, "Who made the fruit salad tonight?!"

   Father Shen was in the study upstairs and heard Xia Xia's angry voice.

  My daughter lost her temper on the first day she came back, and Father Shen was a little nervous.

   He quickly put down his work and went downstairs.

   And Shen Yue who was in the room also heard the voice of summer and hurried downstairs.

   When Father Shen and Shen Yue went down, they saw Xia Xia Dang Dang throw the fruit salad plate on the table.

  The plate is very strong, and the movement is so big that it just shakes out a few pieces of fruit.

  Although the plate was fine, the chef Wang Dajiang who prepared the fruit salad was startled.

   He couldn't help but take a step back: "Second...Second Miss..."

   "Shut up! Didn't you listen to me, don't call me Miss 'Second'!"

  The momentum in summer is too strong, and Wang Dajiang, who seems to be honest and friendly, doesn't dare to speak.

   But the expression on his face was not all fear, but rather resentment.

   "What's wrong? Isn't the fruit fresh?"

  Although Father Shen felt that it was not worth getting so angry over a fruit salad, but thinking of his neglect of his daughter over the past few years, he couldn't get angry.

   Hearing Father Shen's voice, Xia Xia looked back at him.

  By the way, he also glanced at Shen Yue next to Father Shen.

   Shen Yue pursed her lips and looked at the plate of fruit salad without speaking.

  Xiamen turned his head, pointed at Wang Dajiang's nose and said, "Dad, ask this guy who doesn't know what to do with our salary! Putting toothpaste in fruit salad, what's the new way to eat it?"

   "What?! Toothpaste?!" Father Shen was surprised.

Shen Yue next to    was also surprised, surprised that she didn't expect to make trouble in summer because of this plate of fruit salad.

   Since Su Huiyun married into the Shen family, she first replaced a large number of the original servants of the Shen family.

   More than half of the servants in the Shen family can be said to be the confidants of Su Huiyun and Shen Yue.

   And this chef Wang Dajiang is also Su Huiyun's confidant.

   In Shen Han's memory, only Shen's father was seriously ill. In the information received in the summer, Shen's father's condition was mentioned in more detail.

   Father Shen became ill because there was something wrong with the soup he drank every day.

   This soup is what Su Huiyun ordered Wang Dajiang to cook!

   This kind of chef stopped frying and kept it to poison himself?

   "No sir, I don't!" Wang Dajiang quickly explained.

   He really didn't put toothpaste in the fruit salad, how dare he!

   "You haven't? What about I ate a mouthful of toothpaste?" Summer's anger continued.

   "Impossible! I didn't put toothpaste!" Wang Dajiang still insisted that he didn't put toothpaste.

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and pointed at the plate of fruit salad: "You eat this plate of fruit salad now, and you'll be fine after you finish it. If you don't finish it, get out of here immediately!"

   In order not to be fired, Wang Dajiang took a piece of apple dipped in 'salad dressing' and put it in his mouth.

   As soon as I put it in my mouth, I got a mouthful of toothpaste.

   "Bah ah ah!" Wang Dajiang quickly spit out the apple.

   Seeing him like this, Father Shen knew that there was indeed toothpaste in the fruit salad.

   "Wang Dajiang!" Father Shen growled.

  Wang Dajiang felt that he was wronged, and he usually played tricks in Shen's father's soup, but he didn't dare to play tricks in other places.

   So he believed that summer must have tricked him.

   Maybe I wanted to fry him in summer, so I deliberately put toothpaste in the fruit salad...


  【The five chapters have been updated today! It's said that this week's daily updates are over! Starting tomorrow, 8,000 will be updated every day, and the update time will remain the same! love you~]

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