Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 554: Boy, are you in love? (9)

   So whether it's Su Huiyun or other women out there who want to rely on their children, they are all delusions.

   "Then why don't you think about whose responsibility it is?! Is it my responsibility alone?! Did you forget that I was only seventeen! I was only fifteen when I first came into contact with drugs!"

  Yes, when summer comes today, quarrels are coming.

   Father Shen pointed at her to roar, and she just stood up and roared louder than anyone else.

  In the past, when Shen Han and Father Shen didn't even quarrel, let alone communicate.

  Shen Han usually ignores Father Shen directly and leaves immediately when he hears his words.

   Her behavior, didn't she just give Su Huiyun and Shen Yue a chance?

   Might as well quarrel!

  Summer's remarks made Father Shen angry, and at the same time he couldn't help but reflect.

  Yes, how could he forget that his daughter is only seventeen years old...

   What was the reason for his fifteen-year-old daughter to be exposed to drugs?

   Father Shen looked at Xia Xia, his tone weakened: "Didn't I ask your Aunt Hui to take good care of you..."

   "Take care?! Which eye did you see?! When you found out that I was taking drugs, you didn't persuade me to quit, but instead told me to help me keep a secret to take care of me? Give me money to buy drugs every month to take care of me?"

   "Hehe...he really took good care of me! If it wasn't for Aunt Hui! How could I hide it from you for so long! Do you think so?"

   In summer, Father Shen's face became even more difficult to look at.

   He didn't want to believe what Xia Xia said, but there's no reason for her daughter to lie to him, right?

   "Aunt Hui, did you really do this?"

   "What about the quarrel! Are you going to quarrel? Shouldn't you be yelling at me and saying 'Impossible! Isn't your Aunt Hui such a person'?!"

   Good guy, don't play cards according to common sense!

   She thought that Father Shen would not believe her so easily, and she was going to quarrel and quarrel later, and have another tearful attack.

   Father Shen: "..."

  Why doesn't he know that his daughter is so funny?

   Thinking about it carefully, after the divorce, he seems to have neglected this daughter...

   In fact, when he first got divorced, Father Shen also wanted to take good care of his daughter.

   But Shen Han's reaction was too great, and he completely regarded him as an enemy.

   Then slowly, the concern of father and daughter became estranged.

   "Speak! What are you doing in a daze!" Xia Xia patted the table, bringing back Father Shen, who had fallen into memory.

   Father Shen raised his head and looked at his daughter whose face was red with anger. Suddenly, he couldn't hold back and laughed.

   "Okay, I'll cooperate with you. Impossible! Your Aunt Hui is not that kind of person!"

  Summer: "…"

  Why didn't she know that Father Shen was so funny?

   Can we still have a good fight?

  Xiamen blinked and sat back again: "Why is she not such a person! She even hired someone to go to the Shaojie Center, trying to trouble me!"

   Originally, she didn't plan to say this in the summer, because at first she felt that if she didn't put the evidence in front of her father, Shen father would never believe it.

   It was obvious that Father Shen knew that he was more likely to trust his biological daughter than his current wife.

   Probably because Father Shen hasn't gotten sick yet...

   She remembered that after Shen Han returned from studying abroad, Shen's father was seriously ill.

   During that time, Su Huiyun took care of her in a perplexed manner, which moved Father Shen very much.

  After his physical recovery, Father Shen was completely virtuous, he no longer went outside to mess with flowers, and he believed in every word Su Huiyun said.

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Father Shen immediately became serious; "How do you know that is the person your Aunt Hui is looking for?"

   If this is really the case, it has to be worth his thought.

   "Humph~ Because they just came in and they came to trouble me, trying to provoke me and make me cause trouble inside! If you don't believe me, Dad, go investigate it yourself."

   After a pause, Xia Xia added: "That's the Shaojie Center! As far as I can see, those two are at least twenty-five or six years old!"

   Father Shen did not speak, his face became more serious.

   After a while, he looked up at Xia Xia: "Why did you decide that it was the person called by your aunt Hui? Didn't you offend people when you were fooling around outside?"

   "So you believe Su Huiyun and don't believe me?" Xia Xia raised her eyebrows and her eyes were round.

   Father Shen quickly waved his hand to deny: "No, no! I just think your Aunt Hui's reason for doing this..." Do it.

   Before he finished speaking, Father Shen couldn't say it himself.

   How can there be no reason, Su Huiyun has the most reason to do this!

  Su Huiyun knew that half of the Shen family's property was left to Shen Han, so she planned to deal with Shen Han.

   Who is Father Shen, who has been in the shopping mall for many years.

   What dark side has he not seen?

   Conspiracy theory, can he think of it?

  According to what Xia Xia said, when she knew that Shen Han was addicted to drugs, Su Huiyun chose to help her hide it instead of persuading her to quit drugs.

   Yes, if Su Huiyun really wants to be a good stepmother, when she finds out that Shen Han is taking drugs, she will not say how tough her attitude is to force her to quit, but at least she has to tell him this father!

   "Aunt Hui, when did you know you were taking drugs?" Father Shen asked Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia said without thinking: "Two years ago, when I first got addicted to drugs."

   As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Father Shen's eyes darken.

   Two years ago!

   That woman, she knew about it two years ago!

   She helped his daughter and hid it for two years. What was her intention? !

   More importantly, it was Su Huiyun who "discovered" Shen Han's drug use more than a month ago.

   It was Su Huiyun who told him that a syringe was found in Shen Han's room.

   A person who knew about it two years ago, why pretend that he only discovered it more than a month ago?

   Father Shen didn't dare to think about it anymore, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

   In the past few years, Su Huiyun has always looked like a good wife and mother in front of him.

   Knowing that she has a good relationship with her daughter, Father Shen is still very pleased.

   It turned out that she was helping to hide her drug addiction and to build a good relationship with money to buy drugs!

   "Didn't you think your Aunt Hui was pretty good before?" Father Shen raised his eyes and looked at Xia Xia.

   Summer hooked his lips and sneered, but didn't answer right away.

   She leaned on the back of the chair and half-squinted her eyes: "Yeah, before entering the Shaojie Center, I really thought she was pretty good~"

   "But Dad, do you know? Drug addiction really makes life worse than death!" She opened her eyes and looked at Father Shen with tears in her eyes.

   From her eyes, Father Shen seemed to see her pain when she got rid of drugs.

  The blood is connected, how can he not feel distressed as a father!

   Father Shen began to blame himself, why can't he spend more time with his daughter?

  Why can't he pay more attention to his daughter's usual behavior and situation?

   It's all his fault! Blame him for the incompetence of being a father!

   "The doctor said that if I quit drugs earlier, it wouldn't be so bad."

   "Do you think Su Huiyun understands this truth?"

  Yes, does Su Huiyun understand this truth?

  After all, anyone with a little common sense knows that when something is just contaminated, it is the easiest to quit!

   But why did Su Huiyun choose to help Shen Han hide it?

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